Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 314 Midnight Smuggling


"I said, don't take the boss's boat, it's not safe."

Looking at the two people who turned to look over, Poison's expression was very serious.

"You have never been in the street, and you don't know the rules and regulations inside. It's all fake to go away to avoid the limelight for two years and then come back. By the time you come back in two years, someone else will have already taken your seat. , You are nothing, and going out to avoid the limelight is only the privilege of high-level officials. You two are just small bosses now, and you have just joined not long ago, but you have caused such a big trouble. Do you think the Crazy Gear Gang has gone to all the trouble for the two small bosses? How can you settle this matter?"

Poison shook his head and sat on the chair with his legs crossed, his expression very helpless.

"You absolutely can't stay here in Metropolis, because if you continue to stay, I'm afraid that one day the boss will throw you two out and take the blame, and you won't be able to get on the ship arranged by the boss. It's easy to have problems on it, and it's worse than scheduled When the time is two hours earlier, I will arrange for another boat to dock. You can go on it and decide where to go. I will also put the travel expenses on the boat in advance. With your two abilities, you can go anywhere. It's okay, just remember not to be so reckless next time."

The poison words made Qin Ming and Miles Kasamoto look at each other for a moment, their expressions becoming very embarrassed.

As for why it’s embarrassing? That's because just now, the two of them were still discussing whether to attack the villain's weakest BOSS poison first...

"Ahem, thanks for reminding me, but why do you want to help us like this?"

With an awkward smile on his face, Qin Ming couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

After hearing this question, Poison raised his head, closed his eyes and sighed.

"You were dragged into the Crazy Gear Gang by me. Since I brought you in, I have the obligation to help you leave alive. Remember, two hours in advance, white ship."

As he spoke, Poison stood up, grabbed the police hat and put it on his head, twisted his waist and turned away.

Qin Ming couldn't help but sigh as he watched her leave the room.

"We have all become a hot potato, and she actually thinks about us. This is a good boss."

Miles Kasamoto stood nearby and nodded when he heard this.

"Yes, if you become a soldier, this kind of character will definitely be loved by the soldiers."

"If you think about it carefully, I actually beat her when we first met, and I even planned to kill her just now. Tsk, I'm really nothing."

"Well, you're really not that good."

"Yes, I...huh?!"

……In a blink of an eye, night fell, and footsteps sounded at the silent dock. Qin Ming and Kasamoto Miles arrived as promised.

In the end, they did not choose to accept Poison's kindness and left two hours in advance on a boat prepared by Poison.

This is not because of their stubborn personalities, but because they secretly escaped in a boat prepared with poison. So what's the difference between the two of them just finding a place to hide on their own?

How could they leave on the ship arranged by the boss Berg, so as to make the villain camp relax their vigilance against them.

Not to mention that if the other party sends experts to deal with them, wouldn't it be more in line with their wishes? Why hide?

As long as there aren’t too many people coming! That is simply a solo kill opportunity that comes to your doorstep!

So even though Poison had made the matter very clear, Qin Ming and the others still came to take the boat.

After verifying their identities, the two people quickly boarded the small cargo ship, and the driver who successfully picked up the people also controlled the cargo ship and sailed directly into the distance.

The two people who got on the boat dispersed on the spot. Qin Ming ran to chat with the pilots, while Miles Kasamoto wandered around casually.

Ten minutes later, the two met again. Miles Kasamoto, who was sitting on the chair, looked forward and spoke in a low voice.

"Everything has been checked. There is no one else on the ship, and no explosives or explosives have been installed. The ship is safe. Where are you?"

Qin Ming, who was lazily leaning on his chair, answered in a small voice when he heard the words.

"After checking the attributes, they are just a bunch of minions. There are no hidden masters."

"In other words, there is no problem with the personnel?"

"Yes, but there is something wrong with the fuel tank. I secretly tested it with blood. There is not much oil in the tank, and there are no spare oil barrels on the ship. The ship can't go very far at all."

"Hiss, instead of manipulating the personnel and vehicles, you are doing small tricks on the oil? What does this mean?"

"Who knows, anyway, Poison is right. It doesn't look like he is sending us out to avoid the limelight."

Turning his head to look at the sea outside the window, Qin Ming frowned.

The good news now is that although his nominal gang leader doesn't really want to help the two of them sneak away, he doesn't intend to directly kill them by blowing up the ship.

Of course, the main reason why they did not choose to blow up the ship was because Qin Ming and Miles Kasamoto were warriors in their eyes. They were thick-skinned and thick-skinned, and it was difficult to be blown up by such conventional means. It was too unsafe to do so.

If you don't use powerful weapons like explosives to deal with a warrior, the best solution is to send a warrior to deal with him as well.

In other words, is the other party planning to imprison them on the sea and then send people to deal with them completely? Want to kill someone and silence them?

So that when they are caught in the future, they will pull him out and label him a terrorist?

But who can the other party call? Could it be Abigail?

If it was that giant, fighting in such a narrow environment would be very beneficial to him.

But one against two, isn't the other party afraid of overturning?

If it wasn't Abigail, who else could it be............

Looking at the sea outside the window, Qin Ming was suddenly stunned, and turned his head to look at Kasamoto Eri next to him.

"Eri, do you think there is a possibility that Berg can't stand it anymore and wants to make peace with the mayor, so he is ready to throw us two out to take the blame, and it will be the mayor and Cody who will come to attack us later?"

After saying this, Kasamoto Eri's expression suddenly became serious.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly shook his head.


"Huh? Why not?"

"Because if they came and caused us to be caught, do you think we would pull him out, or even put the blame on him? Don't forget that in the eyes of outsiders, we are just the thugs responsible for the work, and he is the mastermind behind the scenes."

"That's true."

"If he really wants to negotiate, he must not let us meet with Mayor Mike Hag, at least not let us meet him alive, because for things like taking the blame, dead people are much more useful than living people, after all, dead people don't talk too much."

Just when Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri were talking, the cargo ship they were on suddenly stopped.

Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri, whose bodies were shaking with the ship, stood up. The next second, a large amount of light suddenly shone from all directions.

The searchlights were connected together, and the cargo ship was surrounded.

On the patrol boat that had gathered at some point, a large number of police had already raised their weapons and were ready to go.

The burly sheriff who led the group was chewing gum while yelling.

"Stop! Everyone, come to the deck! Check the ship!"

The warrior who was responsible for dealing with Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri showed up.

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