Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 28 Take action! Sneak attack!

Qin Ming's eyes flickered slightly as he looked at the big man who followed the BOSS and looked no different from an ordinary heavy-armored swordsman, but no matter how he adjusted his glasses, he could not see any attributes.

Wow! He's quite capable! It's only been half a day since the start of the game! He's already mixed into the BOSS team!

Is this going against the grain, preparing to join the BOSS gang and help them fight the three protagonists?

It has to be said that this is also a good choice. After all, the BOSS has a large number of people and is already very powerful, so it's easier to mix.

Not to mention the protagonists, who are actually a BOSS in essence.

If they can be killed in turn, then there will be three BOSS treasure chests, especially the legendary King Arthur, who is the big man who pulled out the sword in the stone.

If his sword in the stone can be exploded, how terrifying the attributes will be, Qin Ming dare not even think about it.

So Qin Ming actually had the idea of ​​joining the villain lineup before.

But how to get into the boss team is a big problem. Qin Ming has never been able to think of a good way to get in. After all, he dare not risk his life.

And now, someone has actually got in directly, and got a high position in just half a day. To be honest, Qin Ming was quite shocked by this.

He quickly retracted his gaze and took his three brothers into the bushes next to him and slipped away.

After confirming the attributes of the BOSS, Qin Ming, who felt that this fight could be fought, was ready to take action.

As for the adventurer next to the BOSS? Sorry, since you choose to stand on the side of the BOSS, then everyone is an opponent.

As for the opponent, Qin Ming never shows mercy.

According to the route of the simple map, Qin Ming quickly found the small outpost closest to the big outpost. After some secret observation, he confirmed that there were really only a dozen people here, and Qin Ming decisively chose to take action.

At the entrance of the outpost, two swordsmen were standing guard with bored faces.

This place is their territory, so there is no need to be so defensive.

But the problem is that a legend has been circulating among the people recently. It is said that the sword in the stone with mysterious power has been pulled out by someone, and that person has begun to openly challenge the Duke of Terror.

This made the Duke of Terror extremely angry, and he asked the garrisons in various places to immediately find the trace of this person and chop off his head and send it to him.

And the legendary chosen person is said to have appeared nearby recently, and there are even rumors that the nearby village has secretly surrendered to the other party!

This immediately aroused the vigilance of the leader of this area, Sir Scone, and began to ask his soldiers to be on high alert.

Even many people and horses were scattered to form a small outpost like theirs, and began to block the road everywhere, looking for traces of the enemy. It is obvious that they want to take this opportunity to make merit and ask for rewards.

He, the boss, wanted to make merit, but it made his younger brothers suffer, especially these swordsmen with the lowest status.

After all, they are needed to guard the gate, cook, and fetch water and prepare vegetables.

You can't expect the heavy armor swordsmen to do these rough jobs, they are elite soldiers! Have you ever seen elite soldiers doing odd jobs?

Yesterday, they were busy all day, carrying water and cooking. Today, they finally had a break, but they were sent to guard the gate again.

This made the two swordsmen look gloomy, and one of them even grumbled.

"Didn't they say that the nearby villages were secretly colluding with the enemy? Then what are you waiting for? Just go and kill them! Why are you torturing us! Really!"

The companion's words caused another swordsman next to him to roll his eyes.

"You know nothing. This is called luring the snake out of its hole! If you don't spread the news, how can those damn guys come to support you?"

"Oh, so the knight is spreading false news? This village is not actually colluding with the enemy?"

"I don't know about this. Anyway, no matter whether they are colluding or not, they are definitely dead. If they really can't find the person who pulled out the sword in the stone, Sir Scone will definitely lead his troops to massacre the village and take their heads as credit. After all, they can't act in vain, right?"

"Oh, that's true... Oh, didn't Sir Scone meet with the village chief before and accept money to promise not to touch them?"

"You know a lot, but accepting gifts does not mean not killing people. Do you understand? Promises are not just a matter of opening your mouth. People are dead. How can you say that he didn't keep his promise!"

In order to kill time, the two swordsmen at the door chatted more and more happily, but they soon stopped being happy.

Because just when they were chatting enthusiastically, a loud noise suddenly came into their ears.

The next second! A swordsman who was speaking! A blood arrow exploded from his head! The whole person was shot out on the spot! He fell to the ground with a bang and didn't move!

Seeing his companion suddenly die for unknown reasons, another swordsman next to him was so scared that he trembled all over. He turned around and was about to flee, but he didn't expect to hear another loud noise behind him.

The next second, he was shot several times and flew out, and died suddenly.

Hearing the movement at the door, the sentry soldiers who were blocking the intersection began to rush out of the tent in a hurry, while putting on armor randomly, and frantically gathering towards the door.

At this time, Qin Ming was walking towards this side in big strides, and the revolver in his hand was still loading bullets.

Next to him, three followers followed closely, moving with him aggressively.

Seeing the enemies rushing out of the outpost, Qin Ming, who had finished reloading, raised his weapon without saying a word, aimed at that direction and fired a burst of bullets, directly killing the two swordsmen who were rushing in front.

He quickly stopped after running out of bullets, lowered his head and continued to reload bullets on the spot.

The fat man and two minions following him roared at this moment and rushed towards the crowd frantically.

Especially the elite monster fat man who was summoned unexpectedly, at this moment, he showed his elite monster nature.

With a meat bomb attack, he used his shoulder to forcibly knock away the two swordsmen who were intercepting, and then flew into the crowd.

Then the whole person jumped high and sat on a swordsman, smashing the opponent on the spot and screaming, with a serious fracture.

In just a moment of collision, the fat man easily broke the formation.

The crowd in front quickly fought together, and Qin Ming in the back joined the battlefield after reloading.

A swordsman rushed forward with his weapon raised. He just jumped up and tried to swing his sword, but was shot in the chest by Qin Ming's quick eyes and hands, and was sent flying on the spot.

After killing one person, Qin Ming quickly turned the muzzle of his gun and aimed at the other two swordsmen who rushed over and pulled the trigger fiercely. The close-range shooting caused another one death and one disability.

At this moment, a deafening roar suddenly came from his side. It turned out that a strong man with a two-handed sword, wearing a breastplate and a closed helmet, was charging towards him rapidly.

This big man was the elite monster! The heavy-armored swordsman!

He rushed! He went up! He took three shots!

……… Uh, and then he died.

Looking at the elite monster whose helmet was pierced and died on the road, Qin Ming, who had directly used up all the bullets in his pistol, spit fiercely.

"Damn it! Why are you pretending? Even your silver equipment can't kill an elite monster like you!"

Qin Ming, who was about to reload his ammunition, suddenly felt a pain in his back. It turned out that a swordsman had taken the opportunity to approach him and hit him hard on the back.

This hit Qin Ming's back, directly tearing a hole in his coat, but was blocked by the red vest inside.

Before the swordsman could continue to chase, Qin Ming had already swung a punch with his backhand, hitting him hard in the face, and knocked him up on the spot.

When he fell to the ground with a plop, his entire jaw was severely twisted.

Equipment bonus + title bonus!

At this moment, Qin Ming's strength value is: 22 points!

Minions? BOSS?

You are kidding! In front of these soldiers! Qin Ming is the BOSS!

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