Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 349 Bar Girl! King!


Qin Ming stood up quickly and shook his arms vigorously. He was very confused when he heard the other party's name.

He observed the other party's attributes with sunglasses. After confirming the other party's identity, his expression became even more confused.

[Name: King]

[Strength: 40]

[Constitution: 40]

[Agility: 50]

[Spirit: 25]

[Skills: Modern Muay Thai (B-level), Fantasy Dance (B-level), Silent Flash (B-level]

[King, who debuted at a young age and defeated the Muay Thai champion, is not well-known, but is definitely not weak!]

King! Also known as Qiong or Jing! One of the female fighters!

And unlike Mai Shiranui and Blue Marie, although the two are also fighters, and one of them has blood power, they are actually just third-rate fighters in essence.

Although he is a big boss in his own territory, he can only be the last in the world-class competition.

And the King in front of him! He is a real master!

At the age of seventeen, he first competed ! She defeated the famous Muay Thai champion at that time! Heavy artilleryman Lei Long! She then participated in as many as 21 competitions! Almost undefeated!

It can be said that her strength far exceeds Mai Shiranui and Blue Marie! She is a genuine second-rate fighter!

Yes, it is second-rate. Don’t think that this level is low. You must know that there are countless monsters in the King of Fighters world.

This one is a descendant of the gods, that one is a demon follower, this one has the blood of heaven, and that one has the power of a divine weapon.

Competing with this group of monsters, it is good to be ranked second.

Those who can make it into the ranks of first-class masters are either truly gifted or have special bloodline blessings.

Those super-first-class fighters have backgrounds that are bigger than each other, and none of them are ordinary people.

King has no background, no bloodline, and no money. , it is a miracle that he can climb to the position of a second-rate fighter by his own efforts!

Moreover, even a third-rate fighter like Mai Shiranui can establish a school in an area and make a lot of noise.

This so-called second-rate fighter is only second-rate compared to the top masters. In front of ordinary people, it is still an unattainable role.

This is just like a certain transport captain. Although he performs very poorly, his troops are actually very capable among players of the same level!

It's just that the provincial champion bumped into a national professional and was killed.

Qin Ming stood up from the chair and looked at King, who had retracted his legs, with a very stunned expression.

Feeling the murderous gaze of the other party, his brain has already crashed.

You must know that King is not only a A martial arts master, she actually has another identity, that is, a friend of Mai Shiranui.

Otherwise, they would not have formed a female martial arts team and always went to participate in competitions.

Logically speaking, with the relationship between Qin Ming and Mai Shiranui, she had no reason to hit herself? Why didn't she invite him to dinner, but she just started fighting as soon as she recognized him?

Just when Qin Ming was puzzled, King on the opposite side had raised his hand to unbutton his collar and threw the plate in his hand.

The rotating flying plate landed accurately on the bar. Not only did it not fly over, but even the sound of falling was very light, which fully demonstrated King's terrifying power control.

Raising his hand to gently adjust his collar and hook the table with his legs, King, who had done all this, tapped his feet and quickly posed the starting posture of modern Muay Thai, facing Qin Ming aggressively.

"Qin Ming, right? You're unlucky to fall into my hands! Die!"

As soon as the voice fell, King had already rushed out. After approaching, she first slid and kicked Qin Ming. After Qin Ming dodged, she stood up and kneed him, using the Amazing Rose.

The second move was also dodged. She looked at the agile Qin Ming on the opposite side, and suddenly stood on one leg while turning around, and launched a series of kicks at Qin Ming at lightning speed.

Three consecutive hits from top, middle and bottom! Leg technique! Delusion kick!

Fast! Amazingly fast!

Accurate! Scary accurate!

Although she is a woman, King's fighting can be described as a storm.

And it is obvious that she learned the leg skills in modern Muay Thai, not its most famous and brutal boxing.

She hit Qin Ming with her left leg, forcing him to retreat. Before Qin Ming could counterattack while he was retracting his moves, she turned around and kicked with her right leg.

Every time King changed his moves, he would launch a series of attacks, and the offensive was like a wave, which made the person completely breathless and unable to defend.

In just a moment, King had already kicked more than 40 times. During this period, she even suppressed Qin Ming so much that he couldn't fight back even once.

Attack against attack! Suppress the enemy with violent speed! This is King's fighting style! Extremely simple and rough fighting style! Just like the Thai boxing style!

Qin Ming, who was constantly forced back by the offensive, was beaten back again and again for a while, and his eyebrows were frowned.

While he frowned, King, who was constantly attacking on the opposite side, also frowned, and frowned more severely.

From the perspective of the battle situation, it seems that she has an absolute advantage, completely suppressing Qin Ming, and letting the opponent fall into a disadvantage.

But as a fighting master and one of the parties involved in the fight, King knows that the situation is not like this at all. Now it is he who is at a disadvantage!

As the main attacker, I have now opened fire at full power, but I have never hit the enemy even once from beginning to end. This is a huge disadvantage!

The opponent's speed is far inferior to mine! But he can react to my attack! And dodge or block it with the smallest amplitude!

Raise both hands to protect the head, bend the waist and sway the body constantly, fighting and retreating.

When facing attacks, either dodge or raise arms to block, or slap and fight back.

The opponent only used the most basic fighting skills, but it was this basic fighting skill that fought back and forth with her, and even completely resisted all attacks.

What a solid fighting technique! What a terrifying basic skill!

There are actually people who can practice this lowest and most common fighting skill! To this extent? !

Didn't Mai Shiranui say that this guy is just a half-baked fighter! He can only fight with others by relying on his thick skin and flesh!

How is this half-baked! Just based on the solid basic skills shown by this guy in front of him! I'm afraid I can't even compare to him!

After fighting, King quickly found out that something was wrong, and gritted his teeth and immediately chose to change his fighting style.

She had to change because her fighting style was originally a fast attack style, which was to exchange burst for combat power and strive to end the battle in a short time.

Although this fighting style is fierce, it will consume physical strength very quickly. If you fail to gain an advantage in the early stage, when you are exhausted, you really can't fight!

With a flash of cold light in his eyes, King suddenly retracted his moves and rushed towards Qin Ming with an acceleration. During the charge, he dragged a residual image behind him.

B-level special move! Fantasy Dance!

Start with a flying kick! After getting close, immediately follow up with a set of kicks as fast as the wind!

At this moment, King! Whether it is movement speed or attack speed! They have increased by at least more than double!

Facing King's sudden outburst, Qin Ming fiercely protected his head with both hands, folded his arms to form a shield to block his face, and bent his body to take a receiving posture while kicking his legs.

The next second! He actually used his body to forcibly bear the attack!

Too fast! There was no way to dodge! Then he would face it head-on at the lowest cost!

There were crackling sounds, and King kicked Qin Ming more than 20 times in one breath, and finally ended with an extremely standard kick.

With the last loud noise, the bar suddenly became silent.

The guests around him stared at this side with wide eyes.

King also kept his leg raised and kicked motionless, and he didn't even retract his legs, and his eyes were also wide.

On the opposite side, Qin Ming, who was still protecting his head with both hands, used his chest to resist King's kick, and his head, which had been drooping, suddenly slowly raised up, and red light flashed in his eyes.

Phantom dance! He took it without injury!

"Didn't my senior sister tell you? What I'm most afraid of is combos!"

With a roar, Qin Ming suddenly smashed down with both arms, forcing King to quickly retract his legs. At the moment, Qin Ming had already rushed out like a bull.

Counterattack begins! Skill: Heavenly Slide!


This time, Qin Ming did not pinch King's neck, but directly hit him head-on with his body.

After all, this is the territory of the Eight Heroes. Qin Ming didn't want to try to use the Heavenly Slide casually. After being seen by the Eight Heroes, would the other party discuss the experience with him?

The last person they talked to had been physically ripped out of his heart.

Although he didn't use the full version of the killer move, but hid the back-end attack, the power of this move was also good.

The sudden increase in speed caught King off guard. She was hit on the spot and was directly pushed up by Qin Ming's chest and flew backwards.

He crashed through the bar! Then he smashed the wine cabinet! He hit the wall at the same speed!

With a loud bang! A big hole was knocked out of the wall of the bar! Qin Ming and King rushed out of the hall together!

Qin Ming's charge was not over until he hit another wall hard.

King, who was hit by Qin Ming and the wall, retched in pain, and the wall behind him was directly hit with cracks.

Before she could recover from the severe pain, a punch came to her head.

Qin Ming didn't know why King wanted to fight with him. He only knew that since he had fought, he was an enemy.

No matter what her difficulties or misunderstandings were! Beat her first and talk about it later!

Even if you know it, it's the same! Beat her first and talk about it later!

It doesn't matter whether you kill her or not! Anyway, you have to fight!

Pushing King against the wall, Qin Ming threw a series of punches at close range, which made King hurriedly block left and right, and wanted to escape but had nowhere to escape.

She also tried to fight back, but the counterattack was completely ineffective.

On the contrary, every time she fought back, Qin Ming would use his body to block the attack and take the opportunity to hit her.

This extremely barbaric fighting style, the style of blocking people in the corner and hammering people, can be said to be extremely rogue.

After several counterattacks, King failed to kick the enemy in the chest, but was hit several times. At this time, he finally understood what Mai Shiranui meant by being good at bullying people by relying on her thick skin and flesh!

What kind of fighting style is this! Blocking people in the corner! Forcing opponents to swing turtle punches! What kind of fighting method is this!

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