Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 340: Settled Grudges

Tank's defense is indeed very high, and he has successfully maximized his natural abilities.

It's just that in order to make the most perfect use of one's own talents, the tank strengthening method is obviously a bit too extreme.

The ultimate pursuit of defense has resulted in his serious lack of speed and strength. Normally, he can deal with the aboriginal BOSS, but now he meets an adventurer, especially a similar adventurer who can completely ignore his attacks, and his attributes are almost completely crushed. The pressed tank completely turned into a living target.

Of course, if it were not for such an extreme pursuit of defense, Tank might not even be able to let Qin Ming use explosives. His strengthening method cannot be said to be wrong, it can only be said to be unlucky to meet an opponent who restrained him.

Completely ignoring the tank's desperate struggle, Qin Ming desperately stuffed C4 explosive into the tank's mouth and directly chose to detonate it.

Violent firelight lit up, and the powerful power generated by the C4 explosive even formed a shock wave visible to the naked eye in mid-air.

Qin Ming was lifted up more than three meters high on the spot and thrown far away.

As for tanks? It turns out that even inside the body! The tank is also very tough!

It's a pity that it still failed to survive the C4 bomb.

The huge explosion directly caused the upper half of the tank to fall apart, but the lower body was still intact and strong.

Looking at the tank that was only half broken after being blasted by the C4 bomb at close range, Qin Ming struggled to get up from the ground with an expression of amazement.

Qin Ming has never encountered such a tough guy, let alone among adventurers, even among BOSSs.

This guy's conventional defense is even higher than Qin Ming's!

Looking away from the broken corpse, Qin Ming quickly raised his head and looked around, and found that the flying dragon had begun to take off and fled after seeing that something was wrong, and was now being chased by Miles Kasamoto with a machine gun.

Qin Ming doesn't care whether Feilong dies or not. He only cares about another goal at the moment, and that is...

In the woods, footsteps sounded, and Jack ran desperately.

The five-man group that came over to attack them were already dead in the blink of an eye, and it seemed that the tank would most likely not survive either.

Jack, realizing something was wrong, chose to run away without hesitation.

And during the escape, his mind almost went blank.

Jack couldn't understand why the brat he had just separated from some time ago turned around and became so terrifying.

I don't understand why the other party, who was originally thin and short, turned into such a giant.

What's more, he couldn't understand why Hannah, who had worked with him for many years and had already developed a good impression, suddenly fell in love with that guy and quickly abandoned him.

There were too many things that Jack couldn't figure out, and he didn't have the time to figure them out.

Because right behind Jack, who was running at full speed, a bloody light was shooting at a very fast speed!

Qin Mingke has never been a generous person. Words such as "it's better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies" have never appeared in his dictionary.

When someone scolded him, he couldn't sleep in the middle of the night and had to run several miles to puncture someone's tire. The grudge between Jack and him had been forged a long time ago, so how could Qin Ming just let it go?

The sound of heavy footsteps suddenly reached his ears. Jack's expression changed when he heard the movement, and he hurriedly turned his head to look.

As a result, they found that the woods behind them were shaking, and a huge creature was rushing towards them.

Qin Ming charged like a wild bull without any care, breaking a large number of tree trunks along the way.

Amidst the flying sawdust, he successfully closed the distance and jumped up suddenly, drawing an arc in mid-air and hitting Jack below like a cannonball.

Jack's face turned pale when he saw this scene, and he suddenly roared and twirled and punched, using his own life-saving stunt! Spin the Shoryuken!

This move is a B-level skill, its power can only be said to be average, and its damage may not even be much higher than ordinary fist and kick attacks.

But there is a reason why this move is rated B level, that is, this move has a very buggy effect! You can make yourself invincible the moment you punch!

This invincibility time is very short, maybe only 1 second, but no matter how short it is, it is still invincible!

Not to mention it was Qin Ming’s Mount Tai meteorite that fell! Just hit him on the head with a nuclear bomb! He can also stand upright and not die for a moment!

Qin Ming, who flew down, collided directly with Jack.

Qin Ming felt as if he had hit a big mountain. The impact was offset on the spot, and his whole body was thrown away by a punch.

Looking at Qin Ming rolling and falling to the ground, Jack suddenly let out a sigh of relief and coughed in pain.

Although this move, the Spinning Shoryuken, is powerful, it also has a huge negative effect. It is not something that activates mental power, but requires consuming blood. If it is used on a plot character, it will hurt yourself before hurting others. It is typical. The seven-injury boxing technique.

Jack, who forcibly broke the situation with one punch, also knew that he could never outrun Qin Ming, so he roared on the spot and actually took the initiative to charge towards Qin Ming.

"Qin Ming! I'll kill you!"

Hearing this roar, Qin Ming struggled to stand up from the ground, his eyes suddenly flashed red, and he punched him fiercely.

"That's my line!"

A loud bang spread, and the two fists collided heavily in mid-air.

Visible air waves spread, Qin Ming's arm remained motionless after a hard punch, but Jack was knocked back two steps, and his whole arm was trembling crazily.

It's not that he lost in strength. Jack, who is also a hexagonal warrior, is not necessarily weaker in strength than Qin Ming.

He didn't lose in strength, but in defense.

After a head-on fight, Qin Ming relied on the damage-free effect and was not affected at all.

Jack only felt that he punched the iron plate and his whole arm was almost broken.

For a moment, his right arm was numb and he was completely at a disadvantage. Before he could recover from the severe pain, Qin Ming had already taken advantage of the victory and aimed at him with a set of standard combination punches.

Straight punch! Swing punch! Hook punch! Elbow strike! Knee strike!

Qin Ming hit Jack with more than 20 military punches as fast as lightning.

Jack, who kept retreating, couldn't withstand all the attacks even if he defended desperately, and was hit four or five times on the spot.

In terms of attributes, he is not better than Qin Ming.

In terms of ability, he doesn't have as many skills as Qin Ming.

Needless to say, in terms of defense.

Even if it was a competition of skills, Qin Ming, who had A-level fighting skills at the moment, had fighting skills far superior to Jack.

Jack was crushed in all directions and was beaten to a pulp for a while. The only thing that made him stronger than Qin Ming now was probably that he had an invincible skill.

Can't beat him? Use your ultimate move!

Being suppressed? Use your ultimate move!

Want to fight back? Use your ultimate move!

Jack, who kept using his ultimate move to force his way out, forced Qin Ming's several strong attacks back in succession. This was good news.

But there was also bad news, that was, Jack, who had been using his ultimate move continuously, was about to be killed by himself before Qin Ming could make a ruthless move.

Qin Ming, who was forced to retreat again, slid and stood firm.

Looking up at the shaky Jack on the opposite side, who looked like he was about to die even though he hadn't hit him many times, he couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

Once upon a time, Jack's B-level ultimate move was still a skill that he envied and coveted.

But now it seems that this skill is powerful, but it doesn't seem to be very practical.

Qin Ming stood up and suddenly swung his arms to wipe off the blood on his arms. He looked at Jack with a stern face and said coldly.

"Jack, since we know each other, I can give you a chance to be decent. How about you go on your own?"

Qin Ming's words made Jack stunned. After reacting, veins on his forehead bulged, and he suddenly roared and rushed towards Qin Ming.

A flying kick hit! Then a set of punches and kicks!

Jack attacked desperately! Fists kept bombarding Qin Ming's chest! There were muffled bangs!

It was a pity that Qin Ming, who took this set of attacks, did not move at all, but his eyes slowly narrowed.

Don't want to be decent? Then help him be decent!

A roar suddenly came from his mouth! The next second! Qin Ming, with blood wrapped around his arms! A rising dragon punch from bottom to top hit Jack's jaw!

After knocking Jack out, he flew over and straddled him on the ground, and began to attack desperately.

After punching more than 20 times in a row, Qin Ming, who was a little out of breath, finally stopped his actions. At this moment, Jack's face was already covered with blood, and he was breathing more than breathing in.

With his eyes bleeding, Jack, who was lying on the ground, struggled to look at Qin Ming, stretched out his hand and pulled his collar tightly, leaving a bloody handprint on it.

"Give me a... reason..."

From the time they met until now, it can be said that the two have never liked each other. Jack didn't like Qin Ming mainly because Qin Ming was too close to Hannah.

But Jack couldn't figure out why this guy in front of him was only against him, against him when he couldn't beat him, and against him even when he could beat him, as if he had some deep hatred with him.

Jack wanted to ask for a reason, the reason why Qin Ming wanted to fight him to the death, and Qin Ming immediately gave him a reason after hearing it.

"Because I'm petty! Jack! I'll give you back that kick!"

While speaking, Qin Ming, who had already stood up, suddenly raised his leg and kicked Jack hard in the face...

More than ten minutes later, Kasamoto Eri, who had finally failed to catch up with Feilong, ran over with a machine gun.

She rushed into the woods following the traces, and the first thing she saw was Jack's body lying on the ground, which was unrecognizable, and Qin Ming, who was sitting next to Jack's body, bowing his head and saying nothing.

Looking at the silent woods, Kasamoto Eri slowly stopped running and slowly walked to Qin Ming's side.

"Boss? Are you okay?"

Hearing Kasamoto Eri's question, Qin Ming looked up at her, shook his head and stood up.

"It's okay, let's go, let's meet up with the wild wolf."

As he said that, Qin Ming turned his head to look at Jack's body for the last time, then retracted his gaze, and led the way to the distance with a firm look.

Why did he go against Jack in everything? A rookie who suddenly came to a strange place and could die at any time was threatened and hostile by a boss who could kill him at will. How could he not fight against the other party?

If he didn't fight, would he admit defeat? Should he pretend to be bullied? Wouldn't he die faster?

The deadly hostility and the explosiveness of the past were just because Qin Ming was afraid that Jack would really kill him, so he had to show his teeth and claws and try his best to prove that he was not easy to mess with.

But now, he no longer needs to bluff.

Now he should be afraid of others.

"The game is over, protagonist."

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