Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 415: Breaking the City

Following the attack trajectory that appeared in front of him, Qin Ming quickly raised his hand to block the attack.

Lift your knees! Catch the hatchet swept from below in advance!

Take advantage of the situation and kick it out! Kick the attacking knight away on the spot!

At the same time, the elbow hit sideways! He intercepted the knight who was trying to slash his arm with a weapon! Forcibly swing the opponent's arm away!

Qin Ming, who was standing on the spot, was using his hands and feet to constantly fend off attacks coming from all directions. He was able to do so with ease.

As he continued to hit, Qin Ming, who was swinging his hands left and right, once again swung away the tomahawk chop, suddenly raised his head and raised his hand to grab it fiercely.

As blood flowed from the surrounding corpses, streams of blood gathered from all directions and turned into blood balls that were grabbed by Qin Ming.

Then he shot it out with one palm, hitting the chest of a heavily armored knight in front of him.

The defense power of this group of heavily armored knights is outrageous. They all possess defensive skills up to A level. Even Bai Yan is helpless against them.

After just a short battle, the Sound Nest Battle Suit has analyzed their shortcomings in ability, that is, what they are tough about is not themselves, but just their armor.

Even based on the user's own abilities, the battle suit directly provides Qin Ming, the wearer, with a way to break the situation.

That is to break it from the inside!

There was a crash! The blood ball hit the breastplate and suddenly exploded! A large amount of blood penetrated directly into the armor along the gaps in the armor! And solidified into a cone in the next second!

Along with the dull screams, blood penetrated into the armor, and a heavily armored knight came and blasted him. He was severely injured on the spot.

A large stream of blood even spurted out from the closed bird-shaped helmet.

Before the blood dripped down the gaps in the armor and fell to the ground, Qin Ming, who successfully wounded the enemy severely with one blow, put his hand on the breastplate and suddenly pulled it outwards.

As the blood in the armor cooperated with the force, a click was heard, and the breastplate of the heavily armored knight was ripped off!

The heavily armored knight, whose chest was completely hollow and no longer protected, retreated in horror.

But before he could even take two steps back, Qin Ming slapped him on the chest with his hand again.

There was a bang! His chest was instantly filled with blood and a huge blood hole was opened! Even the armor on the back was blasted through!

Qin Ming, who found a way to crack the problem, turned into a can opener and solved a repackaged can in just a few moves!

Immediately before the other three cans recovered from their shock, they had already waved their hands to control the blood and shot towards the second enemy.

The core intelligence on the battle suit, which knows how to simulate and deduce, is much more fancy than Qin Ming in playing bloody tricks.

Turn water into armor! Solid seal! It can even penetrate people's facial features and explode from the inside!

It even unscrupulously developed a move that specializes in the lower three lanes! Trying to suggest that Qin Ming launch a fierce attack from the enemy's Jubu!

After all, what does that say? No matter how tough a person is, his rectum is still soft! Attacking here will definitely cause a double critical hit both physically and mentally!

Just because the method was too immoral, Qin Ming did not adopt its suggestions. After all, Qin Ming had to recycle the blood used in the attack!

Grabbing the wrist of a heavily armored knight and controlling his weapon.

With a strong pressure, Qin Ming forced his arm against the chest armor. As the skill was activated, his blood solidified on the spot, and the enemy's hands were frozen on the armor with blood!

He looked at the heavily armored knight with his hands crossed, sealed by the extremely hard blood and unable to be torn off from the breastplate, causing his attack ability to be completely disabled.

Qin Ming's eyes were ferocious and he suddenly grabbed his helmet.

With the blood flowing on the arm, it penetrated into the inside along the gap in the helmet.

With a burst of screams, blood seeped into the heavily armored knight's eyes, mouth and nose, directly damaging his brain.

When Qin Ming shook his hand to draw back the blood, he straightened up the fallen heavily armored knight. The facial features have long been gone, replaced by several bloody holes.

Seeing the last heavily armored knight hit the ground with a bang, Qin Ming looked down at his palm in disbelief.

Four small bosses who were good at defense were eliminated so easily. Is this the power of artificial intelligence?

No wonder people who play chess are unwilling to play with AI programs. You have to accumulate experience, but others can directly download it and quickly improve and optimize it. How can this compare? Isn’t this just bullying?

With a look of excitement on his face, Qin Ming suddenly noticed that the combat uniform on his body and his abilities seemed more terrifying than he expected. He suddenly raised a hand high above his head.

As the skill was activated, the blood around him gathered crazily towards him, and in the blink of an eye it condensed into a huge blood ball above him.

And in the next second, it rotated violently at high speed, shooting out dense drops of blood in all directions! A terrifying storm formed around him!


Change - Xueluo destroys essence!

Amidst the ear-piercing whistling sound, a large number of tiny hardened blood beads were rushing around Qin Ming crazily. Countless soldiers rushing towards him were beaten into sieves almost as soon as they got close.

As they fell, the blood in their bodies was drawn out and blended into the blood cells to continue to increase the power and range of the skills.

One super shot will kill you! Qin Ming actually completely cleared the surrounding area! The shriveled corpses and broken corpses of the enemy were lying around him!

The great power on his side also caused King Arthur, who was holding the sword of the king, to rush up the city wall. King Arthur, who was now fighting with the enemy, couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Looking at Qin Ming who was controlling blood and killing people crazily in the distance, either crushing the opponent or sucking the opponent dry.

King Arthur was very confused at the moment.

No! Are the people around him blind? The ability of this guy in front of him! What is the point of being a decent character!

Body size! Means! Ability! He is just short of writing the words "I am the final boss" on his face! Why do those militiamen still think he is the son of God!

Whose ability is the chosen one of God to draw blood from others to fight? This is reasonable!

King Arthur, with a shocked face, raised his sword to block and instantly parried a mace that was chopped over.

Then the sword swept across, and he actually cut the bullhorn knight on the opposite side in half with the shield and the person on the spot.

The sword of the king in his hand did not have so many messy abilities, but only sharpness.

Unparalleled sharpness! Can break all armor in an instant! Sharpness that ignores all defenses!

And it is this extremely simple ability, when it comes to fighting, the effect is extremely terrifying.

Constantly swinging the sword, chopping off all enemies who try to stop him like chopping melons and vegetables.

King Arthur, who led his troops to march forward, kept attacking the front with a stern face.

Although he never said it clearly, King Arthur really hated Qin Ming. He hated this so-called King of the Holy Fork who suddenly appeared and was deeply loved. He hated it very much.

Because in King Arthur's eyes, the chosen one of this era, he alone was enough.

What kind of King of the Holy Fork in front of him! Just a despicable imitator! A replica of himself!

However, this guy who imitated himself now has more people and horses than himself! More loved than himself!

This is something King Arthur cannot accept! So he urgently needs to prove one thing to everyone! That is, he is the real chosen king!

With a roar, King Arthur, who was blocking the way, threw an enemy with his shoulder and rushed into the crowd. Seeing the enemies coming from all directions, his eyes suddenly flashed.

The next second, he grabbed the hilt of the sword with both hands and swung the weapon in a circle.

The ultimate move! The Knight's Invincible Slash!

The sword swept across! King Arthur attacked with a 360-degree angle without dead ends! After using the skill, he held the big sword! He continued to rush forward without slowing down!

And when he rushed out of the encirclement, he heard a crash, and the bodies of the dozen enemies who were originally surrounding him were neatly split in two! All were cut in half!

The level of the Invincible Slash skill itself is not high, and the attack power is not very good. The only strong thing is that it has a momentary invincible effect.

But if it is matched with the sharpness of the King's Sword! This move becomes an extremely terrifying killer move! Whoever blocks it will die!

However, under normal circumstances, King Arthur would only use this move when facing a strong enemy. He would not use it under normal circumstances, after all, this move consumes too much energy.

At this time, he actually used this move to open the way, and he was still using it continuously. It was obvious that King Arthur was really a little anxious.

King Arthur, who led the elite troops and forcibly broke through the enemy's encirclement, ran head-on into the leader of the wall defenders: Knight Balford!

The two boss-level characters looked at each other with very ferocious expressions.

Balford, who swept out two sword energies with his hands, kicked out after using his skills and rushed towards King Arthur first.

King Arthur, who swung his sword to split the sword energy, roared and slashed with a sword, and the weapon collided with Balford's double swords on the spot.

With a clang, sparks flew, and King Arthur's sword in the stone almost cut off Knight Balford's double swords directly, which frightened Knight Balford so much that his face turned pale and he hurriedly retreated to try to distance himself.

However, he had just taken a step back when the soil beneath him suddenly softened, causing Balford's body to sink and his legs to be inserted into the city wall.

Adventurer's Talent Skill: Liquefaction!

Effect: All dead objects can be turned into liquid in a short time!

The sudden change shocked the unprepared Knight Balford.

Almost at the moment when he was hit, the adventurers around him who had been preparing for a long time and had been staring at him, the big boss, also launched a fierce attack on him without hesitation.

Sword! Spear! Skill! Qigong! Even firearms!

With a muffled groan, the Knight Balford, who was struggling to crawl out of the soil, was penetrated by countless attacks.

And in the next second, a cold light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes.

It turned out that King Arthur seized the opportunity and swept out with a sword, instantly hitting the Knight Balford's neck.

A big boss of the second level! The leader of the independent knights! A powerful man with amazing combat power! He actually died in such a confused way under the cooperation of King Arthur and the adventurers!

Facing the adventurers' strange special talents and skills, and the extremely sharp sword of the king in King Arthur's hand.

Knight Balford, who is a speed flow boss, has almost no power to resist once he is attacked successfully.

He cut off the head of Knight Balford with a sword and raised his hand to grab it.

King Arthur turned around and raised the head in his hand, suddenly opened his mouth and roared.

"Enemy general! I have killed him! Break the city!"

Hearing King Arthur's roar, he saw that he really killed the enemy general.

The militiamen who were climbing up the ladder to the city, some of whom had even rushed into the city and opened the city gate from the inside, immediately raised their pitchforks and shouted.

"Long live the Holy King!!!"


Listening to the slogans shouted by the militiamen, King Arthur was stunned.

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