Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 217 The Insidious King of Fighters Team


"Wang Ming."

"What are you doing in the city?"

"My relatives live here, so I came to live with them."

"What did you do before?"

"Workshop worker."

Quickly queuing up in front of the door, Qin Ming smiled as he looked at the rebel soldiers who were picking up their IDs and looking at them, and answered very fluently.

Seeing this, several rebel soldiers who had checked their IDs and confirmed that they were correct also quickly made way for Qin Ming to pass.

Qin Ming, who had taken back his ID, nodded to them and was about to enter the city.

However, just after passing through the city gate, a harsh sound suddenly rang in his ears.

Qin Ming was stunned when he heard the noise, while the rebel soldiers around him reacted very quickly and raised their weapons and aimed at him in an instant.

"Don't move! Put your hands up!"

Qin Ming, who had reacted, was stunned and quickly raised his hands obediently, while turning his head to look around with a puzzled look.

It was strange. He had no weapons and had taken off his equipment long ago. Now he had no metal on him. How could the device at the door still make a sound?

What on earth was it making a sound... Wait a minute? !

His eyes suddenly focused, and Qin Ming's sight suddenly locked on a glowing device on the wall. The next second, his face turned black.

It was that device that was screaming wildly at the moment, but it was not a metal detector, but a special exchange item in the nightmare space! Numbered detector!

The bastards of the King of Fighters team! They actually placed this thing at the door! To detect adventurers!

As for why they tried so hard to screen adventurers! Don't even think about it! After all, this world is a killing mode! Killing adventurers can get spoils!

As expected, Qin Ming had just reacted when several military vehicles rushed in from a distance, and the few people leading them were adventurers.

Before the people arrived, one of the guys had already set up the heavy machine gun on the car and fired wildly at Qin Ming standing at the door.

They didn't plan to catch anyone at all! There was only one goal! That was to kill people!

"Fuck you!"

Qin Ming, whose body was hit by a bullet in an instant, had a flash of fire in his eyes, and the next second, he raised his arms high and suddenly swung them forward with all his strength.

Sonic hand knife!

With a buzz! The high-speed rotating white airflow directly broke through the rain of bullets! It just cut hard on the heavy machine gun!

The heavy machine gun was split in two on the spot, and the adventurer behind was also chopped off on the spot with a scream.

And before the first sonic hand knife dispersed, the five-tone sonic hand knife that followed had already flown over and chopped on the armored vehicle, cutting the armored vehicle on the spot with sparks flying and exploding instantly.

Qin Ming, who forcibly killed one person, raised his hand to protect his eyes despite the gunshots that rang out all around him, and rushed into the city regardless of anything.

And during the charge, he quickly put on his equipment and took out a gong and hit it hard.

With a loud bang, a neighing sound suddenly came from the city.

The next second, a dark muscle warhorse broke through the wall and rushed towards this side frantically.

Special vehicle summons! Brilliant silver warhorse!

All attributes have reached 25 points. The muscular black horse, whose combat power is not much weaker than that of an ordinary small boss, rushed wildly along the way, directly knocking the crowd with its back to him, and even several soldiers were forcibly thrown up.

It crashed into the chariot head-on, directly knocking the chariot to the side and stopping steadily in front of Qin Ming.

Qin Ming, who had already changed his clothes. He pressed the pirate hat on his head with one hand, turned over and threw the reins directly while riding the horse, and galloped away!

Under the sound of horse hooves, the warhorse shot out like a sharp arrow, and while running, the energy machine gun hanging on its left side also began to roar, aiming at the enemies rushing up from all sides and firing wildly.

The rebel soldiers who were attacked screamed and fell to the ground. Two adventurers were even hit from the front and were severely injured instantly.

The warhorse burst out at full speed, carrying Qin Ming and rushing out of the crowd, running desperately towards the front.

As it ran, the soldiers who reacted from behind chased it.

Several tanks roared over, constantly stepping on the accelerator to chase from behind, and the adventurers and soldiers above were holding machine guns and firing at this side.

Qin Ming, who was covered by gunfire and rain of bullets, was also hit hard after being shot several times in a row.

He grabbed the energy machine gun next to him, and he actually rode the warhorse upside down, facing the crowd chasing from behind, and started shooting at them with a machine gun!

Facts have proved that even if it has not been upgraded, the energy machine gun itself is of dim silver quality, and its firepower is not something that ordinary weapons and vehicles can compete with.

After all, this is loaded on the alloy warhead tank! The top black technology tailored for it! The power is outrageous!

A full 3,000 rounds of ammunition! A bracket that can be fixed and adjusted at any angle! And almost no recoil! The energy machine gun is simply a mobile turret!

With all attributes of 25 points, the running speed is doubled.

This weapon mounted on a warhorse is no less threatening than the one on the Metal Slug Tank!

With the machine gun roaring, Qin Ming smashed four tanks! Two tanks! And three chasing fighters! And a blind team of ten people blocking the road!

After passing through various narrow alleys, constantly shuttling back and forth in the residential buildings, he finally got rid of the pursuers after a while, and just let go of the machine gun and breathed a sigh of relief.

But he never thought that at this moment, a loud bang suddenly came from the side.

The next second! With the explosion of the house! A huge monster suddenly broke through the wall! Killed him from beside!

And this huge monster! It was a tank! An oversized tank!

It was ten meters high! It was twenty-eight meters long! It weighed nearly a thousand tons!

Not only were there heavy six-barreled Gatling Vulcan cannons on both sides! There was also a double-barreled energy cannon in the middle!

This directly smashed the residential building! The behemoth that chased with unstoppable momentum! It was the special decisive battle weapon developed by the rebels! It was also the reason why they robbed the energy cannon on the top of the Zhexue this time!

It was a heavy artillery tank! Codename: Gu Wang!

The super tank that was supposed to be the final boss of the third level in Metal Slug 1! Debut!

This experimental super tank that debuted early for some reason and came directly to the frontline area has an outrageous firepower on top, especially the double-barreled energy cannon in the middle, which can even penetrate the hill with one shot.

The only drawback is that the design of this energy cannon is flawed, resulting in slow charging.

This is also the main reason why the rebels have been trying their best to seize the energy cannon on the top of the Zhexue. They just want to be able to understand the technology of the Zhexue energy cannon and completely make up for the design defects of Gu Wang.

The current Gu Wang tank has not had time to make up for its own defects, resulting in the main gun still having the disadvantage of slow charging.

But these cannot cover up its tyrannical destructive power. At this moment, the double-barreled energy cannon on the top, which has been fully charged, has just appeared and is aimed at Qin Ming on the side and shines brightly.

Energy cannon! Fire!


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