Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 303: Separate attacks

As night fell, Damde, a senior member of the Crazy Gear Gang, who had been invited by Qin Ming to hang out in the bar for a day, was now sitting in the car in a daze.

The few younger brothers who accompanied him, including the younger brother who was driving, were also drunk and dizzy.

This time, Qin Ming invited not only Damde, but also Du Yao and Hugo.

As for the excuse for the invitation? The reason Qin Ming gave was to formally thank the three for recommending him to join the gang.

Seeing that he was entrusted with an important task, as long as he did the task assigned by the boss well, he could get promoted and make money, and maybe even climb to a high position in one step.

It was reasonable for Qin Ming to invite Du Yao and the other three to drink to thank them at this time.

Dizzy and leaning back on the seat, Damde raised his hand and shook his watch vigorously. Looking at the twelve o'clock above, he couldn't help grinning.

"Damn, it's so late. Oh my goodness, I just saw a pretty girl in the bar. If I didn't have work tomorrow, I would have gotten her."

Hearing the boss's muttering, several younger brothers who were also drunk grinned.

"Don't worry, boss. There is no place in this slum that is not our territory. It's not too late to find her after we finish our work."

"Yeah, that's true."

"But boss, this new guy called Hyena is really a dog! He looks big and strong! I never thought he was so cunning! He quietly got in touch with our gang leader!"

As soon as one younger brother finished speaking, the other two younger brothers turned their heads and looked over, and started to complain.

"That's right! It was you, the boss, who caught Jessica! Why did he take all the credit? He actually bypassed you and went directly to the gang leader! He clearly looked down on you!"

"He stepped on us to get to the top! What kind of person is he!"

The younger brothers talked about it one after another, and Damde, who heard this, kept a straight face and said nothing.

He was really unhappy with Qin Ming's behavior.

Especially after seeing that the other party actually relied on this opportunity to directly gain the trust of the gang leader and received an important task from the gang leader, he was even more unhappy.

He was originally the lowest-ranking senior in the gang and the weakest in strength.

If this new hyena also becomes a senior, doesn't it mean that there will be another ancestor above him?

This hyena is not an ordinary fighter. Poison and Hugo have never beaten him in a two-on-one fight.

Raising his hand, he pulled out a cigar and put it in his mouth, then quickly lit it. Damde frowned more and more, and his eyes under the colored sunglasses swung wildly.

He didn't want to see someone climbing over him again, especially a newcomer.

In this case, it's no wonder that he did it.

After returning, he secretly informed the mayor of the other party's hiding place and asked the mayor to have a good talk with him.

The mayor was not a good person either. If things went well, the hyena would definitely die in his hands.

Even if things didn't go well, as long as the little girl Jessica was taken back and the mission was messed up, the hyena would lose the opportunity to become a senior executive.

Damde quickly made a plan in his mind, and the smile on his face gradually became ferocious.

Before he could go over the plan again and check if there were any loopholes in any link, a sharp wind suddenly came from outside the car.

The next second! A flash of fire suddenly fell from the sky! It fell towards this side at a high speed like a cannonball!

According to the intelligence, the adventurer Feng Mo, who had been hiding on the rooftop, saw that Damd's car had indeed appeared on time, and launched a surprise attack without thinking.

He jumped down from the rooftop directly, and his move was a B-level ultimate move!

Secret secret! Explosion ultimate punch!

He turned into a flame missile on the spot, and just fell from the sky, posing a superman punch posture, and crashed into the car head-on!

The car was twisted and deformed by the punch on the spot! It was completely sunken in the middle!

The high-speed car was accompanied by a sharp twisting sound, and was even smashed into a V shape! Both ends were completely raised!

As for the thugs in the car? At this moment, they have completely turned into meat buns, and were forcibly pressed into a piece by the iron sheet.

Feng Mo's move can be said to be fast and fierce. Don't look at the previous time when he faced Qin Ming, he was suppressed the whole time.

That's mainly because Qin Ming has an S-level skill! The ability is too supermodel!

Facing Qin Ming, who was firing at full power and completely activated his S-level skills, he was able to forcefully retreat instead of being killed by Qin Ming. He was actually quite capable.

To be precise, none of the guys who could be promoted to intermediate adventurers by their skills were soft persimmons!

It was just that although Feng Mo's punch was fierce, it did not hurt Damd at all.

This is not to say that Damd withstood his ultimate move and was unscathed. The main reason why he was not injured was that he did not hit the opponent with his punch!

There were a total of three cars driving over. Feng Mo, who was not sure about Damd's exact location, chose to launch a sneak attack on the car in the middle.

After all, according to convention, shouldn't the boss sit in the middle and be protected by the group?

But who would have thought that Damd did not play according to the routine at all. He liked to show off very much, and he actually sat in the car in the front!

This caused Feng Mo's punch to miss completely. Damd, who heard the loud noise and saw the miserable state of the car behind him, hurriedly kicked open the car door and rushed out.

Looking at the target coming out of the car, Feng Mo frowned when he found that he had guessed the wrong position. Without thinking, he threw his hands, and the flames gathered in his palms, and he used his second big move.

Secret Secret! Explosive Roaring Bomb!


The huge fireball rotated close to the ground! Shot at the target at a very fast speed! Wherever it passed! It tore a straight gully on the ground!

Damude was so scared that he trembled all over when he saw this scene. He pulled the younger brother next to him without hesitation and threw him out with force.

The younger brother who screamed in shock hit the fireball head-on, and his body was ignited on the spot, and then was forcibly torn apart by the rotating flames.

The huge fireball that instantly tore one person apart continued to shoot at Damude with undiminished power, but it was a pity that the other party had seized the opportunity and ran away.

Damde's face was livid as he looked at the car that was blown up and spun up with a bang, and flew seven or eight meters away with severe deformation, and was completely scrapped when it landed.

He put his fingers in his mouth and was about to whistle hard to activate his ability to shake people. But he never thought that at this moment, a heat wave suddenly hit him from behind.

It turned out that the firebird, who was also standing on the roof, had not chosen to attack before, but waited quietly, acting as a second insurance, and finally attacked at this moment.

And the first move was also a killing move!

Fiery fire turned into a phoenix! Soaring in the sky!

Super sure kill! Flame bird!

As the raging fire cut through the air, a sharp sound similar to bird singing was formed.

A huge bird of fire fell from the roof and hit Damde, who turned around in surprise!


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