Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 322 The Real Strong One

At the entrance of the police station, Mayor Mike Hager and Qin Ming finally met again.

Qin Ming, who quickly returned the other party's daughter, shook hands with the mayor with a serious expression.

Mayor Mike Hager, who had no expression on his face, looked at his daughter who had returned to him. Instead of showing any fear, she winked at Qin Ming and couldn't help frowning.

Yesterday, Cody and Yuan Liusai Maki suddenly disappeared, which made him realize that things were bad.

And today, Qin Ming's punctual appearance made him realize that Cody, who had a reckless personality, was in danger.

The monster who could take down the Crazy Gear Gang alone was not something Cody could deal with alone.

If they went there to seek revenge, it would be no different from seeking death.

"Mayor, we have officially reached a cooperation, right?"

"I think so."

"Then if you have anything to say in the future, just ask me, I will obey your orders."

"Even if I ask you to close the special industry?"

Qin Ming was stunned by Mayor Mike Hager's words. After two seconds of silence, he turned his head and looked at Jessica, and then raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, even if it means closing the special industry, from now on, you have the final say in the metropolis."

Qin Ming and his daughter's little actions were seen by Mayor Mike Hager. His eyes gradually became weird, and he couldn't help but look at Jessica deeply.

He felt that he needed to go back and talk to his baby daughter.

As the car door closed, Mayor Mike Hager quickly took Jessica away, leaving Qin Ming with his hands in his pockets, watching them leave expressionlessly.

He had done everything he could. As for whether he could really make the mayor give up targeting the Crazy Gear Gang and really be willing to cooperate with the Crazy Gear Gang to complete the hidden task that was finally triggered.

Then it all depends on Jessica. Whether she can make a deal with her father is related to the final settlement of the hidden mission.

Qin Ming quickly retracted his gaze and turned to walk away, stretching his muscles as he walked.

Mayor Mike Hag cannot be killed, after all, he still has to complete the mission.

So now there is no hunting target left in the entire metropolis.

Anyway, there is still some time before the mission ends, why not go back and continue to accompany Kasamoto Eri to clean up Yuan Liusai Maki? But that woman has become very honest and has no reaction.

Then, how about trying to get some poison? Anyway, he is also his younger brother, and he is idle.

He really wants to try it. What is so magical about the legendary physique that destroyed a warrior in a month.

Qin Ming couldn't help but curl up his mouth when he thought of the legend about poison.

Just laughing, his steps suddenly stopped and he stood still.

His eyes narrowed slowly, and his eyes gradually became sharp. Qin Ming lowered his head and remained silent for two seconds, then suddenly spoke in a cold voice.

"Who? Come out!"

Hearing the voice, footsteps sounded behind him immediately. The next second, a very burly old man with white hair slowly walked out from the corner.

He was wearing an ordinary gray training suit, with a thick hemp rope tied around his waist, and he had a Mediterranean look. He stood behind Qin Ming expressionlessly. After looking Qin Ming up and down, he suddenly spoke in a serious voice.

"Young man, your kung fu has gone wrong."

Qin Ming turned around quickly after hearing this, taking out the dinosaur sunglasses and putting them on his face, grinning.

"Who are you? You are pointing fingers at me as soon as you appear?"

Qin Ming only felt that the words of the old man opposite were very funny.

His power system did not come from this world. For the other party, of course, there was a problem with his training. After all, he had never seen it before.

With the sunglasses put on, he activated the detective ability.

The next second, the effect of instantly seeing the target's attributes did not appear. Instead, with a crisp sound, a large number of cracks appeared on the sunglasses on Qin Ming's face.

Such a scene made Qin Ming's eyes widen, and his face looked like he had seen a ghost.

The white-haired old man on the opposite side frowned slightly.

"You little guy not only has problems with your practice, but also has no manners. It is very excessive to peek at other people's power fluctuations. It's best not to do it next time."

Hearing this, Qin Ming pulled off his sunglasses with force, and finally showed a serious look on his face.

"Who are you!"

It's the first time that Qin Ming has encountered a monster of this level that can't be seen through by sunglasses, and even rely on power fluctuations to forcibly shatter sunglasses remotely.

He didn't understand at this moment that he had met a top master!

Hearing Qin Ming's question, the white-haired old man had no expression on his face, but just lowered his hands and spoke in a deep voice.

"Genryusai Maki is the daughter of my old friend. I wonder if you can let her go for my sake. I can feel that she is not dead."

"You let her go?"

"I owe you a favor. I can give you some advice on your practice method, which has problems. Otherwise, you will become possessed."

"Possessed? I am already a demon!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Ming had already gathered power with both hands, turned into tiger claws and threw out a Overlord Shouting Fist!

The huge blood-colored energy cannon shot towards the white-haired old man, which made the other party frown. His hands turned into tiger claws and began to gather power at his waist.

As the energy gathered! He also shot out an energy ball!

It's just that his energy ball is not very big, but very small, just like the Tiger Huang Fist.

However, as the two collided, Qin Ming's Overlord Xianghou Fist was torn open on the spot. The next second, the energy ball hit Qin Ming's chest without slowing down, and directly blew him away!

While rolling and sliding, Qin Ming knelt down on one knee and hooked his fingers on the ground. He slid for more than ten meters before barely stopping. Qin Ming suddenly raised his head with a look of shock on his face.

This small energy cannon almost seriously injured him!

"Who the hell are you?!"

"Boy, there is a very powerful force in your body. I can feel it. This power from the blood is really strong, but it is also very violent. I want to ask you, are you controlling it now? Or is it? Controlling you?"

Looking at the white-haired and muscular old man opposite who did not give an answer but instead taught him a lesson, Qin Ming roared suddenly and punched the ground.

Imitation-energy fountain!


The rolling blood shot toward the old man, but before it could spurt out after reaching the opponent's feet, the old man stamped his feet and forcibly destroyed it with the energy in his body.

Looking at the shattered blood on the spot, Qin Ming, who didn't expect that his skill would be interrupted midway, had veins bulging on his forehead, and his whole body suddenly rushed towards the old man, dragging the blood with him.

Skill! Glide to heaven!

Looking at Qin Ming, who was rushing over at great speed, the old man couldn't help but shook his head.

"The more powerful the power, the more it affects the mind. Boy, you have become a slave of power. Your cruelty! Your bloodthirsty! Your madness! They are all the price paid for controlling this power! You! Now! It’s still you!”

The moment the two sides approached, looking at Qin Ming, who was grabbing at him with blood flowing in his hands, the white-haired old man suddenly flashed a white light on his arm, and the next second, he suddenly threw an uppercut.

"Here I am! Wake up!"

Skill! L Dragon Fist!


The iron fist entwined with the air current forcefully broke through Qin Ming's skills, even ignoring the domineering effect of his skills, and hit Qin Ming's jaw hard from bottom to top with a punch.

The next second! The violent airflow spreads! All the objects around him were blown away! Even the cars parked on both sides! They all slid back!

Qin Ming, who received the punch head-on, had his facial features instantly distorted and rose several meters high like a cannonball before falling heavily to the ground.

After clearing the area with one punch, the white-haired old man, who had no objects within tens of meters around him, was blown away by the airflow. After landing, he shook his arm fiercely.

Looking at Qin Ming, who was lying motionless on the ground opposite him, he couldn't help but shake his head.

"Why are you so obsessed with the power that you cannot control? He is like this, and so are you."

Turning around and striding towards the distance, the old man spoke.

"If you want to learn to control this power, come to me at this address. I will try to help you learn to control it. If you don't come and continue to be willing to be a slave of this power, then when we meet next time, I’ll kill you! There can’t be another Akuma in the world!”

After hearing this, Qin Ming saw a card floating next to him, and blood continued to flow from his mouth. He staggered and struggled to stand up.

With blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, he spoke in a somewhat unclear voice.

"who are you!"

Upon hearing this question, the white-haired old man stopped abruptly.

After a long silence, he turned his head slightly and said.

"I! Assassinate the current master of Wave Ken! Gouken!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the big man turned around and walked away, completely disappearing from Qin Ming's sight.

As for Qin Ming, who was watching the other party disappear completely, his knees softened and he suddenly knelt on the ground on one knee, spitting out a mouthful of blood from his mouth.

Just one punch! Just one punch! Qin Ming's internal organs had all been destroyed! He was hammered to the point of being seriously injured and dying!

He was so seriously injured last time! Or was it the sun-drenched skill of Ghost Flame! When hit directly!

The power of a punch is no less than an S-level skill? What kind of monster is this!

Gang Fist? Assassination of the Wave Ken? Street Fighter is recognized as the strongest genre in the world! It is also the sect of the first protagonist Long!

he! He is the master of the protagonist Ken and Long! The martial arts legend who could face off against Akuma and still not fall short!

That is, a martial arts master who has surpassed the first-class realm!

Place it in the world of The King of Fighters! It is the first of the eight outstanding figures! The final plot boss of Arashi Konitz of Breathing! The first echelon-level combat power second only to the gods!

Lying on the ground in pain, holding the ground with his hands, Qin Ming felt the severe pain in his body, and the veins on Qin Ming's forehead bulged.

If he were a normal person, he would have been completely disabled at this moment. After all, all the internal organs were destroyed, and any warrior would be disabled.

But Qin Ming was different. Not to mention that his body had been digitized. The weird S-level skill of absorbing flesh and blood alone was enough for him to quickly recover from all injuries.

But this is also what scares Qin Ming the most. The other party beat him like this, but still told him to find him later. It was obvious that he could recover from any injury! The other party did this on purpose!

"Gangquan, master of martial arts, hahahahahahahahaha! Old guy! This is interesting!"

He raised his hand and wiped his mouth. He continued to consume blood in his body to regain his strength. Qin Ming struggled to stand up.

His body was shrinking due to the loss of blood. He turned his head to look at the direction where Gangquan left, and then turned around with a serious expression and walked away.

After he walked away completely, Gangquan, who was standing at a corner with his back against the wall, slowly opened his eyes.

"It's really a terrifying power..."

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