Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 267 Zhao Yun Zhao Zilong


A loud noise spread from the cabin, it was so deafening.

The rapidly rotating fire wheel was thrown out, and it collided head-on with the several sound speed hand knives that were shot at it.

In the rolling fire, the violent fire wheel forcibly smashed the three sound speed hand knives, and then was completely assimilated and offset.

The other three sound speed hand knives followed the fire and slashed at Zhao Yun's body frantically in the face of Zhao Yun's changed face.

Zhao Yun, who did not expect that he would lose in the ultimate skill fight, hurriedly pointed his gun at the ground, and stood upside down with the gun while jumping up, passing by the three sound speed hand knives.

Then he swung the long spear, took advantage of the momentum to fly over, swung the spear and used the skill of dividing the world into three parts, and hit Qin Ming's head hard!

Hearing the harsh wind from above, Qin Ming's neck veins bulged, and this time he did not choose to dodge, but crossed his arms and blocked it hard.

There was a crisp clang, and the spear and the arm guard collided.

Qin Ming, who was forced to kneel on one knee by the huge force, had a ferocious look in his eyes, and his arm was suddenly entangled with flames.

The white flames passed along the arm guard to the spear shaft, and then burned Zhao Yun's body along the spear shaft.

Zhao Yun, whose hands were directly ignited by the flames, was so scared that he trembled all over and quickly stepped back to keep a distance.

He looked down and found that the flames seemed to have no harm, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But it was obvious that he was relieved too early, because at this moment, Qin Ming had already burst out and rushed towards him.

Zhao Yun, who saw this scene, instinctively raised his spear to block, but he never thought that the spear in front of him could not block Qin Ming's thrust!

With a click, under Zhao Yun's shocked gaze, Qin Ming actually punched the spear shaft and forcibly broke it in the middle!

The iron fist then hit Zhao Yun's chest at the same speed! The opponent who was caught off guard was blasted back!

With a crackling sound, Zhao Yun hit the wooden box hard, smashing it into pieces on the spot, and completely lying in the broken wood.

Dreamy unknown fire! Defense deduction!

Relying on the power of blood, Qin Ming directly burned the bright silver spear to be extremely fragile, and then smashed it with a punch. He rushed towards the fallen Zhao Yun again, trying to pursue the victory.

However, before he rushed in front of him, Zhao Yun's hand had already flashed with cold light.

The next second, a sword light emitting cold air lit up in front of Qin Ming's eyes. He instinctively raised his hand to block it, and suddenly heard a crisp sound in his ears.

Staring at the golden arm guard that was cut through by a sword on the spot, and the whole arm that was quickly frozen into ice and completely frozen, he couldn't help but screamed.



With another flash of cold light, Zhao Yun, who swung his weapon, had already slashed with the second sword.

This time, Qin Ming no longer dared to use his arms to block the blows, and hurriedly stepped back to avoid them.

He stepped back continuously, and managed to avoid six or seven swords that swept across him. For a moment, he was so frightened that cold sweat ran down his forehead.

He forced Zhao Yun back with a sound-speed hand knife, and finally managed to pull away from him. His eyes were fixed on the weapon in Zhao Yun's hand, and his eyes couldn't help but twitch violently.

Zhao Yun, whose weapon was broken, unexpectedly pulled out a long sword from somewhere!

This long sword was green all over! The blade was surrounded by cold air! It was extremely sharp! It was very strange!

It could forcibly cut Qin Ming's golden arm guard with one sword, completely ignoring the additional defense effect of up to 50 points, and it would also add a freezing effect when hitting the enemy.

It was just one sword! It just chopped Qin Ming's arm and made it bleed!

The power of this sword was terrifying!

And on the green sword spine, you could see two clear big characters, named: Qinggang!

One of the four great swords in the Three Kingdoms War! Qingguang Sword! Also known as: Ice Sword!

The Three Kingdoms War World is very famous among the adventurers in the Nightmare Space.

This is not only because the difficulty of this world is amazing, but also because the soldiers and bosses in it are extremely difficult to deal with.

The most important thing is that the output of props in this world is also extremely high. Various silver-level props that are extremely rare in other worlds are everywhere here.

What kind of immortal pen, Zhang Ling sword, and the three books of heaven, earth and man, each has its own powerful effect.

Therefore, the Three Kingdoms War World can be regarded as a standard high-difficulty plot world with both risks and opportunities.

The most important thing is that in addition to the dazzling array of high-level props, there are four top-quality weapons in the Three Kingdoms War World! The reputation is even higher than those high-level props!

That is the four great weapons!

Ice Sword Qingguang! In Zhao Yun's hands! There is a low chance of it exploding when you kill him!

Fire Sword Yitian! In Ma Chao's hands! There is also a small chance to get it if you kill him!

There is also the Electric Sword Gan Jiang! The Explosive Sword Tai'a! Four swords with four attributes! The effects are very abnormal! All levels are legendary equipment!

And there is also a rumor that there is actually a fifth sword in the Three Kingdoms War World! That is the Poison Sword Moye! This is also the strongest sword!

But no one can be sure whether this is true. After all, even if it is true, ordinary people cannot get information about hidden props like this.

Qin Ming, who did not expect that Zhao Yun, who was beaten up, would actually take out the Qinggang Sword to kill him, is now livid.

He now has good news and bad news.

The good news is that he has a chance to get the Qinggang Sword. As long as he can kill Zhao Yun, there is a certain chance that this legendary equipment will explode from the key he gave.

For such top-quality equipment, there are special requirements for the way to get it. It doesn't mean that you have a chance to get it if you kill him.

The premise for it to be able to be exploded is that the other person has to use it first, just like the S-level item Killing Stone that Shiranui Hanzo took out before.

When you kill the other party, you have to make sure that he is equipping this item, so that it is possible to explode on him.

If he doesn't use it, or gives it to someone else, then even if you kill him ten thousand times, there is no possibility of exploding that item!

Now Zhao Yun took out the Qinggang Sword and is now fighting Qin Ming alone.

If Qin Ming can kill him alone, there is really a good chance of getting this super model weapon.

But the bad news is...

Looking down at the golden arm guard that was directly cut through by a sword, leaving a gap on it, Qin Ming couldn't help but twitch slightly at the corner of his eyes.

Facing such a terrifying weapon! He wants to explode! But the problem is to fight Zhao Yun alone! Can he withstand it!

Such a sharp weapon! Isn't it good to have a style that is naturally countered by your own!

With a dark face, Qin Ming had to raise his fists and start to confront Zhao Yun, who had already raised his Qinggang sword.

Just as Zhao Yun was about to rush up with his sword, the door of the room beside him was suddenly knocked open. The next second, a large number of soldiers poured in from outside, led by the big boss Sun Ji!

She led more than a dozen female guards, and was obviously attracted by the loud noise just now.

After entering the room, she was stunned when she saw the two people confronting each other in front of her.

After seeing clearly who was confronting Qin Ming, her face changed drastically, and she instantly raised her crutches.

"Zhao Zilong?!"

Hearing this name, the faces of the soldiers around him all froze, and after reacting, they quickly raised their weapons.

In the room, Zhao Yun turned his head to look at the crowd of people at the door, and his eyebrows couldn't help but frowned.

Originally, he wanted to sneak into the main cabin, find the young master and take him away directly, and he didn't want to have a direct conflict with anyone.

After all, Sun Ji is his mistress, the two have different statuses, and the other party's identity is too special.

If they really fight, it is easy to hurt the other party if you use all your strength, and it may not be possible to defeat the other party if you don't use all your strength.

Besides, no matter whether you win or lose, he is in the wrong after all.

So if you can avoid fighting, it is best not to fight, and it is best for both parties not to meet.

Of course! If it is really forced! He is not afraid of the other party!

But that was before. Before, he fought one-on-one with Sun Ji, even if he had to deal with many soldiers, he Zhao Yun was not afraid at all, and he was confident that he could win and forcibly take the young master away.

But now there is another master on the ship! A master who may not be easier to deal with than Sun Ji!

He was not afraid of a one-on-one fight, but if it was two-on-one…

With his expression changing, Zhao Yun instinctively retreated towards the window, ready to jump out of the window and leave at any time.

But before he saw that the situation was not good and chose to retreat first, Qin Ming, who was holding his arm across from him, suddenly put down his fist.

Seeing that Sun Ji was about to approach him aggressively, he waved at her.

"Miss! General Zhao is one of us! There were just some misunderstandings before! Just clarify the misunderstanding! There is no need to be so tense!"

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