Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 378: Sandbag-sized Fists

Under the attention of the crowd and among the masters, the first match of the finals officially began.

As soon as the announcement was made, Andy from the Hungry Wolf team rushed up impatiently.

As the saying goes, enemies are particularly jealous when they meet, and he was ready to fight Qin Ming to the death in public.

Seeing him on the stage, Qin Ming took a deep breath, stood up quickly with a stern face, and followed him to the ring.

But compared to the aggressive Andy, his eyes were never locked on the other party from beginning to end.

Because Andy was just a guy who was a little stronger than Mai Shiranui, at best a second-rate warrior, and at most the bottom of the group.

In the Hungry Wolf Legend team, his strength was the weakest, and Qin Ming never took him seriously.

When he was not rising, Qin Ming could beat him by relying on the advantage of the first kill.

Now that he has completely risen, Andy is even less likely to be his opponent.

In the Fatal Fury team, there is only one person who is truly a threat to Qin Ming, and that is the legendary peerless evil wolf! Terry!

Seeing Qin Ming step onto the ring, Andy's eyes suddenly lit up, and the next second he accelerated and rushed towards him, and after getting close, he threw a flying punch.

Then he flew up without hesitation, and his legs turned into a raging fire, shooting at Qin Ming with all his strength.

Special move! Super fierce bomb!

The energy ball flew at high speed and hit Qin Ming's chest without dodging. Although there was a loud bang, Qin Ming did not move at all.

The super special move that followed also successfully hit Qin Ming's chest.

The good news is that this move successfully forced Qin Ming to retreat.

But the bad news is that that's all.

Qin Ming pushed his legs against the ground, took a step back, put his hands on his waist, and forcibly took the blow.

Andy gritted his teeth when he saw this scene, and changed his moves suddenly when he landed. A flash of light flashed on his body, and he had used another special move without hesitation.

Flying Meteor Fist!

He used his hands and feet together, and started a series of hits. Finally, he gathered his hands and ended with a flying punch at close range.

Amid the rumbling sound, Andy, who was performing Kamehameha, slammed his hands hard on Qin Ming's chest.

Qin Ming, who took six punches and four kicks from him, had a blank expression from beginning to end, and he was too lazy to move.

This made Andy, who saw this scene, raise his head in disbelief, and the audience who were cheering loudly around him fell silent instantly.

With becoming an intermediate adventurer, the strength of the adventurer is actually not weak. At least it is no longer a small fish cannon fodder, and it has the strength to fight against the plot characters.

As long as you can make a name for yourself, your strength is no less than that of an ordinary third-rate warrior. If you use props and consumables and fight with all your means, you may be able to win the battle.

Of course, it is also possible that the fighters who were injured could use the XAM form special move in the exploding pipe state to counterattack.

But no matter what, their strength is generally enough to challenge third-rate fighters.

As for Qin Ming, as a monster with strength far exceeding that of his peers, his combat power can actually compete with first-rate fighters.

He is like Fujido Kasumi among fighters. Although his attributes are mediocre among first-rate fighters, he has a specialty.

If he cannot break this specialty and is restrained by him, his strength is even in the upper level of the first-rate!

Of course, if he is broken, it will be embarrassing. He basically can't go a few rounds in the hands of the opponent.

After all, all his attributes are on defense and recovery. If he can withstand it, he will kill everything. If he can't withstand it, he is a Muggle.

Andy in front of him learned Bajiquan and Shiranui Ninjutsu, and he is a fast attack route.

Qin Ming happened to be the least afraid of fast attacks, so the two sides collided...

After taking two big moves from the opponent, Qin Ming, who was basically unharmed, suddenly had a red light flashing in his eyes.

The next second! He grabbed Andy's neck like lightning! He dragged the opponent at high speed to accelerate the sprint!

Skill! Heavenly Slide!

After the sprint, he swung his hand heavily, instantly knocking Andy to the ground and causing blood to explode.

Just one move! Andy was already seriously injured by the explosion! And his body had been penetrated by the white flame! As a result, his defense dropped significantly!

Andy, who rolled out, knelt on one knee, raised his head and glared at Qin Ming fiercely, ignoring his brother's shouting from behind, and rushed towards Qin Ming again with a roar.

XAM form! Super! Flying Meteor Fist!

The sound of punches and kicks became one, and Andy, who was enduring the pain, launched a crazy attack.

Facing his attack, Qin Ming kept a straight face and did not move, but stretched out one hand to block up and down continuously.

Bangs and bangs rang out one after another. Qin Ming, who used the metal arm guard on his arm to forcibly block all attacks, was not hit even once.

After Andy's burst ended, he swung out his arm fiercely and instantly hit Andy's stomach, forcibly hitting him into a C shape and flying more than three meters away.

Relying on combos to fight, his fighting level is only B-level, and he is only a third-rate warrior. This is simply the nemesis of Qin Ming.

Even if Qin Ming stood here and let him hit him! It would be enough for him to fight for half a day! If Andy can beat Qin Ming, it would be a miracle!

Andy, who failed to attack twice in a row, struggled to get up while holding his stomach.

With blood flowing from the corners of his mouth, his eyes became more and more fierce.

"Qin Ming! You take advantage of others! Damn bastard!"

With a roar, Andy rushed up for the third time.

But this time, before he could hit Qin Ming, he was hit in the face by an iron fist and fell to the ground instantly.

Qi wave blessing! Imitation-Riding Machine Cannon Fist!

He knocked Andy down with one punch and rode on him, his hands burning with fire, and punched him in the face.

Qin Ming's violent attack even caused the entire ring to tremble. The members of the Angry Team who saw this scene in the contestant seat all looked up and widened their eyes.

One of the big men who was drinking with a beer bottle stood up in shock.

"What the hell? Isn't this my trick!"

Hearing his companion's roar, a big man wearing a military uniform, a military cap on his head, and sunglasses on his face sat there and spoke calmly.

"Be quiet, Ralph, there are many similar moves. Everyone attacks with fists and feet. It's very good to encounter similar ones... Fuck!"

Clark suddenly screamed before he finished speaking.

Because on the ring, Qin Ming, who had just finished a set of moves, suddenly lifted Andy up, ran high and jumped, dragged Andy to the ground.

He used his famous skill! Running throw!

Clark and Ralph were shocked to see Andy, who was stuck on the ground with his head down and lost his movement on the spot.

Only a girl in military uniform standing next to him, leaning against the wall with her hands on her chest, remained calm with a cold face.

"Clark, Ralph, don't pay attention to these, don't forget what we are here for."

The Wrath Team, a mercenary group, served under General Hardiran. This time they came to participate in the competition just in disguise. The real purpose was to assist Kagura Chizuru to investigate and destroy Goenitz's evil plan.

Although General Hardiran had not fought with the members of the Eight Heroes, he had fought with Rugal, who had the power of the Great Snake, and was forcibly removed one of his eyes and killed his wife and daughter in revenge. It can be said that he had an irreconcilable hatred with Rugal.

Therefore, he was naturally very concerned about the power of the snake that Rugal had obtained. Therefore, after receiving the invitation from Kagura Chizuru this time, he did not hesitate to send his capable subordinates to support him.

Of course, Kagura Chizuru gave a large sum of money for the game, which was also a reason.

Therefore, the trio did not care about the outcome of the game, they were only responsible for completing the task.

Hearing Lianna's words, Ralph and Clark regained their composure and sat back quickly.

Lianna, who leaned against the wall with her arms folded across her chest and looked at the ring with sharp eyes, frowned instinctively.

For some reason, she always felt a strange feeling in her heart when she looked at a participant in the ring. This feeling was not good and she didn't like it very much.

Could it be that she had met the other party before? Well, I will look through the wanted list after I go back to see if he is on it.

He looks so scary, he must not be a good thing.

Lianna, who quickly made a decision in her heart, regained her indifference.

This is not to say that she judges people by appearance. This is the experience of judging people she has summed up after so many years of carrying out missions.

The guy in front of him looked fierce, spoke fiercely, and acted fiercely. He was just short of writing "I am a bad guy" on his face.

If he could be a law-abiding person, he would eat his own bomb earrings!

Qin Ming ignored the astonishment of the spectators around him.

He killed Andy with a rush bombing, but he did not intend to let him go. Instead, he grabbed Andy's neck and started to shake him hard, punching him while shaking.

"You were kicked by a woman! You blame me!"


"I got it with my ability and hard work! Why should you be the victim!"


"I am not a yellow-haired man! It is illegal to be big, right!"


"You come here to discriminate against me by appearance! Who says that big guys are all minotaurs!"




After a few heavy punches, Andy, who was already beaten hard, was completely motionless.

Just when Qin Ming was about to punch him a few more times to vent his anger, his raised arm was suddenly grabbed by someone.

Qin Ming, who sensed this scene, turned his head quickly and found that Terry had already entered the ring and reached out to stop him.

"Friend, just teach him a lesson. Your match with him is over. Next, it's my turn to fight you."

To be honest, if he wasn't his brother, Terry would have wanted to beat him up a long time ago.

When he was chasing her before, he didn't care at all, and even regarded her as a burden, disliked her for affecting his punching speed.

As a result, she didn't want him anymore, and turned around and started to make a fuss again. He only knew how to drink and complain all day long, which made Terry's head big.

It was completely expected that his brother would be beaten on the ring, and it was also what he wanted to see.

After all, with Andy's strength and the decadence during this period, it would be a miracle if he could beat others.

It's good to be beaten, just take this opportunity to make him face reality, but it's okay to beat him once, but don't beat him too much.

So when it was almost time, Terry finally went on stage.

Letting go of Qin Ming's thick arms, Terry looked up at Qin Ming, his eyes flashing, and his expression seemed very excited.

He was able to beat his brother with just a few punches, so he must be a master who is no less than himself. It seems that he really came to the right place to participate in this competition!

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