Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 320 The enemy came to visit

"Yes! Shake it! Don't stop! Why are you so stiff!"

"Move bigger! Bigger! I paid for it! Bigger!"

In the Crazy Gear Gang building, Kasamoto Eri and Jessica were holding banknotes, shouting and waving their hands, throwing the banknotes out.

And Qin Ming, he... um, he was dancing.

To be precise, it was a more passionate and unrestrained pole striptease...

After some discussions, Jessica said she wanted her to conceal the situation to avoid a fight between the two sides, and to secretly cooperate to help Qin Ming complete the hidden task, which was not impossible.

But she had to give her benefits! She had to listen to her!

Qin Ming had forced her to dance during this period, and Jessica felt that she had to pay it back. She finally got a chance for Qin Ming to ask her, so she naturally couldn't let it go easily.

So she not only watched it herself, but also dragged Kasamoto Eri, her fox friend, into it.

As for Kasamoto Eri, although she felt Qin Ming's murderous gaze, she knew that if she came here to join in the fun at this time, Qin Ming would definitely teach her a lesson after she returned.

But the problem is that if she doesn't join in the fun, Kasamoto Eri will regret it for the rest of her life!

So at this moment, Kasamoto Eri was shouting more happily than Jessica! She has put everything on the line! Just to have fun today!

Wearing a loose shirt and waving banknotes wildly in her hands, she looked like a female version of a greasy uncle, shouting desperately, and even took the time to slap Qin Ming's butt hard.

This made Qin Ming's eyes bloodshot. If it weren't for completing the hidden task, Qin Ming would have to rush up and strangle these two guys to death!

Just as the lights in the room flickered, Kasamoto Eri and Jessica were directing Qin Ming to dance, the bulletproof glass next to them suddenly exploded.

The next second, accompanied by the rolling figures, two figures suddenly broke through the window.

And these two people! They were the masters who had fought with Qin Ming! They are also the ones who have made enemies with him! Maki Genryusai of the Wushen ryu and Jessica's fiance Cody!

It was clearly agreed that they would hand over the people tomorrow, officially resolve the grievances, and temporarily reach a peace agreement.

But Cody and Maki Genryusai, whose friends and senior brothers died in Qin Ming's hands, were obviously unwilling to give up.

So after finding the right position, the two of them came to take revenge a day in advance! Prepare to forcibly take back Jessica! And kill the enemy!

The appearance of the two at this time can be described as neat and handsome.

It was just that when the two guys suddenly stood up and looked forward fiercely.

Looking at Kasamoto Eri and Jessica, who were only wearing shirts in the room and nothing else, and were now madly splashing money.

Then he looked at Qin Ming, who was naked on the table and was now holding a steel pipe, looking at this side with a look of surprise.

The two of them widened their eyes, opened their mouths, and quickly showed a look of shock on their faces.

They were shocked, and Qin Ming and the other two were also shocked.

After the two sides stared at each other in silence for a while, Qin Ming, who finally reacted, suddenly screamed, jumped off the table in a hurry, picked up the bed sheet to cover his body, and his face turned red for a while.

Kasamoto Eri and Jessica, who were interrupted by the good show, crossed their arms and looked at Yuan Liusai Maki and Cody with displeasure.

It was not until Qin Ming screamed that Yuan Liusai Maki and Cody woke up from the shocking scene in front of them.

Yuan Liusai Maki turned around in a hurry and did not dare to look over here.

Cody roared with a gloomy face.

"What are you doing! Jessica! What's wrong with him!"

Originally, Cody thought that Jessica, the fiancée who was forcibly kidnapped, should be in fear at this moment, waiting for him to come down from the sky.

But now this picture is wrong! She doesn't look like she is scared!

On the contrary! Jessica seems to fit in very well! And they played it very colorfully!

Let the new gangster boss dance for them alone! What kind of top boss is this!

Hearing Cody's loud questioning, Jessica's expression froze, and after reacting, she shook her hair hard and snorted coldly.

"Since you have caught me, I won't pretend anymore. I'm going to tell you, Cody, you came too late. I have joined them and even completely turned into his shape!"

When these words came out, Cody's eyes widened in shock. Before he could speak, Kasamoto Eri, who was standing next to Jessica, had already proudly hugged Jessica's waist, looked at Cody with the eyes of a winner, raised his head and snorted coldly.

"That's right! Cody! You're late after all! She's already my shape! She's completely mine! She......"

"That, Yingli, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about the hyena."

"Ah? Boss? Impossible! I've been with you for almost a month! You've only slept with him for a few days! How can you be in his shape! I don't accept it! Didn't you say you like me the most! Didn't you say you were just playing around with Boss! Jessica! You're cheating on my feelings!"

"Yili, calm down. I did say that, but you're a woman after all, and your body structure is different. Don't worry, my heart is still with you."

"I don't care! I don't believe it! Qin! Come here! I want to challenge you to a duel! I want to duel with you!"

Throwing Jessica away, Kasamoto Eri instantly spread her legs, put her hands on the revolver at her waist, and looked at Qin Ming aggressively.

At this moment, Qin Ming, who had made a temporary outfit with a bed sheet and had managed to look like a Roman, was covered with a bed sheet. Seeing this, he couldn't help but frown.

"What? You want to duel with me! Are you fighting internally?"

"That's right! Draw your gun! Whoever wins has the right to use Jessica!"

"Even if you win, can you use her?"

"It's none of your business! I only know that if you lose, you will be completely useless!"

The sudden internal conflict between the two people here obviously confused everyone present. Looking at the two people who were even confronting each other in a fierce manner, Yuan Liusai Maki had a confused expression on his face, asking who he was, where he was, and what he was going to do.

Cody ignored this side completely, just staring at Jessica, his teeth creaking.

"Jessica! I'm here to take you back!"

Hearing this, Jessica, who was only wearing a shirt and showing off her long legs, couldn't help but pout.

"Then you should come a month later. I might have a child in a month."

"You! He is a terrorist! He killed Kai!"

"Yes, and he is also very strong, very burly, and very big... can accommodate three of you! So Cody, it's all over between us."


Jessica's words finally made Cody completely furious. He couldn't accept that he had rushed here to fight with all his efforts, but his wife died before the fight even started. He walked towards Jessica aggressively, scaring Jessica to retreat again and again.

At this time, Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri, who were in a confrontation, finally ended their confrontation and fought on the spot without saying a word.

Qin Ming, who looked at Kasamoto Eri, suddenly roared and punched the ground fiercely.

As the blood flowed, it rushed out at an instant, rushing towards Kasamoto Eri.

And when it approached her, it slipped between her legs and continued to shoot backwards, aiming at Cody!


With a loud bang! The blood turned into a blood column and gushed out! It hit Cody's body!

Like an energy fountain!

This sudden sneak attack on the spot caught Cody off guard.

Before he landed, Kasamoto Eri, who had been confronting Qin Ming fiercely, had instantly drawn out his two guns, turned around and knelt on one knee, aiming at Cody and shooting wildly, shooting a lot of blood arrows on the opponent's body!

It was not until the piercing gunshots that Genryusai Maki on the side finally reacted to what was going on.

She did not expect Kasamoto Eri to turn against Qin Ming and attack him suddenly while arguing, so she kicked directly at Kasamoto Eri who was shooting wildly.

The Warrior Style! A piercing kick!

This Warrior Knight kick was extremely fast, but unfortunately it didn't hit the target.

Because before she could kick Kasamoto Eri, Qin Ming had already rushed over from the side at high speed.

Qin Ming bumped into Genryusai Maki with his shoulder, knocking Genryusai Maki out on the spot, and continued to run without slowing down, and his whole body was burning with white flames.

After arriving next to Cody, before Cody, who was under the shooting, struggled to attack, blood flashed in his hand.

Skill! Heavenly Slide! Combo!

The body slid and accelerated, and grabbed Cody's neck.

Qin Ming, with a fierce expression, dragged him and slammed him hard against the wall behind him. After crashing through the wall with one head, he continued to hit the other wall without slowing down!

Qin Ming, who already knew that Cody was good at roaming fighting, would never give the other party any chance to roam again!

While the two men broke through the wall, Genryusai Maki, who rolled to the ground on the other side, also accelerated and rushed towards Kasamoto Eri.

Genryusai Maki, who was leaning forward seriously while running, waved two crutches wildly in his hands, and used his crutches to block all the bullets.

After rushing to Kasamoto Eri, he quickly pulled Kasamoto Eri, who had drawn out the battle axe, and started a hand-to-hand fight.

Kasamoto Eri, who kept moving around the room with his speed, fought back and forth with Genryusai Maki, and neither side took advantage for a while.

On the other side, Qin Ming, who forcibly grabbed Cody and dragged him through three walls, finally exploded with blood, relying on the Heavenly Kingdom Slide skill to severely injure Cody on the spot.

Looking at Cody who rolled to the ground, Qin Ming threw a blood ball without waiting for him to struggle to stand up.

Seeing Cody quickly roll away and look up at him angrily, Qin Ming's eyes also flashed red.

"Jessica is mine! You damned beast!"

"Then your life is mine! You low-class bastard!"


Leaping up, Cody punched and collided with Qin Ming's bloody fist.

The next second, Cody, who had just jumped up, was hit back again.

Looking at Cody, who had lost the advantage of the first move and was severely injured by the sneak attack, Qin Ming's muscles bulged and his smile was very ferocious.

He really didn't expect that there would be such an unexpected gain.

Originally, he thought that the gains of this mission would end here, but he never thought that there would be takeaways delivered to his door!

"Cody, right? Your life and your wife! I will take them all!!!"

Qin Ming, who said the classic villain's words in a roar, slammed his hands heavily on the ground.

The next second! The violent blood gushed out with him as the center!

Imitation-fighting storm!

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