Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 402 Target! Nesting Organization!

Nests, a major villain organization in the King of Fighters world.

It used to be a charitable organization that advocated peaceful development, was determined to protect the environment and save the world, but as the old leader got older and his son took power, everything changed completely.

The Nests became more and more radical and cruel.

They began to conduct human experiments, technological transformation, and even cloning technology.

And Angel was one of the survivors of the previous super soldier transformation plan, one of the only few survivors.

He was also the strongest individual in that plan.

Although Angel survived by relying on his tough life, and now he has gained a good status.

But Angel was not happy. On the contrary, she began to hate the Nests more and more, because the organization's policy was completely different from when she first joined.

If Angel had not been afraid that the Nests would find her through the locator implanted in her body and that she could not beat the masters of the Nests, she would have defected long ago.

She didn't dare to escape, nor did she have the ability to escape. She began to become passive and lazy. Otherwise, with her strength, she wouldn't have been in the middle level.

In the city, inside the secret base below the temple, as the electronic door opened, Angel walked in with his arms hanging down and weakly staggering.

Not to mention the beating this time, the most important thing is that the powerful King of Fighters champion didn't seem to have the intention to fight to the death with the Nest Organization. Even if he knew the location of the branch, he didn't come to check.

This made Angel very depressed, and she kept complaining on the way back.

Nowadays, the world has really changed. There are fewer and fewer partners of justice. Can't a fighting champion be chivalrous?

Where is justice? Where is responsibility? Where is mission? Where is sense of justice?

Sure enough, the movies are all lies! There are not so many heroes in this world who are willing to uphold justice! There are only bad guys who like to go along with bad guys!

After all, hard work is not as easy as lying down!

After swiping the door card, Angel quickly returned to her small room and fell straight on the bed, making a loud noise.

Then she just rested her hands on the ceiling and stared at it in a daze.

She didn't know what she should do in the future. She risked death to accept transformation and finally gained power, but she found that the organization she thought was the embodiment of justice was the biggest villain in the world. This feeling was terrible.

Escape? Revolt? Struggle?

It's not that no one has struggled before, but they all died, and died miserably.

Angel didn't want to die, so she didn't dare to participate in the riot before, but how long could she help the Nest Organization to arrest people everywhere? How long can she bear it?

Angel, whose mind was in chaos, looked at the ceiling and sighed.

Just as she sighed, a burly figure strode out of the shadows outside the temple above the secret base.

Qin Ming! He came to the door!

To be precise, he didn't come to the door, but followed Angel.

How could Qin Ming believe all of Angel's information? What if it was a trap?

So Qin Ming chose to follow secretly until he was sure that Angel really entered the temple, and finally confirmed that this was the branch of the Nest Organization.

What? Why was Qin Ming not discovered when he followed her this time? Because this time Qin Ming no longer had to follow Angel closely!

If there was a little blood left on the other person, as long as the distance was not too far, Qin Ming could sense the specific location of the blood at any time.

Through this positioning method, Qin Ming could easily lock Angel from hundreds of meters away.

Looking at the temple in front of him, Qin Ming took out the dinosaur sunglasses silently with a stern face and put them on his face.

Then he strode forward while tidying up his white clothes.

Seeing Qin Ming approaching, the two monks who were closing the door were stunned, and then turned around and hurriedly clasped their hands together and saluted.

"Hello, benefactor. It's late at night. The temple is about to close. Please come back tomorrow... Puff!"

Before the monk finished speaking, Qin Ming, who was pulling his gloves, had already swung his arms and swept him out in an instant.

Looking at his companion who flew four or five meters away and hit his head on the merit box, with his head completely inserted into the box, the other monk was terrified and turned around and ran away, shouting as he ran.

"No! Someone is knocking on the door! Come quickly! Quick!"


The harsh sound of wind sounded from the back before the words were half said.

Raising his hand to grab the door panel next to him, Qin Ming, who pulled it down directly with force, threw the door panel over and knocked the monk to the ground on the spot.

Qin Ming, who quickly dealt with the two, continued to move forward with a stern face, and at this moment, a large number of monks also poured out of the temple.

Holding long sticks, these monks were aggressive and their eyes were very fierce.

Under Qin Ming's sunglasses, the name displayed on his head was even more direct.

Fake monk!


With the roar of the leading captain, more than 20 monks holding long sticks rushed towards Qin Ming, waving their sticks as they approached, hitting Qin Ming's vital points one after another!



With a loud noise, a fake monk screamed and broke into the room, flying backwards and falling heavily to the ground.

Then he slid three or four meters away on the ground before finally stopping.

At the door, Qin Mingkui's body was like an iron tower. He strode in with a stern face. In the middle of the night, he was wearing a suit and sunglasses. He looked like a bad guy.

In the room, an old monk who was sitting cross-legged in front of the Buddhist table quickly put his hands together and bowed.

"Amitabha, the donor came late at night and injured my disciples. He was too angry. Please allow me to recite scriptures for the donor to dispel his murderous thoughts."

As he spoke, the old monk, who looked old and kind, closed his eyes and began to recite scriptures silently.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming frowned, stepped forward, and spoke coldly.

"Bald donkey, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. Where is the entrance to the base of the Sound Nest Organization? Tell me!"

"Huh? Sound Nest Organization? This old monk doesn't know. I only know how to recite scriptures and chant Buddha."

"Are you still pretending with me? I think you don't see the coffin..."

Buzz da da da da!

Qin Ming, who had already walked in front of the old monk, had just said half of his words when the old monk, who seemed to have a profound understanding of Buddhism, suddenly opened his squinting eyes, raised his hand and pulled out a submachine gun from under his buttocks, and fired wildly at Qin Ming in front of him.

He shouted while shooting.

"Evil creature! I will save you today!"

More than 30 bullets were fired in a row, and almost every shot hit Qin Ming.

As a result, sparks flew everywhere. Qin Ming was not even injured, and his clothes were not torn.

The smoke was filled, and seeing that his output did not break the defense, the old monk's eyes widened and he was stunned.

He raised his gun and looked up to see Qin Ming looking at him expressionlessly. After a second of silence, he suddenly threw away the submachine gun.

Then he put his hands together and returned to the posture of the enlightened monk just now.

"Amitabha! Emptiness is color! Death is emptiness! Donor! Let's continue to discuss Buddhism!"


With a loud bang, Qin Ming kicked out, and the old monk flew out like a cannonball, smashing the cabinet and embedding directly under the Buddha statue.

Qin Ming, who had dealt with him with one kick, began to look for the entrance to the secret base with a stern face, and soon found clues under a floor.

Pulling open the floor, looking at the closed iron door below, Qin Ming tried to pull it.

Finding that he had been locked, he shook his head slightly, and the next second he suddenly raised his hands to accumulate strength, and his hands turned into tiger claws and placed on his waist.

Modified-Bawang Xianghou Fist!


A solid cannonball hit! Hit the steel plate instantly!

As the two collided, the heavy iron door twisted and deformed on the spot, and was forcibly torn off.

With a clang, the fallen iron door smashed into the tunnel below, and Qin Ming followed and jumped into the tunnel from the gap.

And he had just jumped in, and the harsh gunshots had already become one.

A large number of members of the Nest Organization, who had been guarding at the other end of the tunnel, fired their guns at this side.

The dense bullets bombarded Qin Ming, causing sparks to fly all over his body.

Qin Ming instinctively raised his hand to protect his eyes, looking at the large number of Hive Organization soldiers on the opposite side, and a flash of blood flashed in his eyes.

The next second! He suddenly swung his hand forward with force!

Modified-sonic hand knife!

With a buzzing sound, the blood spun up, solidifying in mid-air while turning into a blade.

It eventually turned into a blood blade more than one meter long, and swept through the tunnel like lightning.

It didn't fly until more than 30 meters away, then it suddenly cut into the wall, and with a crisp sound, it was completely embedded in the wall.

Until the blood blade stopped cutting, the continuous harsh gunshots stopped abruptly.

The Nest Soldiers who gathered together and continued to suppress this side with firepower, their bodies were neatly cut off from the middle, and they were killed with one shot!

Qin Ming strode forward through the corpses scattered all over the ground, raising his hand as he walked.

As the blood and flesh absorption ability was activated, the solid blood stuck in the wall in the distance, the blood of the corpses lying on the ground, all turned into a torrent and gathered towards his palm, and finally condensed into a solid blood ball, which just rotated and floated in Qin Ming's hand.

Before the man passed the corner of the tunnel, the blood ball held by Qin Ming's hand had already shaken violently.

The next second, with a buzzing sound, countless palm-length blood blades whizzed out of the blood ball, drew an arc and rotated to fly over the corner, and shot towards the other end of the tunnel.

In an instant, screams became one, and countless blood blades began to bounce and fly everywhere in the narrow tunnel.

One after another, the soldiers of the Nest Organization who rushed over to try to stop Qin Ming's advance were killed on the spot by the blood blades through their bodies.

And after death, the blood in the body continued to float out, turning into new blood blades to continue shooting forward! Over and over again! More and more!

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