Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 41 The final duel

"It's you!"

A low roar came out of his mouth, and Sir Scown, who was blind in one eye, had an extremely ferocious expression.

Hearing his roar, Qin Ming, who was standing in the middle of the road, finally raised his head and pressed the safety hammer of the revolver hard.

"It's me."

"How dare you appear in front of me!"

"If you were in your prime, I really wouldn't dare, but you've been beaten like this, so why shouldn't I dare?"

Inserting his fingers into the revolver and swinging the pistol, Qin Ming smiled brightly at Sir Scown opposite him, the only two elite confidants left by his side.

"You know, I'm actually very timid, so I never dare to fight a battle that I'm not sure of. Once I choose to take action, I either guarantee that I can win or guarantee that I can definitely escape if something goes wrong. So guess, which situation is it now?"

Sir Scown's eyes trembled when he heard this, and suddenly raised his weapon to Qin Ming, and roared.

"Go! Kill him!"

Hearing this order, the two heavily armored swordsmen rushed up without hesitation, but stopped in a hurry when they saw the muzzle of Qin Ming's gun.

After all, they had seen the lethality of this thing before. Even the leader Lance was killed instantly, not to mention the two of them.

Pointing the gun at the two, Qin Ming suddenly swung the gun aside with a stern face.

"This matter has nothing to do with you, get out."


"Or you can die here with him. I don't mind killing two more."

Hearing Qin Ming's cold tone, the two heavily armored swordsmen couldn't help but look at each other.

In the current situation, Sir Scone is obviously out of power. Almost all his soldiers are dead. The most important thing is that he is stopped by someone now. It is a question whether he can leave alive.

Besides, even if he leaves alive, without soldiers and territory, can he still be considered a knight?

Before they lost power, the soldiers were very loyal to Sir Scone because they were afraid of his ferocity and strength.

But now the monkeys scatter when the tree falls...

The two looked at each other and suddenly nodded, then dropped their weapons and turned around to run, rushing directly into the forest next to them, and did not look back no matter how Sir Scone roared and cursed behind them.

Qin Ming, who watched the two escape, couldn't help but curl up a little.

"Okay, the strangers have left. Didn't you want to fight me fairly before? Now I give you this chance!"

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Ming had already held the revolver with both hands, raised it with one eye closed, and began to aim.

Seeing this scene, Sir Scone couldn't help but roar, waving the silver axe gun in his hand, and charging towards this side frantically.

And he had just started, and the harsh sound of gunfire had already come.

The first shot! Hit the shoulder! Sir Scone staggered!

The second shot! Hit the abdomen! Punch through the armor! A blood arrow exploded directly behind Sir Scown!

The third shot hit his knee! Sir Scown, who was running, fell to one knee on the spot! He almost fell to the ground!

As for the next four, five, and six shots?

Looking at Sir Scown, who had already closed the distance, Qin Ming aimed at his head and pulled the trigger without hesitation!

The sound of gunshots rang in his ears, and Scown's mask exploded, and several blood arrows shot out from inside again.

First, he was attacked by everyone and one of his eyes was forcibly destroyed.

Then he was surrounded and attacked by one of the protagonists, the knight Percival, who was not much weaker than him, and was beaten with scars.

At this moment, Sir Scown's strength had been mostly destroyed. He could barely block the bullets before, but now he couldn't even react. This is the best proof.

Now facing Qin Ming's close-range shooting, Sir Scown almost took all six bullets, causing his already severely injured body to become even heavier.

But at this time, he finally rushed in front of Qin Ming, and slashed with a sliding step without hesitation.

However, this sprint skill, which had lost its speed advantage, no longer had the terrifying power before.

He had just slid to rush over, and Qin Ming had already rolled to distance himself, causing his subsequent sweep to completely miss the target.

The skill was invalid. Seeing that the enemy on the opposite side had started to reload bullets, the limping Sir Scown screamed loudly and waved his axe gun randomly to try to attack Qin Ming.

But after a few swings, what he got in return was not the enemy's blood, but the harsh gunshot!


The fire sprayed again, and Sir Scown, who was hit by a bullet directly in the helmet and half of his ear was blown off, looked at Qin Ming who was shooting at him crazily on the opposite side, and suddenly screamed with a ferocious expression.

Then he actually picked up the axe gun in his hand, raised it directly, and threw it at Qin Ming with all his strength!

C-level skill! Hundred-step throw!

The strongest free-hand skill in his hand was used, and the weapon flashed with a cold light, without giving Qin Ming any time to react, and hit him directly in the chest.

Qin Ming, who was still shooting desperately, was almost shot back on the spot, and then fell on his back with the axe gun stuck in his chest.

Seeing this scene, Sir Scone, who was bleeding from wounds all over his body, couldn't help showing joy on his face.

However, the excited expression just appeared, but it froze suddenly in the next second.

Because under his wide-eyed astonished gaze, the enemy with a weapon stuck in his chest actually struggled to get up again!

Standing up shakily, Qin Ming pulled off the axe spear stuck in his chest. Looking at the blood flowing from the back of the damaged red vest, Qin Ming couldn't help but look up and smile.

Then he took out a fruit salad from his arms and stuffed it into his mouth.

And this salad was the spoils of war that he exchanged for favorability in advance to avoid wasting favorability when he saw the village was about to be breached!

Name: Fruit Salad (Small)

Category: Consumable (White)

Effect: Restore 10% of the status after use, and the cooling time is three minutes.

Introduction: This is the favorite of vegetarians, but isn't the life of a vegetable life? Vegetable life is also expensive!

Chewing the food in his mouth hard, looking at Sir Scown with wide eyes opposite, Qin Ming's smile gradually became ferocious.

Grabbing Sir Scown's axe spear, he raised it with both hands, pointed the gun blade at Scown, and Qin Ming spoke coldly.

"Sorry! Physical fitness! But it's also my card!"

"You damn bastard!!!"

Seeing that his ultimate move not only failed to kill the target, but also caused his only weapon to be taken away, Sir Scone was completely crazy.

He screamed, grabbed a stone nearby, and limped towards Qin Ming with the stone.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming, who was holding an axe gun, shouted without hesitation... and raised his revolver again.


Close combat? A guy who can be killed from a distance! Why are you stupid enough to fight him in close combat! Do you think guns are for viewing!

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