Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 336 Hannah's Hero

"What? Are you going to go to the headquarters of the hunting organization to assassinate Dr. Scourge?!"

A scream sounded in the Nature Conservancy base, and Hannah, who was sitting opposite, stood up in shock.

Qin Ming nodded expressionlessly upon hearing this, his eyes very firm.

"Yes, I have an informant who can help me infiltrate."

"Are you alone? Can't we follow?"

"No, it's already the limit for him to bring me and Kasamoto Miles in. Others can't be brought in."

Qin Ming's answer made Hannah slowly sit back on the chair in a daze.

It would be the best thing to be able to deal with Dr. Scourge, the culprit. After all, he is the source of everything. If you don't kill him, it will be useless even if you kill many people from the hunting organization.

If you kill one leader today, he will be able to create two more tomorrow. It is impossible to kill all these transformed monsters.

And as time goes by, his genetic technology has become more and more perfect, causing the transformed people to become stronger and stronger.

Even now, many people have begun to support him, after all, he can really give strength to others.

If we continue to delay, Hannah and her nature conservation organization may turn into villains!

But if Qin Ming wants to assassinate Dr. Natural Disaster alone, the risk is too great, and one of them might die in it.

Even if the assassination is successful, how to escape is still a problem. This kind of action can be described as a narrow escape.

Her expression changed uncertainly, and Hannah opened her mouth several times to stop him. After all, she had a very good impression of Qin Ming.

But every time she opened her mouth, she was blocked by her own sense of responsibility, preventing her from opening her mouth to persuade.

Whether to choose personal feelings or righteousness, Hannah has never considered this. After all, in her eyes, personal feelings are linked to righteousness.

Her like-minded partners, those men who have good feelings for her, are all heroes who stand on the side of justice, and they are all reputable men.

But now the person with the highest favorability actually wants to sacrifice his life for justice, which makes Hannah fall into a dilemma.

She didn't want to see Qin Ming die, but she also wanted to see Dr. Natural Disaster die...

In the end, Hannah, who had been struggling for a long time, still couldn't say anything to dissuade her. After spending her whole life fighting for natural organizations, her rationality finally defeated her sensibility and chose to side with the world.

As for the others? The other protagonists just praised Qin Ming's heroic spirit and had no intention of persuading him.

After all, for them, the most important thing is whether Qin Ming can complete the task. As for whether he will die? They don't care about Qin Ming's life or death, they only care about Dr. Natural Disaster's death!

One for one! Not only is it a loss for them! On the contrary, it is a sure profit!

Night fell quickly, and in the temporary lounge, Qin Ming was arranging his equipment in preparation for the final decisive battle.

The final big boss, this was not the first time he had faced an existence of this level. Except for the final boss who was a bit weak in the quick fight of the whirlwind world, the others were not easy to mess with.

The same is probably true for Dr. Calamity. After all, in the game, this guy can transform several times.

Just when Qin Ming was sorting out his firearms and Miles Kasamoto was modifying explosives and grenades, there was a sudden knock on the door.

After hearing the sound, Miles Kasamoto and Qin Ming looked at each other. Qin Ming lowered his head and continued to change the equipment silently, while Miles Kasamoto walked over and quickly opened the door.

With a creaking sound, the door opened, and the person who appeared at the door was none other than Hannah, the heroine.

Looking at the beautiful diplomat wearing a jumpsuit in front of him, Miles Kasamoto looked confused.

Hannah, who was standing at the door looking at her, bit her lip hard.

"Miss Miles, can you go out for a moment? I want to talk to Qin Ming alone."

As soon as these words came out, Miles Kasamoto was stunned, but when he turned around, his face immediately showed an expression of sudden realization.

He turned around and walked back to the table, quickly taking away his pistol and explosives. After doing all this, Kasamoto Miji didn't forget to bump Qin Ming's waist with his elbow and wink at him.

"This delivery lady is here for you, boss."

With a bang, Miles Kasamoto walked out of the room and closed the door, causing silence in the room.

Hannah, who was standing at the door, looked up at Qin Ming, who had his back turned to her, with complicated eyes.

Qin Ming, who was assembling firearms, gradually stopped moving.

After a long silence, Hannah's voice sounded.

"I should have stopped you."

"This is my own decision."

"You will die inside. Even if you succeed, it will be difficult to escape alive. That is the opponent's base camp, and there may be many transformed monsters in it."

"I know, but why go to the front line if you are afraid of death? I would rather die on the way forward than in a comfortable pot."

Qin Ming himself also knew that this operation was very risky. After all, if he went to someone else's hometown to kill the other party's boss, he knew how many enemies he would encounter just by thinking about it.

The biggest difficulty is not how to kill Dr. Scourge, but how to get out alive after killing the opponent.

It's just that people die for money and birds die for food. As an adventurer, Qin Ming has no choice at all.

Don’t dare to fight hard? How can you be an adventurer if you don’t dare to risk your life? If he didn't dare to fight hard, he might have died in the previous mission.

Hearing Qin Ming's firm tone, Hannah sighed silently, approached him, and spoke softly.

"The fusion technology of dinosaur genes is very powerful, and many people even call it the savior of the new era. Dr. Scourge has also become the savior in their mouths, but they only see the powerful power brought by dinosaur genes, but selectively ignore the side effects they will bring. People who fuse dinosaur genes will become short-lived and have irritable and cruel personalities. Imagine if a person who has fused dinosaur genes suddenly ran wild in the city, how many innocent people would he kill? And how many poor families would he destroy?"

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and Hannah's tone became more and more low.

"The most important thing is that Dr. Scourge only wants to create perfect genes. He is not willing to make up for the character defects brought by dinosaur genes, or in his eyes, this is not a defect at all! Dr. Scourge is a lunatic! If he is left alone! He will destroy everything! So he must be stopped! He must be killed! Must!"

As the last two words fell, Qin Ming, who was facing Hannah, suddenly felt his body tighten, and his waist was hugged from behind.

As the clothes fell to the ground, Hannah's coat fell to the ground, revealing the naked body inside.

Hannah, who was holding Qin Ming tightly, put her head on Qin Ming's back and suddenly spoke in a low voice.

"But this can't be an excuse for me not to dissuade you. You are my friend, but I watched my friend die. Not only did I not feel sad, I didn't stop him, but I was secretly happy in my heart. I am a selfish woman, always have been. Others say that I am good at using beauty and sweet words to deceive others. I am a very, very bad diplomat. I admit that they are not wrong. I am full of justice and nature. I always say that I fight to protect the lives of the masses, but I silently choose to sacrifice you and exchange your sacrifice for victory. The justice I talk about is only my own justice after all."

Turning Qin Ming around with force, looking at Qin Ming, whose eyes widened instantly, Hannah stood on tiptoe and raised her hands to hug Qin Ming's neck, forcing him to bend down, and suddenly put her head close to his ear and whispered.

"Then let me use diplomacy on you for the last time as a diplomat, Qin Ming."

Hannah looked up and kissed Qin Ming's lips gently. Looking at Qin Ming's face close at hand, Hannah's eyes gradually blurred.

"Go kill Dr. Scourge, save the world, and come back alive, become my hero, and become the embodiment of justice in my eyes, okay? Qin Ming?"

Qin Ming's eyes flickered slightly when he heard this.

"What if, I mean if, I can't come back alive?"

Hannah bit her lips hard when she heard this.

"The dead can't be heroes. They will only be forgotten by the living. If you don't work hard to come back alive, then I will be cheap to others."

"For example, that bastard Jack?"

"Yes, for example, that bastard Jack."

Qin Ming rolled his eyes when he heard this, and suddenly threw his hands and lifted Hannah horizontally.

"It seems that I have another reason to come back alive! Hannah! You are really good at provoking people!"

As he said this, Qin Ming picked up Hannah and walked into the room.

Hannah hugged Qin Ming's neck, squinting her eyes and showing a faint smile.

"If I don't even know this most basic method, how can I be a diplomat, don't you think, Mr. Hero Candidate?"

…………Outside the door, Kasamoto Eri, who was leaning against the wall, was leisurely swinging a grenade to play, and at the same time, he pricked up his ears to eavesdrop on the movement inside, and silently calculated while listening.

She was waiting for the time, waiting for the inside to be almost done, so that she could rush in and catch the adultery.

The mistress Hannah who was caught on the spot at that time! In order to prevent her own affairs from spreading! Then she would have to share half!

With a smile in his eyes, Kasamoto Eri was in a very good mood at the moment.

He also took out a wallet from his arms and opened it to take a look.

And in this wallet, there was not money, but Kasamoto Eri's spoils.

For example, private photos of Sun Ji, private photos of Sun Ji's guards, private photos of her good teammate Feiou, private photos of the fairy of Neverland and the three mermaids, private photos of Jessica, etc.

It can be said that any woman who has a special relationship with Qin Ming has a special collection of photos.

And compared to Qin Ming, Kasamoto Eri's achievements are more brilliant. After all, her good friend Fio has not been taken down by Qin Ming, but she has been taken down by her!

Kasamoto Eri, who made a space in her wallet to put the new loot, smiled more and more brightly.

But before she was ready to appear, footsteps suddenly came from a distance.

Hearing the movement, Kasamoto Eri frowned, showing an unhappy expression on her face, and turned around quickly with her hands on her chest.

And there, a figure was walking in a hurry. This person was Jack in White, one of the four protagonists!

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