Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 212 Internal Explosion

Metal Slug Tank is a tank famous for its high mobility and is extremely flexible.

Strong defense is just its additional ability, which is not important.

Their strongest ability is the super sensitivity of being able to run and jump, which is far superior to other tanks!

This also makes this tank very driver-dependent. The driver's skill level determines the upper limit of its combat power.

And now! The ultimate enhanced Metal Slug 4 tank! It is also driven by an ace hero of the tank unit!

How terrifying is the destructive power it exerts at this time! It can no longer be described in words!

This tank is not racing at this moment! It just flies too low!

A sliding drift, bringing a lot of sparks.

The Metal Slug Tank just swooshed through the gap between a large number of warrior mechas.

Qin Ming, sitting in the shooting position, pulled the trigger frantically, cooperating with the Metal Slug Tank to sweep away a large number of enemies around.

Without waiting for the enemies to gather around, the Alloy Slug Tank, which had already turned, accelerated and rushed out again. While rushing out of the encirclement, it turned its gun muzzle to the rear and continued to fire.

While blasting, Qin Ming, who was changing bullets for the machine gun, suddenly pointed forward.

"Hey! Lao Deng! Get on the battleship!"

Hearing this reminder, Jamie Fox, who was concentrating on controlling the Alloy Tank, quickly looked up and looked over there. Then his eyes lit up, but his eyebrows also frowned.

Over there, the huge air fortress, which was less than 20 meters away from the ground, was extending a large number of decks downwards. At this moment, countless warrior mechas were moving down along the decks to provide support to the ground troops.

"No! The number of mechas on the passage is too dense! The space is too small! We can't squeeze in!"

"Then what do you say?"

"Change the way!"

With a roar, the Alloy Slug Tank suddenly swung its tail and rushed into the distance.

Sweeping away the enemies rushing around and smashing a warrior mecha, the Metal Slug Tank jumped onto the ruins, and then jumped continuously, passing various obstacles and forcibly jumping onto the wall of the camp.

It ran through the wall at high speed, avoiding the crazy firepower bombing of the opposite battleship.

Amid the flying wood chips, the Metal Slug Tank that stopped after a tailspin suddenly opened up at full speed and rushed out at full speed towards the air fortress in front.

The engine roared! Facing countless gunfire and rain of bullets! The Metal Slug Tank, whose body was blown up to sparks! Leaped up along the broken bridge! Just like that, it drew a beautiful arc in the air! It crashed into the cockpit glass of the opposite battleship!

With a loud bang! The bulletproof glass was shattered by a shot!

The Metal Slug Tank was smashed into the cab with the fragments all over the sky!

This caused the rebel soldiers who were operating the weapons above the battle fortress to stop their actions in surprise and turned their heads to look over.

They were stunned and almost thrown out. Qin Ming, who was holding on to the tank, was also shocked.

Turning his head to look at the collapsed wall in the distance, and then looking down at Jamie Fox who was also in shock, Qin Ming, who finally recovered from the shock, suddenly cursed.

"Fuck! You dare to jump from more than 20 meters away! Or jump with a tank!"

Hearing this roar, Jamie Fox, who was holding the joystick with both hands, grinned fiercely.

"Sorry, I'm old and my eyesight is not good. I didn't see the distance clearly just now. Besides, I'm not afraid of a general, so why are you calling me a corporal!"


Before the voices here fell, there were bursts of roars all around.

The rebels who didn't expect that the enemy would rush into the cab under the hail of bullets, hurriedly took out their weapons after reacting, and rushed over here with roars.

"Kill them!"

Hearing the roars around them, Qin Ming and Jamie Fox had no time to continue swearing at each other. Qin Ming turned the machine gun, Jamie Fox pulled the lever, and the Alloy Slug Tank fired and rushed out again.

The tank shuttled frantically in the huge cockpit, running around dozens of rebel soldiers and constantly shooting at them.

These dozens of soldiers could not run away, chase, or hit them for a while.

After more than a dozen of them were quickly killed, they finally recognized the reality and realized that they could not beat the other side at all, so they hurriedly ran towards the exit.

But as soon as they rushed into the battleship passage, a loud noise came from the back.

Then, with everyone looking like they had seen a ghost, the wall of the cab was directly blasted open by a cannon, and the Alloy Slug Tank actually broke through the wall! Chased out of the cab!

The narrow passage was completely turned into a dead place, and the remaining rebel soldiers who had nowhere to hide were killed on the spot by the cross-shooting of two machine guns.

The Metal Slug tank that rushed over the corpses began to shuttle through the interior of the air fortress along the passage, and fired a shot into each room it encountered!

The driver's cab! Blast! The control panel! Blast! The storage room! Blast! The armory! Blast!

Even when passing by a toilet! Jamie Fox controlled the tank and fired a shot into it! A member of the resistance who was using the toilet was blown up to the sky on the spot!

This huge air fortress has more than one control room.

The place where the two rushed in just now was actually just a small weapon control room, which was not important at all.

What really matters is the main control room! It is the final hub for controlling the entire air fortress!

And Qin Ming and Jamie Fox, who were running rampant in the air fortress at the moment! They were heading there!

Holding the trigger tightly, frantically destroying everything they could see, Qin Ming and Jamie Fox now had ferocious expressions and extremely fierce eyes.

They didn't know how many buildings they destroyed and how many drivers they killed along the way. Finally, they blew up several warrior mechas in front of them, broke through the iron door, and finally killed their way into a huge space.

And here! It is the final hub of the entire battle fortress! The core cab!

The tank stopped at the entrance with a tail swing, and Qin Ming pointed the machine gun straight ahead.

On the opposite side, a large number of adventurers also stopped their actions at this moment, looking at this side with a look of astonishment.

The two sides confronted each other silently for a few seconds, and finally Qin Ming, who was sitting on the tank, spoke first.

Looking at the conspicuous King of Fighters team logo on the other side, he suddenly grinned.

"Are you from the King of Fighters?"

Hearing this, the people on the opposite side quickly realized that Qin Ming was also an adventurer.

The leading captain hurriedly stepped forward and grinned.

"Yes, brother is also an adventurer? Then why don't we cooperate........."

Da da da da da da!

Before the other side finished speaking, the harsh roar was heard.

After confirming the other party's identity, Qin Ming gave them a volley of bullets without hesitation.

Cooperation? Cooperation bullshit!

After he met the members of the King of Fighters team! There is only life and death! Nothing is unpredictable!

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