Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 338: Enemies

Their eyes secretly communicated silently, and the expressions of Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri changed.

Qin Ming even raised his hand to take out his sunglasses and put them on, and silently checked Hannah's data.

There was no problem with the basic attributes, the skills, and the favorability. Everything was normal.

But Qin Ming was sure that there was definitely something wrong with the Hannah in front of him!

Because after yesterday, Hannah was like a mouse seeing a cat when she saw Kasamoto Eri. How could she be so calm?

No! To be precise, this is no longer a question of calmness! She was more like what happened yesterday had never happened!

After a slight silence of one second, Qin Ming suddenly spoke.

"Hannah, what do you think of Eri?"

Hannah was stunned when she said this, and her expression was a little surprised.

"Eri? She's pretty good."

"What about her performance yesterday?"

"Yesterday... was also pretty good."

"Well, I know."

While nodding slightly, Qin Ming suddenly swung right and punched Hannah in the chest at close range.

Imitation - Overlord Shouting Fist!

With a loud bang, the blood ball fused with the air wave exploded, and Hannah, who was caught off guard, was instantly blown away seven or eight meters.

Pretty good? Kasamoto Eri played crazier than Qin Ming yesterday, and even forced Hannah to take pictures. Can this be called pretty good?

It can be confirmed! This is a fake in front of me!

Qin Ming, who hit the ground with one blow, suddenly punched the ground with one fist, and directly shot a fountain of blood from a long distance. After doing all this, his body dragged out a red light, turning into a residual image and shooting towards Hannah at a high speed.

A-level skill! Heavenly Slide!

Hannah, who was caught off guard and took a combo directly, rolled to the ground and saw Qin Ming rushing in front of her, and her pupils shrank suddenly.

The next second, the whole person flashed strangely and disappeared on the spot.

The King of Fighters world! Asamiya Athena's skill! It is also the world's first displacement skill! Teleportation!

Qin Ming's Heavenly Kingdom Slide is fast, but this teleportation is pure instant movement.

The two started a contest, and it was self-evident who was stronger.

Qin Ming, who lost his target on the spot, kicked the ground and slid several meters away. He turned his head and looked at Hannah who appeared directly from the other side, his face was already livid.


Since he can use strange abilities that do not belong to this world, there is no need to guess who the other party is.

Hannah, who escaped by teleportation, looked at Qin Ming with a dark face, raised her hand to wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth, and her eyes were full of confusion.

"How did you find out that I was wrong!"

As he spoke, with a palm on his face, Hannah's appearance and body shape had changed dramatically, and she turned into a shorter woman in an instant.

It was the only female adventurer among the four adventurers on the protagonist's side: Monkey.

Looking at the great transformation skills displayed in front of him, even though Qin Ming had expected it in his heart, he was still shocked.

Because the guy in front of me is not just a disguise! When she transformed! Even the attribute display and favorability changed! It can be said that she has completely become an imitator! The kind that even dinosaur glasses can't see through!

What kind of ability is this? Mystique? !

"Innate skill?"


[Innate skill: Changeable]

[Effect: Can perfectly imitate all the data reality and body structure of the selected person, and conceal all means of investigation, regardless of gender]

[Introduction: Lady? How dare you assume my gender! I decide whether it is male or female! ]

Gently moving her wrist, although the identity was accidentally exposed, Monkey was very surprised.

But she was not too nervous because of this. After all, if her identity was discovered, at most it would change from a sneak attack to an encounter battle, which was harmless.

She knew that the guy in front of her was very good at fighting, but no matter how good he was at fighting, could he still fight a group of people? !

"Come out! He is very vigilant! The plan to lead him into the encirclement has failed!"

As Monkey finished speaking, footsteps suddenly sounded all around, and the next second, several figures quickly walked out of the woods.

And they were the other adventurers, and there were two protagonists among them!

Jack in White, Qin Ming's old enemy, was now looking at Qin Ming with fierce eyes, and his favorability had dropped to -500.

The other protagonist was Mustafa, a black man with a yellow hat on his head and a pair of long legs. His expression was very stiff at the moment.

He didn't want to come at first. After all, although he and Qin Ming didn't have a high favorability, they were still his own people, not to mention that Qin Ming was going to assassinate Dr. Calamity this time.

But the problem was that he couldn't resist the pleading of his lover Tank. Between his companions and his lover, Mustafa finally chose his lover.

There were three adventurers plus two BOSSes. The strength of this road-blocking team that suddenly appeared should not be underestimated.

Qin Ming was even more surprised to see Jack and Mustafa appear in front of him.

For the sake of safety, he originally planned to meet up with the wild wolf first, and then come back to secretly hunt Jack, but he never thought that the other party would take the initiative to find him.

Should this be considered a surprise or a shock?

Qin Ming said nothing with his hands hanging down, blood wrapped around his arms, and white flames burning above.

Kasamoto Eri took out a light machine gun and hid behind Qin Ming sideways, using his burly body as a cover, ready to shoot at any time.

Looking at the two men who were so aggressive and not afraid at all, the five people on the opposite side looked at each other, and the leader Tank suddenly sneered.

"Two against five, you still don't run away. It seems that you are really confident in your own strength, but is it a bit too confident? Who can climb to the position of intermediate adventurer doesn't have two brushes?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jack on the side roared, jumped up and kicked.

"Why are you talking nonsense to him! Kill him!"

Jack's kick was fast and fierce, full of hatred, but it was a pity that he was not facing the rookie he used to be.

Before Jack flew over and hit, Qin Ming, who was defending on the spot, had dodged sideways, turned around and kicked out, and kicked Jack down from mid-air on the spot!

As the two fought, the other people roared and immediately launched an attack.

Tank rushed to the front, as the name suggests, he was a real tank.

He took a punch from Qin Ming head-on, but he didn't move at all. He actually resisted Qin Ming's attack, hugged Qin Ming's waist on the spot, and just carried him hard and slammed into the tree.

Feilong flew into the sky and rushed directly towards Kasamoto Eri.

He dodged flexibly in the air, constantly avoiding machine gun fire, and at the same time, he started shooting desperately with guns in his hands. For a while, the two of them actually played the effect of a fighter jet fighting an anti-aircraft gun!

Feilong's innate skill is very simple, that is, flying!

He can fly freely without any consumption! The flying speed depends on his own agility value! It can be said that he is a human fighter!

And he climbed to this position today with this ability, and all his skills are in long-range output.

By selling his pot and iron, he finally got the A-level firearms proficiency, plus pistols, submachine guns, machine guns, grenades and other high-quality firearms. This is all Feilong's belongings and trump cards.

It can be said that Feilong is a guerrilla warfare master, and his main feature is to advance and retreat freely! He even created a feat of killing more than 300 enemies by flying alone!

Faced with the gun! Kasamoto Eri really couldn't take him down for a while!

As Kasamoto Eri was entangled by the flying dragon, the other four people rushed to Qin Ming at the same time, ready to capture the thief first, and kill the most difficult Qin Ming first.

As long as Qin Ming is dead, the summoned creature that runs very fast will not be a problem.

Tank is restraining! Jack and Mustafa are attacking! Monkey is attacking remotely! The cooperation of the four people is extremely tacit!

Especially the tank who is fighting with Qin Ming and holding him to death. This guy's talent skill is extremely terrifying!

[Talent skill: heavy armor]

[Effect: Self-defense X2]

[Introduction: Do you understand what the gold content of heavy tanks is! ]

Holding Qin Ming's waist with both hands, pushing him hard to rush forward, the tank fought Qin Ming head-on regardless of anything.

Facing the street hooligan style of Tank, Qin Ming kept punching his back and head, but found that no matter how he attacked, Tank didn't move at all.

Even with Bai Yan's defense reduction blessing! Qin Ming couldn't hit him!

No defense break!

Taking advantage of the opportunity that Qin Ming was entangled and unable to move, the other three had already launched a crazy attack on Qin Ming, using all kinds of skills and weapons to attack him.

However, after a series of attacks, a very embarrassing situation appeared on the scene.

That is, Qin Ming couldn't hit Tank with doubled defense, but the problem was that other people couldn't hit Qin Ming either!

Tank has a terrifying defense increase! Qin Ming is more noble in terms of damage immunity! Compared with Tank, his defense ability is only higher, not lower! The most important thing is that this guy can also suck blood!

With four against one, the two sides actually fought to a stalemate, and no one could do anything to anyone!

After a group fight, Qin Ming was finally hurt. The next second, Qin Ming directly activated the blood and flesh sucking skill, and began to suck blood on a large scale, recovering from his injuries!

The most important thing is that as Qin Ming's skills were fully activated, he held the tank's head tightly with both hands, and blood mist was constantly floating on the tank's body, gathering towards Qin Ming frantically.

High defense? Sorry! The blood sucking effect of blood and flesh sucking is real damage! It doesn't take your defense at all!

Don't say double the defense! Even if your defense is increased by a hundred times! It can still suck!

This is why Qin Ming chose the injury-free skill before. Injury-free and real damage are above all attributes! It is a bug-level ability second only to the invincibility effect!

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