Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 362: The Celestial Tribe


Under the ground, violent energy and ferocious blood collided, forming a terrifying shock wave on the spot.

Centered on the impact point, the ground within a radius of ten meters exploded directly, and the dust was blown up more than half a meter high!

Terry had a look of shock on his face when he saw that his own trick was intercepted. The most important thing was that the opponent's interception method was exactly the same as his own.

Qin Ming, who punched out and forcibly dispelled Terry's special move, had a fierce light in his eyes and punched down with his raised right arm.

The second energy fountain! shooting!

As the ground trembled, violent blood shot forward at high speed. Terry, who realized that the situation was not good, did not dare to hesitate and punched him hard.

There was the same loud noise again, and the same tremor again.

Amidst the flying smoke, the smoke exploded in front and suddenly burst from it.

Qin Ming, who was dragging a red light on his body and using the smoke as a cover, was already gliding over like a wild bull.

Skill! Glide to heaven!

Looking at the enemy rushing toward him, Terry didn't want to fight, but he didn't dare to hesitate. He rushed out, slid his body and stabbed Qin Ming with a punch, and also used his special move.

Skill! Fire punch!

On one side was an incomplete heavenly slide, and on the other was a complete version of flame impact. The two figures collided fiercely amidst the exclamations of the onlookers around them.

As a result, Terry was knocked backwards and Qin Ming kicked off the ground with his legs, taking two steps back.

Qin Ming was slightly better in this fight, but he didn't use any late moves. Qin Ming, who couldn't take advantage of the victory, didn't take much advantage.

Terry, who flew four to five meters away, rolled to the ground and saw that Qin Ming was still planning to attack. He suddenly raised his hand and shouted loudly.

"Okay! Let's stop it! I don't want to fight you!"

After hearing this, Qin Ming kicked the ground and stopped instantly.

The two raised their heads and looked at each other. Terry took a deep breath and spoke in a deep voice with a straight face.

"This is a personal grudge between you and my brother. It has nothing to do with me. If you want to resolve the grudge, go to the ring to resolve it! There is no honor in a private duel! There is only shame!"

As he spoke, Terry had already walked to his brother, looking at Andy who was almost thrown to a third-level disability by the girl opposite him just by a momentary oversight. At this moment, bruises appeared on his face. He hated that iron could not become steel. Tugged at him.

"What are you still doing? Isn't that embarrassing enough? Let's go!"

When Andy heard this, he looked up at Qin Ming fiercely, the corners of his mouth trembling wildly, but in the end he didn't say anything, he just waved his hand, turned around and strode away with his brother.

Another member who had been watching the show, the famous Muay Thai King Dong Zhang, suddenly raised his bandaged hand and pointed in the direction of Qin Ming with a carefree move of his hair.

"Big guy! See you in the ring!"

With the sound of footsteps, the three of them walked away quickly.

Qin Ming, who watched them leave, silently lowered his arms with a serious expression.

So strong! That Terry is really strong!

Use your A-level special move! Compete with his C-level skills! Unexpectedly, they failed to gain an absolute advantage! Even if there is a reason why I didn’t use the full version of my skills!

This first-rate master is truly extraordinary!

[Name: Terry]

【Strength: 50】

[Physique: 50]

[Agility: 50]

【Spirit 40】

[Skills: Jeff Flow Noisy Killing Method (Level A) Energy Fountain (Level B) Orbital Fountain (Level A)]

[Introduction: Terry, who has been practicing Bajiquan since childhood, combined with other schools to create his own martial arts, and proved what it means to be a genius]

Balanced properties! Unpretentious skills! And that A-level fighting skill!

It was just a brief confrontation, and Qin Ming had already fully understood how difficult Terry was.

Qin Ming was shocked, and Terry was actually quite shocked.

Through the previous fight, he also discovered that Qin Ming was unusual.

Especially in the last move, the reason why Terry flew backwards so far was not because he was knocked away, but because he realized something was wrong at the last moment, forcibly interrupted the skill, and took the initiative to retreat back!

He had to retreat then! Because the moment the two collided! Terry felt that what he punched was not a body! But a solid steel plate!

If he doesn't retreat! The consequences will only be worse!

Didn't his brother say that the opponent was just a half-baked fighter and not something to be afraid of? This is also called not to be afraid of? !

Just the opponent’s horizontal kung fu! That’s enough for anyone to drink a pot, okay?

With his brother's three-legged cat kung fu, can he really defeat his opponent in the ring? !

Turning to look at his silly brother who had an angry expression on his face and had not realized the seriousness of the matter until now, Terry reached out and rubbed his forehead with a headache.

He knew that this time he might be in danger. If his brother really bumped into the opponent in the ring, he would be beaten to the **** by the opponent!

But with his brother's character, it's impossible for him not to participate in the competition.

Originally, Terry was too lazy to care about his brother's jealousy, because fighting in the ring with someone like this was just nonsense in Terry's eyes.

But now it seems that I can't ignore it, otherwise what will happen if my brother is accidentally beaten to death by the other party!

Terry, who shook his head and looked helpless, was ready to take action himself.

Anyway, this competition is here to win the championship, so let’s also challenge this master who has never heard of it before.

Just when the two parties here dispersed unhappily, a red-haired woman with her arms crossed among the crowd suddenly flicked her short hair and spoke in a low voice.

"Mai Zhuo, I've been paying attention for a long time. You seem to know that big guy? I've looked at him several times in a short time. Are you not afraid of me being jealous?"

As soon as the red-haired woman finished speaking, a blond beauty standing next to her with her arms folded against the wall snorted coldly.

"Jealous? If you were really jealous, would you still talk to me so nicely? I'm afraid you would have killed someone long ago, Weiss."

"Ala ala, don't call me so cruel. I haven't killed anyone for a long time."

"When you say a long time, how long do you mean? One day or two days? Didn't you just kill a few murderers yesterday?"

"They came to die on their own, but I didn't want to kill them. This is different, okay? By the way, you haven't answered my question yet, what? Do you know that big guy?"

As Weiss spoke, she tilted her head and looked at her companion next to her.

Next to her, the blond woman standing against the wall, Mai Zhuo, an old acquaintance of Qin Ming and one of the members of the Eight Elites, frowned slightly and looked hesitant.

"We should be considered acquaintances."

"What is should?"

"I'm not sure if it's him, he wasn't this big the last time we saw him."

Mai Zhuo's hesitant words made Weisi nod slightly. The next second, she suddenly raised her hands to support her waist and twisted her small waist hard.

"Then just ignore it. After all, there are not many people who can leave a deep impression on you. It would be a pity to die."

Raising her hands to make a cross, she moved her arms vigorously, and a sinister smile suddenly appeared on Weiss's beautiful face.

"Since we're not acquaintances! Then I'm going to kill someone!"


Mai Zhuo was stunned when he heard these two words, and his expression was a little hesitant.

"Why did you kill him when you had nothing to do?"

Upon hearing this inquiry, Weisi, who was stretching her muscles, suddenly turned to look at her.

"Did you really not see it or were you just pretending to be stupid? The moves this guy used are obviously from our Heavenly God Clan! And they are your special skills! You may not have noticed, but I have been practicing with you. To this One move is too understanding.”

Turning to look at Qin Ming who had walked away, Wei Si suddenly grinned and sneered.

"Think that others can't tell if the move is only half activated? This kind of trick may work for other people, but it won't work for me. After all, I know you best. I'm familiar with you inside and out, so how could it be possible? You don’t recognize this trick, don’t you, sweetheart?”

As she spoke, Weiss turned to look behind her at Mai Zhuo with a smile. When she found that Mai Zhuo was lowering his head and frowning, her eyes suddenly narrowed.

She continued to have a kind smile on her face and suddenly spoke.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's just killing someone. Why are you so hesitant today? Do you really have a special relationship with him?"

When Mai Zhuo heard this, he raised his head suddenly and shook his head without thinking.

"Of course not, I don't like weak people."

"It's best not, otherwise he won't be the only one who dies at night."

Still keeping her squinted smile, Weisi suddenly walked up to Mai Zhuo, reached out and gently touched her cheek, and spoke softly.

"Maizhuo, we two are cursed women. Anyone who comes close to us will die without burial, so don't get emotional with mortals. You told me this personally. If you said this knowingly, then I swear, the guy who made you make a mistake will definitely live a life worse than death, for sure!”

After saying that, Weiss turned around and walked away with cat steps, leaving Mai Zhuo standing there with his arms folded and looking at her back without saying a word, only his eyebrows furrowed.

Weiss, one of the Eight Elites, codenamed War Saint, or War Saint, controls the power of death. She and Mai Zhuo, who controls the power of the beast, can be said to be in pairs, and they are always acting together. .

What is not known is that the two people who seem to have a very good relationship actually have a blood feud!

The members of the Eight Masters were not born with the ability to awaken the bloodline of the Celestial Gods. Before they awakened, they were just ordinary people living a normal life.

Until one day when he suddenly awakens his bloodline and inherits the memory of his previous life, he will obey the mission brought by the memory and carry out the sacred mission of resurrecting the god Orochi.

And it is by no means easy to awaken the bloodline. The best way is stimulation, strong stimulation.

Mai Zhuo and Wei Si both relied on this method to forcibly awaken their bloodlines.

The only difference between the two is that Wei Mai Zhuo was forcibly awakened by Goenitz, while Wei Si was forcibly awakened by Mai Zhuo.

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