Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 237 Cowboys’ way of greeting


In the western town, as the wooden door was pushed open, the cowboys who were drinking and chatting loudly in the tavern instantly fell silent.

Everyone turned to look at the door, and subconsciously pressed their palms to the weapons on their waists.

Under their nervous gaze, two figures quickly walked in from the door.

After seeing clearly the appearance of the two people walking in, bursts of laughter quickly erupted from the originally tense atmosphere inside the wine tube.

Because a man and a woman walked in from the door. The woman was actually wearing a weird military uniform, and the man was wearing a funny old-fashioned pirate uniform.

What's wrong with wearing something like a pirate suit in this desert area?

Where can I find the sea for him here? Is this guy the commander of the Mongolian Navy?

Facing the roar of laughter from everyone, Qin Ming, who walked in with his arms around Kasamoto Miles, ignored them.

Qin Ming came directly to the bar, opened the chair with his legs, sat on it, and knocked on the counter with a familiar touch.

"Give me a glass of milk, and give her a glass of high-purity vodka."

Followed by Miles Kasamoto who was sitting next to him, he quickly corrected himself after hearing this.

"It's a bottle, a whole bottle."

Hearing this, the bartender couldn't help but grin.

"We have vodka, but not milk. The Cowboy Tavern doesn't provide milk. If you want to drink it, go to the school next door."

As soon as these words came out, there was another burst of laughter from all around.

This made Qin Ming couldn't help but raise his hand to press the pirate hat on his head, and silently glanced around.

Noticing his gaze, one of the cowboys around suddenly stood up and came over happily.

"This Mr. Pirate."

"It's the captain, the pirate captain."

"Oh, then Mr. Pirate Captain, are you in the wrong place? There is no ship for you here, and there is no milk you want!"

He brought his face closer with a smile, first glanced at Miles Kasamoto next to him, looked at this beautiful beauty, and then locked his eyes on Qin Ming.

Looking at Qin Ming, who was not wearing any weapons, the smile on his face gradually became ferocious.

"Mr. Captain, do you know what will happen if you don't bring a pistol to the Cowboy Tavern and also bring such a beautiful female companion with you? By the way, if you have a conflict with someone and someone wants to duel with you, what will happen to you? What do you need to fight with? Do you rely on your fists? Hahahaha!”

As soon as the laughter started here, the surroundings immediately burst into laughter again.

But before their laughter could stop, a muffled sound suddenly reached their ears.

Looking at the bearded cowboy who was leaning close to his face, Qin Ming, who was sitting on the chair, suddenly punched him in the face like lightning.

With a bang, the bearded cowboy with a smile on his face and his entire facial features sunken fell straight to the ground with a loud bang.

Qin Ming, who was sitting on the chair and silently closed his fist, looked at him with a look that looked like he was mentally retarded, and grinned at the same time.

"That's right, it's all about fists."

A man playing with guns actually dared to approach me? He is really crazy!


Seeing the sudden move of hands here, and the fact that his companions were directly dealt with, the expressions of the cowboys around him changed drastically. They stood up in panic, and at the same time reached out to grab the revolver at their waist.

But before they could draw their weapons, Miles Kasamoto, who was sitting next to him drinking, saw a cold light flash in his eyes. With a graceful turn, he raised his hand to pull out the revolver from his waist, and fired six shots with a single-handed hammer.

As sparks flew, screams echoed in the tavern.

The cowboys had just drawn their weapons and before they had time to take aim, the pistols in their hands were shot away!

The palm shook everyone who was trembling. For a moment, their faces were full of horror, and the tavern became silent.

After firing six shots in a row, Kasamoto Miles took a puff of smoke from the barrel of the gun, then rotated the pistol, directly inserted his revolver back into the holster on his leg, turned around and started drinking his own vodka.

This made the cowboys present couldn't help but look at each other in shock.

Noticing that the bullets in Miles Kasamoto's pistol had been empty and had not been reloaded, one of the cowboys' eyes flickered. After a slight hesitation for a second, he suddenly raised his hand and drew his gun in an attempt to shoot.

But he had just raised his weapon, and the piercing sound of gunfire had already exploded in the room.

Qin Ming, who had his back turned to him and didn't even look back, suddenly took out his revolver, raised his hand, pointed it at the back, and fired five times in a row.

All five bullets hit the man's body! The first shot blasts away the weapon! The second shot hit the wrist!

Then the third shot hit the head! The fourth shot in the throat! The fifth shot hits the heart!

As the continuous gunshots dissipated, the cowboy who was frozen in place fell straight down, completely dead.

Qin Ming, who quickly fired the gun, turned the gun and pointed it at the bartender in front, shaking the gun slightly to signal.

This made the bartender, who was reaching for the shotgun under the bar, suddenly freeze and quickly raise his hands.

"A glass of milk, thank you."

Seeing that the other party cooperated obediently, Qin Ming finally took back his weapon.

The bartender swallowed nervously when he heard this. He didn't know that he was meeting a master. He quickly opened the counter and poured Qin Ming a glass of milk. He even thoughtfully put a sugar cube in it.

Qin Ming took the cup and raised it slightly to express his gratitude, and then drank the milk in one gulp.

After doing all this, he grabbed his belt with both hands, stood up and staggered towards the cowboys next to him.

Looking at the cowboys who were looking at him nervously, Qin Ming scanned the crowd and suddenly locked his eyes on a pair of men and women.

"Take off your clothes!"


"Take off your clothes, I like your clothes."

As soon as Qin Ming finished speaking, the expressions of the cowboys turned pale.

Although the shooting skills shown by Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri just now made the two feel very scared.

But as cowboys in the West, if they choose to give in when others bully them, then they can't expect to stay here in the future, I'm afraid anyone will dare to bully them.

Therefore, although they were very nervous, the two had no intention of handing over their clothes, but just stood there stiffly.

This made Qin Ming roll his eyes and quickly put his hands in his arms.

Seeing this action, the cowboys also nervously reached out and pressed the revolvers on their waists.

The atmosphere in the tavern immediately became extremely stiff, and the few people across the table started a tense confrontation.

The slight sound of the wind, the ringing of the bell, and the heavy breathing intertwined with each other at this moment, making everyone in the room looking at this side stare at them nervously.

The two cowboys who were confronting Qin Ming were so nervous that sweat kept coming out of their foreheads, but they didn't dare to wipe it off. Their hands were so tense that they turned white, and they just held the pistols in their hands, ready to pull them out and shoot at any time.

Under the nervous gaze of everyone, Qin Ming, who had put his hand in his arms, finally moved.

He slowly pulled his palm out of his arms, showing a gold coin clamped on his finger, and Qin Ming, who was wearing a pirate hat on his head, smiled slightly.

"I'll buy it with money."

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