Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 364: A Contest of Strength


Amidst the loud noise, a certain woman became furious from embarrassment and finally ran away. She dragged Qin Ming to forcefully open the door and threw him against the wall.

With a roar, the wall exploded, and Qin Ming was actually thrown out by Wei Si's single-arm force through the wall!

The huge body rolled and landed on the ground. Qin Ming slid to his feet, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Looking at Weiss who jumped downstairs after her, he already understood that the person who came was definitely not a prostitute.

After all, it hurt me to scratch myself before, and it can be described as natural divine power.

But the superb martial arts she showed at this moment! Without more than ten years of hard training, it is absolutely impossible to cultivate!

He has never heard of it! Women who work in that kind of work have to specialize in this! Is it possible that all the fighters have to rely on this thing to make a living? !

Quickly taking out his sunglasses and putting them on, he looked at Wei Si who was rushing towards him, her body as light and flexible as a mongoose. Qin Ming, who turned on the effect of the sunglasses, immediately saw clearly the attributes and identity of the person who came, and the next second he looked fierce. A change.

[Name: Weiss]

【Strength: 50】

[Physique: 40]

[Agility: 50]


[Skills: Death Flow Fighting Technique (Level A) Continuous Reflection Strike (Level B) Ring Attack (Level A)]

[Bloodline: Blood of Heaven (Grade A)]

[Introduction: One of the members of the Eight Elites, the War Saint who controls the power of death]

A member of the Eight Elites? !

In the flash of lightning, the moment Qin Ming saw Wei Si's attributes clearly, Wei Si, who was completely ashamed and angry, had already stabbed Qin Ming with a claw.

Qin Ming dodged the vicious claw swing, and Wei Si, who missed the hit, turned around and kicked out with one leg, bringing up a large number of afterimages and throwing them towards Qin Ming like a violent storm.

Signature skill! Brutal kick!

Unlike Mai Zhuo, Mai Zhuo, a member of the Eight Elites, is good at claws. She controls the power of the beast and has indescribable terrifying cutting power.

As for Weiss, who is also a member of the Eight Elites, she is good at kicking and throwing skills, and has extremely terrifying wrist strength!

Use this move to kick brutally! He gave Qin Ming five kicks in an instant! The impact of the moves is so strong! The kick caused Qin Ming's legs to hit the ground! He just slid out backwards!

Before he could regain his footing and stop attacking, Weiss jumped up with a grin on her face, her eyes flashing red.

The body was like a cannonball, and it hit Qin Ming's chest instantly. The moment Qin Ming was knocked out of balance, Weisi had already hugged Qin Ming's waist.

The next second! He actually jumped up on the spot! He lifted Qin Ming and jumped high!

Skill: Pessimistic and misanthropic!


The loud noise spread throughout the street, and Wei Si threw Qin Ming to the ground. A large circular pit with a diameter of several meters was created on the ground!

Qin Ming was lying in the middle of the pit, with almost half of his body embedded in the soil. Wei Si, who succeeded in the attack, raised her hand with a grin, grabbed it, and threw Qin Ming away again.

Skill: Choose to hit!

Watching Qin Ming roll and fly more than ten meters away, hit the far wall with his head, smash through the wall on the spot, and fly into the ruins.

The first thing I started with was a set of continuous hits. At this moment, Wei Si finally calmed down a little.

Reaching out to fan herself gently, Weisi turned around and pulled her waist hard, her expression was very comfortable.

"Ah, ah, ah, I almost got broken by a stupid guy, it's true."

As she spoke, Weiss turned around and prepared to leave.

But as soon as she turned around and took two steps, her steps suddenly stopped and her eyebrows furrowed fiercely.

Turning her head slightly to look at the ruins behind her, she couldn't help but roll her eyes when she saw an arm that suddenly broke out of the ground.

"You're not dead? Really, you're a stupid guy with no brains. Fortunately, you didn't pretend to be dead. Instead, you crawled out. You're really upright."

In the ruins behind, Qin Ming struggled to get up and moved his neck vigorously. He looked at Weisi who had turned around to face him, and her hands were naturally drooping, swinging casually as her body swayed, and she made a weird hand gesture. He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Nice hand strength, the massage force is just right, what? In addition to providing bed warming services, you also provide massage services? There is no extra charge for this, right?"

Qin Ming's words caused Wei Si, who was still smiling with squinted eyes, to freeze in an instant.

With the corners of her eyes trembling slightly, her two palms gradually clenched.

"There are so many ways to die, so you have to rush to find shortcuts?"

Qin Ming was stunned when he heard this, and raised his hand in confusion.

"What the hell? Massage can kill people? Why didn't I know? Oh, by the way, press here during the massage and use a little force. I can bear it."

While saying this, Qin Ming turned around and patted himself hard on the back. This provocative action made Weisi's eyes suddenly light up red.

Since awakening the bloodline of heaven, except for my own people! No one dared to face her so arrogantly!

While gritting her teeth, Weiss put a smile on her face and almost squeezed out a sentence from between her teeth.

"Okay! Then I'll help you press there! Dear guest!"


As soon as he finished speaking, a black light lit up, and Weiss was running over at high speed, her hands already in a grappling posture as she ran.

Qin Ming, who had been provoking her unscrupulously, did not dare to drag her down at all when he saw this. He kicked his legs on the ground and opened his arms fiercely, also assuming a posture to resist the impact.

Amidst the roaring wind, the two collided in an instant. The next second, Wei Si, who was nearly twice the size of Qin Ming and had thin arms and legs, bumped into Qin Ming's waist and pushed Qin Ming violently. , crashing towards the rear at extremely high speed.

In a head-on collision! Even though Qin Ming has made all preparations! Still no match for Weiss!

It’s not that the power is not as simple as that! But it is impossible to compete at all!

Qin Ming's full defense! It couldn't slow down Weiss's charging speed even a bit!

The power of death! It represents power! Pure brute force!

Weiss's power value! It’s not as simple as it appears!

Amidst the rumbling sound, Wei Si held Qin Ming's waist with both hands and pushed him wildly into the wall behind him.

Even if Qin Ming kicked the ground with his legs and forced two deep ravines on the floor tiles, he still couldn't stop.

Amid the screams of countless people, the two passed through seven houses in one breath, smashing countless walls, until they hit the thick wall of the bell tower and finally stopped their sprint.

Weisi, who didn't let go, suddenly opened her mouth and roared. The next second, she hugged Qin Ming's waist, and like throwing a rag doll, she smashed it to the ground in front of her again and again, causing loud noises one after another.

"I'll give you a good massage!!!"

A-level skills! Torus attack!

Weiss's move was extremely simple and crude. From a distance, it looked like she was throwing a sack or swinging a sledgehammer.

It's just that sometimes, the simpler a move looks, the more lethal it is.

Weiss's move is just like this. The violent bombardment keeps attacking a little bit, forcibly destroying the opponent's spine and bones. This is a pure and ultimate killing move! It’s a barbaric move full of animality!

After hammering Qin Ming eight times in a row, Qin Ming pulled Qin Ming and hit him with a big jumping hammer, using the inertia to knock him to the ground, and finally stopped the output.

Weisi, who suddenly burst out with her stunt and was a little breathless for a moment, looked at Qin Ming, who was lying motionless on the ground, with a ferocious smile on her face.

She bent down and put her head in front of Qin Ming, letting her short red hair fall freely. Wei Si's eyes were full of madness and excitement at this moment.

"How about it! Aren't you being tough? Keep talking tough! You!"


Before she finished speaking, Wei Si shook her head and her eyes widened on the spot.

It turned out that Qin Ming, who had been hit by a blaster, did not die. Instead, he took advantage of her opportunity to speak and suddenly gave her a slap in the face.

It's unknown how powerful this attack is, but it's definitely extremely insulting.

Weiss, who was being beaten, tilted her head, with a look of disbelief on her face, as if she didn't expect that the other party would dare to hit her even though she was not dead.

Before she could recover from the shock, Qin Ming, who was lying on the ground, had already spoken. While speaking, he raised his legs and suddenly made a scissor-kick posture, directly locking Wei Si's neck.

"The strength is good, but the accuracy is a bit off."

With a bang, Weiss, whose neck was clamped, was thrown away on the spot.

She rolled twice in a row on the ground, then slid on all fours and forced herself to stop moving.

She hooked her fingers on the ground and scratched out two scratches. Her face was ferocious at this moment. She looked up and saw that Qin Ming had stood up, and she rushed over instantly with the strength of her limbs.

Weiss at this moment! Completely transformed into a beast!

While running, he turned over to avoid the bombardment of Qin Ming's energy balls. After approaching, he dived to avoid Qin Ming's punch.

Weisi once again hugged Qin Ming's waist, and pushed Qin Ming to rush out with the same trick. The terrifying brute force forced Qin Ming's legs to stare at the ground, and gravel flew under his feet.

Qin Ming, who understood that he was no match for his enemy in terms of strength, finally learned to be smart this time and did not continue to foolishly wrestle with Wei Si.

Instead, he found another way and used a special method to forcefully break Wei Si's sudden advance.

That's because he's physically bigger! Advantages of longer arms! Taking advantage of the situation, he reached out and grabbed Wei Si's thigh! With one force, Weisi was lifted upside down!

strong? You just have thousands of magical powers! Your weight is also here! Even if someone pulls you, you will still be thrown up!

And the power starts from the root! When the body is suspended and unable to exert force! No matter how strong you are, what's the use?

Qin Ming, who grabbed Wei Si's legs and lifted her up violently, completely ignored Wei Si's sudden appearance of spring because her skirt did not resist gravity.

In the stunned expression of Wei Si, he turned around with both hands and threw Wei Si like a hammer to the ground behind him.

A loud bang was heard, and Wei Si, who had been throwing people with her strange strength, was thrown to the ground in the same way by others.

Just how she threw Qin Ming, this is how Qin Ming threw her now.

Holding Wei Si's ankle and throwing this woman, who weighed only a little over 120 years old, Qin Ming was like throwing a sack, wildly hitting the ground around her, causing dust to fly on the ground for a while.

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