Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 345: Runaway Genes

Looking at Dr. Scourge who fell to the ground with a thud, Qin Ming, who was about to take off, was stunned for a moment.

Not only was he stunned, but Dr. Scourge, who was forcibly stripped, was also stunned. It took him a long time to react and he opened his mouth and screamed wildly.

"Idiot! You idiot! What's the difference between a body without intelligence and a beast! This is my body! How can you eliminate me! I am the most perfect part! You damn idiot! Stupid..."


Before Dr. Scourge finished speaking, a loud noise suddenly came into his ears.

The next second, the mutated body suddenly stepped down hard, instantly hitting Dr. Scourge's head, and physically helped him close his mouth.

After doing all this, this terrifying body that had undergone the third evolution suddenly roared to the sky.

Qin Ming, who was opposite, looked at the six-meter-tall behemoth in front of him, who was howling wildly, and his expression was completely frozen.

This thing in front of him really mutated into a complete monster!

[Name: Dr. Scourge - Final Form]

[Strength: 100]

[Constitution: 100]

[Agility: 10]

[Spirit: 1]

[Skills: Unstable Gene (S-level) Fusion Fire (S-level)]

[Introduction: Purest flesh, purest power, purest beast]

Looking at the huge monster in front of him, to be honest, Qin Ming didn't know how to describe its shape for a while.

This so-called perfect gene body in front of him, but its shape is not perfect at all at this moment.

The extremely bloated body, the huge body, and the severely degenerated limbs.

And there are nine slender dinosaur heads growing on it.

This thing has turned from a hunter with amazing speed! It has become a pure meat shield! It has completely given up speed!

What's going on? Could it be that it was hurt by itself? It chose to defend to the end?

Before Qin Ming came back to his senses from the confusion, a roar suddenly came into his ears.

It turned out that the genetic monster on the opposite side had lowered its head and aimed all nine heads at Qin Ming.

Those heads, with pure beast brilliance in their eyes, opened their mouths at the same time, and then...


A dazzling light suddenly lit up! Nine rays of light swept out together! They swept through the woods at the same time!

Then, under Qin Ming's shocked gaze, the trees that were swept broke in unison!

Ray shooting!


With a scream, Qin Ming finally understood what the other party was doing with nine heads. He quickly started the flying backpack and rushed into the sky.

He flew on it, and nine rays of light chased behind him, constantly sweeping in the air.

Wherever the light passed, rocks were cut, trees were cut, and even the buildings behind were cut out on the spot.

This was the third mutation of Dr. Calamity! He actually evolved into a fixed turret! From a tank to a battleship!

Give up all melee and mobility! It's a positional war!

Qin Ming was so scared that cold sweat was dripping down his forehead as he shuttled back and forth in the air with a terrified expression, constantly dodging the laser cutting.

Facing this level of firepower attack, Qin Ming didn't dare to try to activate the flesh and blood absorption skill to see if he could fight it head-on.

With the outrageous lethality that can cut anything in an instant, and nine heads, this is not a fight! This is clearly going to die!

Qin Ming had no doubt that if he dared to confront it head-on, his body would be cut like tofu in the next second, and even the injury-free body of steel could not save his life!

Isn't this playing with genetic evolution? How can genetic evolution reach its limit? It will also become pure pyrotechnics! It must have evolved wrong!

Where is the Ultraman! The one below has evolved into a monster! Why hasn't Ultraman come out to shoot it with a beam!

Outside the building, in the woods, the completely out-of-control gene body was still shooting frantically, and nine rays of light were ruthlessly cutting everything around.

Qin Ming in the sky was flying back and forth like a fly, constantly shuttling between a large number of rays of light.

He was very glad at this time, glad that Dr. Calamity had been stripped off, causing the monster below to lose its IQ and completely become a beast, so there would be no advance prediction.

Otherwise, if it knew how to control the light, it would use nine rays of light to chase and intercept, and I would have been swept down long ago!

Qin Ming, who was shutting quickly in the sky, looked down at the woods below that were about to be razed to the ground, and the bloated monster in the middle of the woods that was still shooting desperately. The next second, he gritted his teeth and suddenly accelerated straight towards it.

This is not a solution! There will always be mistakes! Mistakes are a death!

So it must be shut up! Physically shut up!

Looking at Qin Ming rushing madly in the sky, the nine heads of the gene bodies below that were shooting randomly raised at the same time, and shot light at Qin Ming together.

Qin Ming's pupils shrank when he saw this scene, and this time he did not choose to dodge, but accelerated to meet him.

And at the same time as he hit him, the prop in his hand was already shining.

Three Kingdoms War Chronicle Item! Fish Mane Clothes! Dull Silver Quality! Can make oneself physically invincible for 3 seconds!


The violent rays of light hit Qin Ming one after another! Qin Ming, whose body surface was shining brightly! He also activated the Heavenly Kingdom Slide skill on the spot! He accelerated madly and rushed forward against the rays of light!

The nine rays of light that shot at the same time hit the surface of the fish mane coat fiercely, and the next second they were refracted and turned to sweep around, constantly cutting the earth.

Qin Ming, who relied on props to resist the rays of light, rushed to the gene body in an instant!

First, the nine rays of light that were refracted back changed the refraction angle as the distance got closer, and swept the gene body itself, cutting a lot of blood on the spot.

Then Qin Ming hit the gene body head-on, successfully injected white flames into its body, and weakened the opponent's defense.

In pain, the gene body roared wildly, and the nine heads sprayed rays of light, chasing Qin Ming regardless of anything.

Qin Ming, whose prop time had ended but successfully shortened the distance, controlled the flying backpack and began to fly at high speed close to the gene body.

He was flying in front, and the light was chasing behind. The continuously sweeping light cut back and forth, not only failed to hit Qin Ming, but also cut the necks of other dinosaurs that caught up with him.

In order to increase flexibility and turning ability, the super-long dinosaur necks that were specially grown and shaped like a long-necked dinosaur were extremely convenient for long-distance shooting.

But as people got close to them, these nine heads fought each other, and it was completely messed up.

This one shot randomly, and the other chased and bit, and they didn't have the IQ to control the angle of the light.

This led to a moment when the nine dinosaur heads actually started to kill each other.

With the body injured, the gene body began to be furious, and the more furious it was, the more fierce it attacked, and the more fierce it attacked, the more serious the injury, and it was completely trapped in a vicious cycle for a while.

In the end, accompanied by crazy roars, these nine dinosaur heads, which obviously did not share a processor, but each had its own thinking, actually fought completely!

The light sprayed and cut randomly! The brain extended and bit desperately! In the astonished eyes of Qin Ming in the distance! The mutants started a bloody internal fight...


After more than 20 minutes, accompanied by a loud bang, the behemoth in the woods finally fell.

It fought its own gene body and died in the end, but it did not die at the hands of Qin Ming, but at its own hands.

With its body seriously damaged, it continued to mutate, and each of its nine heads changed.

Some began to spit fire, some began to harden, and some even split into more heads again.

The seriously out-of-control genes and continuous mutations caused the mutant to completely fail to keep up with the nutrition.

After fighting for more than 20 minutes, it finally ran out of fuel and died.

At the time of death, its heads had proliferated to more than 40, and the number of mutations reached a full eight times!

Looking at the deformed monster that had shriveled up due to lack of nutrients and fell to the ground powerlessly.

Looking at the other party's structure that seriously violated the laws of nature and had a twisted shape, Qin Ming, who slowly fell to the ground, had to admit that he was really frightened by Dr. Natural Disaster's research results.

Eight mutations! What kind of terrifying vitality is this!

And in the end, it didn't die because of mutation! It was starved to death because of insufficient nutrients!

Qin Ming didn't know whether Dr. Natural Disaster's research results were perfect, but he knew that this thing must be terrifying.

It's a pity that his IQ was a little low, and he finally took the wrong path, and actually began to split his mind, splitting from one brain into nine brains.

Nine people share one body! Sooner or later, they will fight!

Shaking his head and sighing, Qin Ming strode over and prepared to pick up the treasure chest of this gene body.

He dared to guarantee! This time's harvest is definitely extraordinary! Just based on the combat effectiveness and tenacious vitality shown by the other party! It is simply not comparable to the final boss of other worlds!

He might get a high-level treasure chest that he has never obtained before!

Brilliant gold level? Or maybe it's the legendary epic level!

Qin Ming was so excited when he thought of this!

However, as he took out the treasure chest key from the gene body, the smile on his face suddenly froze in the next second.

Because the level of this key is... dim silver? !

Qin Ming looked at the key in his hand with shock, his face full of disbelief.

Silver? Why is it silver? !

Even if this monster died because of internal strife! Even if the nightmare space stripped away the damage caused by its internal strife! The gold content of the key was greatly reduced!

But such a terrifying monster! At worst, he would be given a golden treasure chest! How could it be silver? !

Qin Ming, who didn't believe in evil, quickly put away the key and searched hard again.

A moment later, Qin Ming, who picked up the spoils, stood there speechlessly.

At this time, there were more than forty dim silver keys in his arms.

The spoils of this gene body were actually counted separately! Each head counts as a BOSS! What kind of a crazy way to get equipment is this!

What's the point of him having so many low-level silver keys!

Even if you combine all these keys, it's not enough to make an epic key!

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