Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 239 Rules of the West

In the wilderness, Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri, riding on the same horse, were wearing cowboy clothes and staggering forward along the map.

They were going to the target of this mission, which was the territory of the bandit leader Simon, and waited there for the enemy they were tracking to appear.

Although the journey was a bit far, it was not a problem to get there before dark with the strength of the Black Rabbit Warhorse.

However, the two of them were not in a hurry at this time, but were moving forward slowly. As for the reason...


The Black Rabbit Warhorse suddenly stopped its hooves on the way forward, and Qin Ming, who was riding on the horse with his head down, quickly grabbed the brim of his hat with one hand and slowly raised his head.

All around, in the desolate countryside, a large number of cowboys had stood up from behind the bunkers and were holding their weapons towards this side.

They were fierce and had a variety of weapons in their hands, including rifles, pistols and even shotguns.

And along with the sound of horse hooves, several figures riding horses slowly walked out from behind the huge stone in front.

The leader was the sheriff who had just done a deal with Qin Ming!

Riding on a horse, he stretched out his hand to pull the reins, and with his other hand he held a rifle on his shoulder.

The sheriff, whose body swayed gently with the warhorse, now had a cigarette in his mouth, a sheriff's hat on his head, and a playful smile on his face.

"Hey, Mr. Bounty Hunter, we are really destined to meet again so soon."

Qin Ming, who was holding down the brim of his hat with his hand, lowered his head and couldn't help laughing when he heard it.

"Yes, it is quite fate. I wonder if Mr. Sheriff has any advice?"

"I don't dare to take the advice, but you seem to be very rich. Anyway, you are going to challenge Simon and die. Since you will die sooner or later, why don't you be more generous? Give us all the money first?"

"Oh? Black eat black?"

Scanning the surroundings with his peripheral vision, looking at the aggressive cowboys in all directions, Qin Ming narrowed his eyes slightly.

Hearing his words, the sheriff pulled the trigger of the rifle, shouldered the gun, and spoke expressionlessly.

"No, to be precise, it is to abide by the rules of the West. Only capable people can keep the money. This is the rule of the Western world, so are you ready to die?"

As the voice fell, the scene became silent.

Qin Ming, who bowed his head and fell into silence, suddenly spit out the toothpick in his mouth after two seconds of silence, and suddenly rolled off the horse's back.

Before the body in the air fell to the ground, the revolvers he pulled out began to roar.

The bullets sprayed out with the fire, shooting at the opposite crowd like a meteor.

The cowboys who were also pulling the trigger burst out a lot of blood on the spot, and their bodies trembled and fell to the ground.

At the same time, Kasamoto Eri, who had been sitting behind Qin Ming, also chose to take action.

But she did not pull out her revolver, but grabbed the energy machine gun connected to the saddle.

As the muzzle turned, the finger squeezed the trigger fiercely, and dazzling flames gushed out from the muzzle.

Dense bullets swept across, smashing the stone into pieces, and the enemies hiding behind were shot and fell on the spot.

And with the flash of the double-barreled cannon on the other side, a straight beam of light shot out from it, directly dismembering the big stone in front and several cowboys behind!

Bang bang bang gunshots were continuous, and screams were also one after another.

More than 20 cowboys surrounding the four sides fell down almost in an instant, and the remaining few hurriedly hid behind the bunker, looking extremely nervous.

The sheriff, who did not expect the enemy's shooting skills to be so strong, finally understood why the two had the courage to challenge the notorious bounty bandit leader.

Gritting his teeth, he took out the dynamite from his arms, quickly lit it with a cigarette, and raised his hand with a ferocious face, ready to throw it out.

However, just as he showed his head with the explosives, his body trembled violently twice.

Qin Ming on the opposite side aimed and fired at him like lightning, not only shooting him twice on the spot, but also shooting the explosives in his hand!


A huge explosion sounded, and several cowboys hiding behind the bunker were blown away directly.

The sheriff himself, who was hit by the close-range explosion of the explosives, was now covered with wounds all over his body, and even lost one arm.

He fell in the smoke, covered with scars all over his body, and struggled to reach out for his rifle.

As a result, before his palm touched the weapon, a foot appeared in front of him and stepped directly on the rifle.

The sheriff who saw this scene struggled to look up, but found that Qin Ming was standing in front of him at the moment, looking at him expressionlessly.

The sun shone from behind, causing Qin Ming's entire front to be completely covered by shadows, making it impossible to see his facial features.


"Nice gun, it's much better than the one you gave me, you shouldn't mind me taking it away, right?"


"Of course, it doesn't matter if you mind, after all, in the West, only the strong can keep the gun, you said, this is the rule of the West."

With a click, he quickly pulled the bolt.

Take this lever-action rifle with a very special loading method, suddenly rotate it in a big circle in his hand to complete the loading, and then point it at the head of the sheriff below.

Looking at the other party with wide eyes, Qin Ming grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

"Survival of the fittest, sheriff."


After a gunshot, the sheriff, who had been seriously injured, fell down completely.

Qin Ming bent down and took out the three gold coins he had given him from the other person. After blowing gently, he quickly put them away.

Then he stood up and looked at the corpses on the ground, raised his hand and pulled the bolt of the lever-action rifle, and shrugged slightly.

There are no rules in the West, or the law of the jungle is the rule here.

Qin Ming also knew that he was a junior bounty hunter, and he was actually carrying gold coins around, which would inevitably arouse the bad intentions of others.

Or he did it for this purpose! He did it on purpose!

An ordinary blue revolver obviously could not satisfy him.

It was even more painful for him to spend 300 points to buy intelligence.

So he kept waiting, waiting for the sheriff to be unable to resist the temptation and bring people to trouble him.

And the sheriff did not let him down.

He quickly looked through the corpses, put away a few keys, and took the equipment that could not be taken out of the plot world in his hands, and merged them with the newly seized lever-action rifle in his hand.

With a flash of light, a weapon that finally barely reached Qin Ming's satisfactory standard appeared.

Name: Lever-action rifle (Sunset Knight 1)

Category: Weapon (Ordinary Silver Quality)

Equipment requirements: None

Effect 1: Fixed attack power 35-40 (loading capacity 6/6)

Effect 2: The closer the enemy is to you, the higher the damage you suffer, and the damage is increased by up to 50%

Introduction: If the revolver is the romance of cowboys, then the lever-action and bolt-action rifles are the romance of men. No one can withstand the cool gun rotation and crisp loading sound, even Governor Schwarzenegger.

(Note: Plot equipment, cannot represent this world)

Pick up the lever-action rifle in your hand, close one eye and aim at the distance.

Qin Ming, who was familiar with the firearms, looked down at it after retracting the weapon, and suddenly reached out and scratched his head.

By the way, did the lever-action rifle appear in this Wild West era?

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