Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 347: Two-horned dinosaur Kasamoto Eri

"Yili, what do you think of my Flame Dragon Warrior form? Isn't it handsome?"

"Your form is not called Flame Dragon Warrior, it's just a dinosaur man. Not only is it not handsome, it's also very ferocious. In a regular movie, it would only become a villain."

"Tsk! Then I'll get a set of armor! Cover my face! Then I'll be handsome! Oh, by the way, this is for you. Good things can't be enjoyed alone. You can also become a Flame Dragon Warrior."

As Qin Ming said this, he threw the bottle of ordinary gold-level gene potion to Kasamoto Eri.

Kasamoto Eri raised his hand to catch it, and was stunned by the potion in his hand. The next second, his eyebrows suddenly frowned.

"There are two bottles of potion, why didn't you fuse them?"

"The levels are different, so they can't be fused."

"Then you should take them back and find a way to fuse them! What's the use of you strengthening me! You are the most important thing, okay!"

"Tsk! I've already injected them! What's the use of these!"


"What but? Are you the boss or am I the boss? Listen to me! Otherwise, I'll let you taste the power of my Flame Dragon Warrior! I... Tsk, it's just adding a big word, how come the meaning has changed completely? Batman, Flash Man, Spider Man, Iron Man, it seems that the status has suddenly dropped."

Scratching his head, Qin Ming's expression suddenly became very entangled.

And Kasamoto Eri, who was standing opposite, looked up at Qin Ming with a complicated look, and finally shook his head, without saying anything more.

She knew that Qin Ming was not a person with firm beliefs, and the decision made in the previous second might be regretted in the next second.

But it is also because of this that Qin Ming has developed a character of doing what he says. Once he makes a decision, he will do it without giving himself any chance to regret.

His action policy of doing things first and thinking later is destined to make it impossible for Kasamoto Eri to compete with him, and this time is no exception.

Moreover, Kasamoto Eri, who is a military man, is better at following orders than making plans, and is not very good at making plans.

"Thanks, boss."

"You're polite! If you really want to thank me, then my Flame Dragon Warrior form..."

"Don't think about touching me in that form! It will kill you! No way!"

After being scolded harshly, Qin Ming quickly closed his mouth with a grin, looking very indignant.

"Hmph! If you don't want to touch it, then don't touch it! As if no one cares! I'll go find Sun Ji later!"

"Well? Isn't there Hannah here? She loves dinosaurs, why don't you try it on her?"

"Because I'm afraid she will die."

"Oh... you knew something would happen! And you still tried to force me!"

"You can be resurrected! What are you afraid of!"

"Mr. Qin! We are done for! I'm going to break up with you!"

"You dare to break up! Then I'll force you to try!"

"You bastard!"

Kasamoto Eri, who quickly discovered Qin Ming's sinister intentions, was completely furious at this time. She went up and pulled Qin Ming's collar and shook it. Qin Ming didn't tolerate it at all, and pulled her clothes and followed with force.

Just as the two were pulling hard, a scream suddenly came from the side, which scared the two.

"You can't use that potion! That's a precious sample! You absolutely can't use it!"

Hearing this sudden voice, Kasamoto Eri was frightened and trembled all over, and almost jumped up.

Turning her head, she found a thin old man with a severely disabled body lying on the ground, which made her confused for a moment.

"Boss, who is this?"

Qin Ming looked down at Dr. Calamity, speechless.

"Dr. Calamity."

"Is he not dead?"

"Yeah, but he will be dead soon. Don't worry about him. Use your medicine."


Kasamoto Eri nodded and took out the medicine and was about to inject it. However, Dr. Calamity, who had never expected to see this scene, jumped up excitedly and almost fell on Kasamoto Eri.

After failing to snatch the medicine, she screamed.

"She can't use it! You lunatic! Why do you want to use this medicine on this woman! She is not qualified to use this medicine! This medicine is the key to the road to God! How can you give it to a useless woman! Give me the medicine! Give it to me!!!"

As Dr. Calamity said this, Kasamoto Eri's face turned black on the spot, and he raised his foot and kicked it without thinking.

"I'm not qualified to use it? Then how can I give it to you? I can warm the bed after all! What can you, an ugly freak, do with it!"


Dr. Scourge finally died, at the hands of Kasamoto Eri.

Originally, he wanted to try to cooperate with Qin Ming, trying to rely on Qin Ming's special methods to make a more perfect dinosaur potion.

Unfortunately, Qin Ming did not give him this opportunity. After all, he had already injected the potion. Even if Dr. Scourge could really make a better potion, it would be meaningless to him.

Moreover, this kind of potion obtained by special means will most likely be like the Dream Water of Neverland, and cannot be taken out of the world.

It's a problem whether I can come back here after playing the game by myself, and there's no point in cooperating with him.

Therefore, compared with cooperating with Dr. Scourge, Qin Ming prefers to kill him directly to get the treasure chest...

[Ding! Number 441985 has returned! ]

[This world is: Dinosaur Fight... Data is being counted... Statistics completed...]

[Main task: Hunting, completed. 】

【Optional task: Enter the fourth level in advance, completed】

[A total of 10,000 points and 10 free attribute points were obtained this time]

[It was detected that the adventurer had successfully killed Dr. Scourge, and the Dinosaur World was officially cleared. A clearance treasure chest was awarded]

The picture in front of him spun rapidly, and finally stopped at the scene where Qin Ming and the runaway gene body confronted each other head-on.

Qin Ming, who had withdrawn his gaze from the picture, chose to return without hesitation, and appeared in his room the next second.

Qin Ming, who raised his hand to summon Kasamoto Eri, suddenly looked at her intently.

At this time, Kasamoto Eri's appearance had undergone a huge change.

The erected dinosaur pupils, the slender tail dragging behind, and the pair of sharp horns growing on the forehead.

Kasamoto Eri, who had completed the fusion with the dinosaur genes, also evolved physically and gained the ability to transform!

[Name: Kasamoto Eri]

[Strength: 40]

[Constitution: 40]

[Agility: 60]

[Spirit: 40]

[Skills: Heavy Firepower Mastery (A-level) Combat Mastery (B-level) Memphis Bomb Girl (A-level)]

[Equipment: H-type light machine gun (bright silver quality) revolver (ordinary silver quality) Kasamoto Eri's grenade bag (bright silver quality)]

[Bloodline: Velociraptor Bloodline (B-level)]

[Bloodline effect: after activation, strength and agility increase by 30%]

Swinging his tail and feeling his new state, Kasamoto Eri's expression was very surprised at the moment.

And looking at Kasamoto Eri's new attributes, Qin Ming also nodded with satisfaction.

With the fusion with the dinosaur bloodline, Kasamoto Eri's basic attributes have been further improved, but this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that she has also obtained a B-level bloodline!

The degree of attribute increase of this bloodline seems to be far less than Qin Ming's new power.

Qin Ming can increase his own attributes by 50%, but Kasamoto Eri can only increase it by 30%, and it is not a full attribute increase.

This seems far from worthy of the evaluation of the B-level bloodline.

However, the actual situation is not so. It is true that Kasamoto Eri's strength increase is not as high as Qin Ming, but she also has her advantages.

That is, unlike Qin Ming, who needs to burn blood to completely open his bloodline, Kasamoto Eri's transformation does not require any cost.

If she wants, she can always stay in the dinosaur state!

In other words! This is not a temporary skill! It is a permanent blessing skill!

Twisting her body excitedly, Kasamoto Eri, who has become a dinosaur man, is also very satisfied with her new ability at this moment.

With her hands on her waist, she suddenly turned her head to look at Qin Ming and raised her eyebrows.

"Boss! How about my new look!"

Qin Ming did not give an immediate answer after hearing this. He just stood up silently and walked behind Kasamoto Eri, then reached out and grabbed the two dragon horns on Kasamoto Eri's head from behind, and tried to shake them.

After trying the feel, he immediately nodded with satisfaction.


"You are hopeless!"


The door slammed, and Kasamoto Eri pushed the door open with an unhappy look, ready to go talk to Sun Ji and show off her new look.

Qin Ming, who was hit in the stomach by a headbutt, was left there, rubbing his stomach hard.

The horn shape is pretty good! But it hurts when it hits someone! Miscalculated!

After watching Kasamoto Eri leave, Qin Ming turned around and sat back on the bed. After adjusting his mood, he suddenly took a deep breath and suddenly opened the inventory.

The next second, several pieces of loot were taken out of his backpack.

Jack's ordinary silver treasure chest key, Mustafa's ordinary silver safe deposit box key.

And Dr. Calamity's key, because he was separated, his key no longer had any gold content, and it was only a dull silver quality.

In addition, there was a transparent key.

This key was the goal that Qin Ming and Wild Wolf had been working hard for for half a day: the key to the treasure chest!

He casually added all 10 free attribute points to his physique, which successfully reached 38 points for his basic physique, and he was about to reach the critical point of the second stage.

Qin Ming opened the four treasure chests one by one without hesitation, and with the flashing light, one item after another appeared in front of Qin Ming.

Jack's B-level ultimate move: Rotating Rising Dragon Fist.

Ordinary silver-level plot equipment: Mustafa's Collector's Edition Yellow Hat.

Special blue mount: Experimental Dinosaur No. 3!

There is also a treasure chest reward for passing the level: a friend invitation letter!

Looking at the four trophies on the table, Qin Ming grinned and showed a ferocious smile. For a while, he was so excited that he couldn't control his emotions at all.

The first two items were okay. Although they were of high value, he didn't look down on them.

But the last two things were different! Especially the last friend invitation letter!

This is actually a legend! You can bring out the characters in the plot! Let him also become a legendary item for adventurers!

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