Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 366 Heaven vs. Dinosaur

Staring wide-eyed, Weiss, who had recovered from her shock, roared loudly the next second and raised her hand to punch Qin Ming in the face without thinking.

"Since you are so anxious to die! Then I will kill you first!"

With a loud bang, Qin Ming staggered and took a step back, but that was all.

Weiss, who had opened the blood of the Kingdom of Heaven, had all her attributes greatly improved.

But Qin Ming, who had opened the blood of the dinosaur, also had his attributes increased dramatically.

The most important thing is! His defense attribute is also within the range of increase!

That is to say, Qin Ming's defense at this time! Has officially exceeded 50 points!

Weiss's punch! Didn't break the defense at all!

Qin Ming, with a red light flashing in his eyes, did not hesitate to counterattack after being hit.

He held Weiss's arm with one hand, forcing her to hang in the air, and the other hand hammered out like a cannonball, hitting Weiss's abdomen.

The violent force made Weiss' body bend instinctively, and she almost spit out her tongue.

More importantly, as the attack hit, a stream of white flames flowed into Weiss' body along Qin Ming's arm, and while madly penetrating, it also brought her high temperature burning!

Bloodline power! Dream fire!

Weiss, who was almost vomited by a punch, looked at Qin Ming in disbelief. She never expected that this guy who couldn't hit her just now would become so powerful at this time.

Although she was shocked by Qin Ming's strength at the moment, Weiss's reaction was also very fast.

Seeing Qin Ming swinging his fist and preparing to hammer her again, she kicked out with her legs without thinking and instantly clamped Qin Ming's neck.

Accompanying skills are activated! Thighs are strong!

Special move! Continuous reflex attack!

In a dizzy moment, Weiss, with her legs clamped around Qin Ming's neck, threw him to the ground madly, and made six consecutive attacks in one breath.

The good news is that this attack finally succeeded in breaking the defense.

The bad news is that although the attack broke the defense and Qin Ming's face was bleeding.

But Qin Ming did not let go, and his arm still held Weiss's wrist like an iron clamp.

And Weiss's attack just stopped, Qin Ming jumped up with his injury and hit Weiss with a flying elbow.

After opening the blood, his weight increased to nearly one ton, and he hit Weiss hard, hitting her exposed legs straight.

Weiss, who opened the blood of the Kingdom of Heaven, has a qualitative improvement in her ability to resist blows.

She is different from other members of the Kingdom of Heaven. Other members of the Kingdom of Heaven all have their own unique power. Once the blood is opened, it is not themselves who are improved but the strength of this power.

But she and Mai Zhuo do not have special powers, or their power is themselves.

Weiss's is super strength, Mai Zhuo's is cutting. After opening the blood, the physical fitness of the two will be greatly improved, and the brute force and cutting ability will also be greatly increased.

The most important thing is that the two people's ability to resist blows will also make a qualitative leap.

Qin Ming has fire defense reduction, transformation enhancement, and Qi fluctuation to increase his own damage.

Under this triple increase! He still can't easily hurt Weiss!

This thin and weak-looking woman! She is actually a guy who takes the tank route!

The most important thing is that Qin Ming didn't dare to let go of his hand and could only use one hand to attack Weiss.

Because once he let go of his arm and let Weiss escape, Qin Ming would really be beaten with her speed at this time!

Holding Weiss's arm tightly, Qin Ming relied on his size advantage to quickly fight with Weiss. The two of them started a close-range fight without any skills and extremely bloody.

Weiss's hammering and throwing skills! Qin Ming's wrestling and chiseling!

One second ago! Qin Ming stretched out his hand to grab Weiss's head, and slid against the wall at high speed! Hanging countless gravel!

The next second! Weiss clamped Qin Ming's neck! Turned into a gyroscope and crashed into the sharp railing!

From standing to fighting! To lying down to fight! And then to tearing and fighting!

The two were like pure beasts, constantly attacking each other with the means they were best at.

Weiss, who found that she was not an opponent in terms of defense, attacked Qin Ming's arm several times, trying to make him let go of her.

In the end, seeing that she really couldn't break free, she even used her mouth and opened her mouth to bite Qin Ming's arm tightly!

But she obviously underestimated the awareness and endurance of an adventurer.

Bite? Even if you bite off all the meat on Qin Ming's hand! He will never let go!

Only the arm was broken! No loosening! Just like when dealing with the adventurer Feng before!

The two men fought each other crazily for nearly ten minutes. The continuous tumbling caused gaps in the surrounding buildings and the ground was full of broken marks caused by brute force.

And ten minutes later, this brutal fight finally came to an end.

Weiss, who was slightly inferior to Qin Ming in defense, but much superior to Qin Ming in strength and speed, still failed to defeat Qin Ming in the end.

Because Qin Ming was not only durable! He could also suck blood!

With the advantage of strength, Weiss finally beat Qin Ming to a pulp, but was caught by Qin Ming who had completely activated his skills and sucked wildly, and even bit her neck.

In an instant, Qin Ming's injuries began to heal rapidly, but Weiss's condition became worse and worse.

The situation that had just occupied an absolute advantage was completely reversed by this move.

From the initial desperate resistance, to the gradual weakness, until the end, Wei Si's struggle strength was almost nonexistent.

At this moment, she didn't act like a member of the Eight Elites, a descendant of the legendary gods, but more like a helpless ordinary woman.

Only 1.7 meters tall, he was pinned down by Qin Ming, who was now three meters away. His fists hammered Qin Ming with all his strength, making a dull thud, but it was unable to stop Qin Ming's atrocities.

If any outsiders saw this scene, they would definitely regard Qin Ming as some violent villain, and Wei Si as a poor woman who was being brutally persecuted.

Of course, that's assuming you don't see the outrageous scene of Wei Si tearing off the steel pipe, slamming it on Qin Ming's head, and breaking the steel pipe in two blows.

Ten minutes later, the battle finally ended.

Weiss, who had a large amount of blood sucked out of her body and was constantly attacked, was now scarred and no longer had the strength to resist.

After being attacked continuously, she could no longer even maintain her bloodline in heaven. She was lying on the ground motionless.

Just because she doesn't move doesn't mean Qin Ming won't move either.

Qin Ming, who couldn't bear to let her go just because Wei Si looked too pitiful at the moment, was still furiously hammering at Wei Si's face.

With one hand strangling her neck and the other hand hammering her wildly, Qin Ming was riding on Wei Si with an extremely ferocious expression.

On the face covered with blood, the left eye was bleeding continuously, and half of the left ear was missing.

These injuries were all caused by Wei Si. Finding it difficult to confront Qin Ming head-on, she bit Qin Ming's ear and even blinded one of his eyes with such violence!

If it weren't for Qin Ming's two S-level skills, Flesh Absorption and Steel Body, they would be able to complement each other and increase each other's abilities.

Once he cannot be dealt with quickly, it will cause him to become a perpetual motion machine. If he cannot be killed no matter how hard he is beaten, he will probably be the one lying down now!


"Bite my ear!"


"Poke me in the eye!"


"You're still pulling my balls!"


"How can there be such a vicious woman like you in the world!"

Qin Ming, who was beating and growling at the same time, saw a brick next to him and grabbed it without thinking and gave Wei Si a head slap.

As a result, when he saw that the brick shattered with the sound, but Weiss was unharmed, he realized that the brick was useless and his fist was more effective, so he immediately raised his fist again.

At this time, he had also released his dinosaur transformation form, mainly because he had consumed too much blood and could no longer maintain it.

Looking at Weiss, whose face was covered with blood, lying motionless on the ground, with more air coming out and less air coming in.

Qin Ming, who was out of breath, strangled the opponent's neck with both hands, using such force that the veins on his arms bulged.

Him at this moment! Already completely murderous!

Just when Qin Ming was about to strangle Wei Si to death, a cold voice came from beside him.

"Hey, stop, killing her will cause big trouble."

Hearing this voice, Qin Ming, who had only one eye left, suddenly raised his head and looked at the source of the voice fiercely.

As a result, all I saw was a blond woman standing there with her arms folded on the wall. She was wearing a women's suit and had a tall and graceful figure.

Come! One of the eight outstanding integrated members! Mai Zhuo!

To be precise, she was always there. She originally wanted to show up to save Qin Ming when Wei Si was about to succeed, so that she could fight Wei Si instead.

Who would have thought that the outcome of this battle was completely beyond her expectations. As a member of the Eight Elites, Wei Si was almost beaten to death when her abilities were fully activated!

Seeing this scene, Mai Zhuo had no choice but to show up.

Looking down at the ferocious-looking Qin Ming who was riding on Wei Si, Mai Zhuo's eyes were very complicated.

"Qin Ming, long time no see, you have become stronger."

Although they only had a one-time relationship back then, Qin Ming directly raised Mai Zhuo's favorability to nearly 500 points by relying on the increase in consumables.

Therefore, it can be said that Mai Zhuo was extremely impressed by him. After all, with Wei Si around, Mai Zhuo didn't have many familiar male friends around him, and Wei Si would kill him if he did.

Looking down at Qin Ming, Mai Zhuo's eyes flickered.

The rookie who once had to be saved by himself and bullied to death by a third-rate fighter, and who had to rely on his own good mood to let him go, survived. We just hadn't seen him for more than a year, but when we met again, he looked different. A big change, and his strength is already comparable to his own.

This made Mai Zhuo feel very complicated for a while. Even though her emotions were very light, she couldn't help showing a trace of nostalgia in her eyes.

"Qin Ming, how are you doing lately?"

Mai Zhuo took the initiative to say hello for the first time. Upon hearing the greeting, Qin Ming, who had already recognized the other party's identity, nodded quickly.

.........Then he turned around and pinched Wei Si's neck fiercely again, shaking her violently.

"Not bad! But I don't have time to chat with you! Just wait! I'll kill this woman first!"

Qin Ming! Very vindictive!

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