Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 259: Revenge is never too late

Although he didn't dare to continue attacking and forcefully killing, Qin Ming didn't let Sun Ji go.

After all, he was seriously injured now, with blood all over his body. If he didn't recover quickly, it would be dangerous if he really encountered a battle later.

And Qin Ming couldn't bear to use the high-level consumables that served as his trump card.

It would be fine if he didn't get any benefits after fighting in vain, but if he had to pay a sum of money in return, it would be too much of a loss.

Therefore, Qin Ming chose to make use of the waste, directly pulled up Sun Ji, and bit her shoulder fiercely.

With the activation of the essence absorption skill, Qin Ming's injuries began to recover rapidly.

Sun Ji, who was sucked blood, twitched all over, and rolled her eyes on the spot.

Until all the injuries were recovered, Qin Ming let go of his opponent and stood up with his hands on the ground.

Sun Ji, who was lying on the ground gasping for breath and still instinctively twitching, struggled to reach out and suddenly took out a prop from her arms.

With a flash of light! A small and exquisite lantern appeared in Sun Ji's hand! And it emitted light on the spot!

Three Kingdoms War Chronicle Props! Seven Star Lamp!

The effect is to forcibly restore the whole body state! The quality is ordinary silver consumables!

As the starlight fell, Sun Ji's injuries were completely restored in a second, and she returned to her prime again.

Qin Ming's pupils shrank when he saw this scene, and he instinctively took a step back, and his face couldn't help but change.

He obviously forgot one thing, that is, Sun Ji is a senior figure in both camps. She is not just a prominent figure, but also enjoys the benefits of her status.

How could she not have items like life-saving props in her hands!

If Qin Ming really tried to kill her just now! Then it would probably be another tough battle!

And Sun Ji, who has already figured out his fighting routine, will no longer give him the opportunity to fight in close combat and exchange injuries for injuries. The difficulty will definitely rise several levels again!

Sun Ji, who quickly recovered from her injuries with props, lay on the ground but did not get up directly. Instead, she looked at Qin Ming opposite her and suddenly stretched out a hand towards him.

Seeing this, Qin Ming hesitated slightly, but chose to step forward, grab Sun Ji's hand, and pull her up.

Sun Ji, who got up with the help of the force, gently stretched her muscles and bones, and even jumped twice on the spot.

After confirming that there was no problem with her body, she suddenly showed a bright smile on her face, raised her hand and punched Qin Ming in the chest.

"Not bad! Boy! I never thought that Zhao Yun had such a fierce general under his command! Why haven't I heard of you before?"

Qin Ming's eyes flickered when he heard this.

"I'm not Zhao Yun's soldier."

"Huh? No? Then whose general are you?"

"No one's, I just joined the army recently, just an ordinary soldier, and I accidentally jumped over when I was attacking with the warship before, and I couldn't go back."

Qin Ming's answer made Sun Ji suddenly stunned, staring at him with wide eyes, stunned for a long time before coming back to his senses, and then laughed out loud.

She put her arm around Qin Ming's shoulders and put her arm on them.

Sun Ji's eyes were full of playfulness now.

"Oh, you are still a piece of gold that has not yet shone. Do you need me to help you with your relationship? Introduce you to my second brother or my husband?"

"Thank you for your kindness, but no."

"Forget it if you don't need it."

Retracting her hand, Sun Ji turned and walked towards the door.

As she pulled the bolt and opened the door, more than a hundred armored soldiers and female guards had gathered outside the door and immediately raised their weapons.

But before Zhou Dun, who was standing at the front, could speak, Sun Ji, who was walking out through the crowd, had already waved her hand.

"From today on! This kid is my captain of the guards!"

"What? Miss! But he is unknown!"

"This is an order!"


Seeing Sun Ji's cold eyes, Zhou Dun's face changed slightly, but he didn't dare to say anything more in the end.

As Sun Ji left, Zhou Dun turned his head and looked deeply at Qin Ming, and quickly led his people away.

Qin Ming, who had been promoted from a sweeper to a deputy general-level guard captain in just two days, breathed a sigh of relief in the cabin, and finally let go of his hand holding the flight jacket...

On an armed warship of the Wu fleet, with the sound of footsteps, the door was suddenly pushed open.

The deputy general of the warship looked up in surprise when he heard the noise, and found that it was his personal guard who ran in.

"What's the matter? Are you in a hurry?"

"Boss! The general from the main ship is coming to our ship for inspection! The general asked you to go and greet him together!"

"Ah? The general is inspecting? Zhao Yun has never appeared on our ship! Why is he inspecting here?"

The deputy general was stunned when he heard the news, and he quickly got up and ran out with people.

When he came to the main cabin, he found that the senior officials on the ship had gathered.

Not only the captain, but also another deputy general, the logistics captain, the spear captain, and the archery captain were all there, and he was the only one missing.

This made him trot back to the team and stand beside the captain.

A moment later, with the sound of footsteps, a team of heroic female soldiers strode in from the entrance, mixed with a big man wearing fish scale armor.

Looking at the big man who came in, the captain and others stood up straight and shouted energetically.

Only the deputy general in the crowd had his eyes wide open at this moment, and an expression of disbelief appeared on his face.

Because the big man who came in wearing a general's armor was the one who was cheated of ten gold coins by him two days ago! He was assigned to clean the toilet on the main ship!

Qin Ming, who had just been promoted to the position of captain of the personal guard and changed into a new set of armor, seemed to have noticed the shocked look of the deputy general. At this moment, he slowly turned his head and looked at him.

As the two looked at each other, Qin Ming did not forget to grin at him and showed a gentle smile.

This made the deputy general who saw this smile feel cold on the spot...

Ten minutes later, the meeting ended. The newly appointed captain of the personal guard was very satisfied with the defense layout of the ship and praised the captain and others.

Only one unlucky deputy general was punished by him for being late and had to clean the toilet for a month.

Oh, by the way, he was also fined ten gold coins.

After getting his money back and punishing this wicked guy who took the money but did not do anything,

Qin Ming, who was a new official and the first thing he did when he took office was to come back to find faults and take revenge, finally left with satisfaction.

He did not use his status to really remove the deputy general from his position.

This is not because he can't do it. You have to know that he is now the captain of the personal guard! His status is at the same level as Zhou Dun, the commander-in-chief of the fleet!

Let alone removing a dispensable deputy general of a warship, no one dared to say anything even if he dismissed the captain, the main general of the warship.

But Qin Ming was able to be promoted quickly, after all, it was because of this deputy general's action that allowed him to sneak into the main warship.

Even if the other party did not do a good job and the identity arranged for him was very bad, it was arranged after all, and it helped him, didn't it?

Since he did something and helped a little, it would be fine to punish him a little, there is no need to really do things to the extreme.

What if he only took money but did not do anything before? Then punish him? Punish him for nothing!

Now he has been found a reason by Qin Ming! For example, the excuse is that the left foot stepped into the cabin first! Just throw it into the sea to feed the fish!

Revenge also has different levels. It is not necessary to kill the whole family of anyone caught. Qin Ming is not a meat grinder. He has to grind it into pieces when he gets caught.

For example, the old man Jamie Fox, the admiral in the Metal Slug world, also offended Qin Ming. Did Qin Ming say that he would beat him to death?

It's nothing more than beating him one, two, three, four, five, six times!

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