Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 215 New equipment! Alloy warhorse!

Inside the camp, the defense line has been rearranged.

To be honest, the newly arranged defense line may not be as exquisite as the previous one, and may even be slightly inferior.

If the original defense line is a standard textbook arrangement method, which is extremely rigid.

Then the defense line at this moment is not only rigid, but also non-standard.

After all, Adjutant Shuke was only a corporal before, that is, a centurion. Although he attended the military academy, he was just a low-level officer.

He knows how to deploy troops, but he only knows how to deploy troops. In terms of knowledge and experience in this area, how can he compare with those majors and colonels in the barracks!

Those guys may be timid and afraid of death, but they are still good at climbing to their current positions.

It’s just that they can’t compare with the deployment of troops, but they can’t stand the fierceness of the soldiers who now constitute the defense line!

They are all members of the Hound Corps! Each of them is almost armed to the teeth!

If someone wants to break in at this time, what awaits him is definitely a fierce firepower network.

The terrifying equipment quality crushes! Enough to make up for all the deficiencies in tactical arrangements!

Even if they are attacked by others! Forced to fight a battle! They can also force you to fight a head-on firepower duel!

The adjutant Shuke here is doing his best to arrange the defense line, and another adjutant Beta is selecting soldiers, distributing weapons to them, and trying to convert them into his own people.

As for Qin Ming, the commander-in-chief? He doesn't have much to do. After all, it's his two adjutants who work on weekdays. He is only responsible for providing equipment and leading soldiers to fight.

He never intervenes in matters such as arranging troops or logistics management.

At this time, Qin Ming is checking the weapons of other troops in the camp, preparing to merge some more to supplement the new recruits.

It's just...

"Old man! Why are you always following me? Aren't the people sent by the top leaders starting the Sky City battleship? Aren't you going to follow them back? Be careful of being targeted again!"

Looking at Jamie Fox, who was leading the guards and following him closely, Qin Ming couldn't help but collapse.

After hearing his impolite words, Jamie Fox didn't get angry this time. Instead, he stood aside happily and looked at the tanks of the Hound Corps, especially the Alloy Slug Type 4 that he had driven. He kept patting it with his hands and sighing.

"What a good tank! Type 4 tanks can be so hard? How did the rebels improve it?"

At this point, his tone suddenly paused.

After secretly glancing at Qin Ming on the side, he saw that he was looking at him expressionlessly and had no intention of speaking up, so he quickly patted the tank armor again, making a muffled bang.

"If we can take this thing back, it must be of great research value! If someone is willing to offer it, the higher-ups will definitely make him a high-ranking official!"

After a pause, Jamie Fox secretly glanced at Qin Ming next to him.

Seeing that Qin Ming still had no reaction, he immediately coughed again with a straight face.

"A tank can't help much on the front line, and it can't be used for defending the barracks, but it can pave the way for yourself and ensure that your military career is smooth... Don't you understand? I mean that people have to learn to think for themselves. It's useless to just fight and kill. You also have to learn to understand human relationships... Don't you understand? I mean that your position as commander is only temporary after all. Before the top leaders officially approve it, you may be replaced at any time, so you have to find a way to get someone to help you apply for the appointment... Hiss! Don't you understand this, kid? I mean!"

"I understand, I understand! Don't say anymore, you're just short of pulling the tank soldiers out and forcibly driving the tank away yourself. What else can I not understand?"

Looking at Jamie Fox, who had been talking for a long time and constantly looking at him with his eyes, Qin Ming was speechless.

"But this is my trophy after all, it's not good for you to just take it away."

"What? You still want me to beg you? Let me, an admiral, beg you?"

"Why do you beg me? It's not worth it."


"No! I mean it's not a good thing. I don't need you to beg, but you can exchange it with something. It doesn't have to be of equal value. Any level of weapon is fine, as long as I like it."

"Exchange? This... is also fine!"

…………Half an hour later, accompanied by bursts of roars, the Sky City Fortress flew up again, carrying Admiral Jamie Fox and others, flying towards the city in the rear.

And inside the fortress, there is now an alloy warhead tank that is only the 4th model, but extremely powerful, plus a batch of equally powerful ordinary model standard firearms.

These are the equipment that Admiral Jamie Fox exchanged from Qin Ming, and he is going to take it back for a good study.

As for the items he used to exchange for these things...

Looking at the brilliant silver-level warhorse standing in front of him and the new weapon hanging on the warhorse, Qin Ming scratched his head for a while.

The weapon hanging on the warhorse at this moment was the equipment that Jamie Fox tricked him into trading for a large number of his weapons. It was a special equipment that could be brought into the nightmare space.

Name: Energy Machine Gun Device-Experimental Type 2 (Metal Slug 1)

Category: Vehicle Pendant (Dull Silver Quality)

Equipment Requirements: Vehicle

Effect 1: Energy Machine Gun (Fixed Attack Power 25-30, Ammunition Capacity 3000 Rounds, Refreshed when Entering the Next World)

Introduction: This is the latest portable energy machine gun developed by the regular army. It can be mounted on any vehicle, from tanks to motorcycles and horses. I heard that it can even be mounted on camels!

Energy machine gun! Isn't this the weapon on the Metal Slug Tank? This thing can actually be pressed on the horse? !

Looking at the black warhorse summoned by the bronze gong, and the energy machine gun installed on the saddle on the side of the warhorse, which looks out of place in the painting style, Qin Ming was speechless.

He never expected that after his Metal Slug Tank was driven away, he would be replaced by such a weird thing!

Alloy warhorse! How can it go directly from the level of World War II! Back to the level of World War I!

Stroking his beloved horse and looking at this mount that he rarely rides, Qin Ming sighed helplessly.

Forget it, just change it, no matter what the grade is, at least you can take it out, right?

In this world, it may not seem to be very useful, but in other worlds, a warhorse equipped with a machine gun is unique.

After putting away the warhorse, Qin Ming quickly walked to the warehouse, ready to sort out the fusion equipment and upgrade the soldiers, at least to arm all the new recruits.

And this fusion took him two full days.

In two days, Qin Ming, who specially selected the soldiers in the barracks and expanded his subordinates from 4,000 to 12,000, became the commander-in-chief of the camp in a true sense. Recently, he has been in high spirits.

Qin Ming, who has completely turned the barracks into his own one-man show, is now standing in front of the table with his hands behind his back, pretending to look at the map and thinking about what to do next.

But before he could figure out where to take the soldiers to attack the rebel forces today, a signalman suddenly ran in from outside the door.

He was carrying a telegraph and his expression was very panicked at the moment.

"No! Commander! Emergency help! The Peregrine Squad is in danger!"


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