Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 442: Count Vampire!

"Watch out for the sword!"

"You're looking for death!"

Seeing the heroine Zhao Honghua suddenly running out, she insisted on fighting to the death with him.

Qin Ming, who was not a good-tempered person, naturally could not tolerate her.

The two sides immediately fought on the street. Angel and Kasamoto Eri, who were standing by, immediately rushed to help.

If it was a one-on-one fight, Zhao Honghua, whose attributes were definitely not weak, might not necessarily obey Qin Ming.

But now it was one against three, and Zhao Honghua was a little overwhelmed.

Angel's fists and heavy artillery, Kasamoto Eri's machine gun fire, plus Qin Ming's blood attack.

The three of them worked together to beat Zhao Honghua back again and again.

Even waving the sword and trying to summon the thunder dragon to attack, they were all smashed by Qin Ming's blood.

Just when the fight between the few people became more and more intense, Qin Ming directly lifted the abandoned car next to him and prepared to give Zhao Honghua a facial massage, a strange sound of horse hooves suddenly sounded.

The voice was very urgent, but also very light, which was very creepy on the empty street.

Everyone who heard the voice turned their heads and saw a gorgeous carriage floating in the air, which was translucent and drove over at a high speed from a distance.

With a cool tail swing, the ghost horse and the ghost carriage stopped in front of several people. The next second, with the door opened, a man wearing a western dress and looking very gentlemanly walked out of the car while adjusting his collar.

With one hand leaning on the gentleman's cane, the man looked at the people in front who stopped and looked at him. His eyes first locked on Zhao Honghua, and a red light flashed in his eyes.

The next second, he looked at Qin Ming again, with a smile in his eyes.

"You guys, the fight is quite intense. Do you suggest that I come to join in the fun?"

Seeing the person clearly, Zhao Honghua's face suddenly sank. Even when facing the joint attack of Qin Ming and the other two, he could keep a calm face, but it became solemn in an instant.

"Count Dracula!"

The guy who suddenly arrived in the ghost carriage was the guy Zhao Honghua had been chasing all the way, the vampire Count Dracula!

A powerful enemy that Zhao Honghua had never encountered before!

Hearing Zhao Honghua's roar, Count Dracula still had a gentle smile on his face, and even raised his hand to take off his hat and bowed slightly.

"Miss Zhao Honghua, I haven't seen you for a few days, you are still so beautiful."

"Damn vampire! You!"

"I, a dirty, barbaric, bloodthirsty monster, will definitely pay the price for the previous blood debt, right?"

Straightening up, Count Dracula still had a bright smile on his face.

"Ms. Zhao Honghua, I have to say that your vocabulary is really monotonous. You just repeat the same few sentences over and over again. You may need to go to school for further study. Do you need me to introduce you to an aristocratic college?"


"Okay, okay, seeing that you like fighting and killing, you should not be the kind of person who is willing to study. Then I won't embarrass you, beautiful lady."

Turning his eyes slowly to Qin Ming, Count Dracula suddenly smiled and saluted gracefully.

"My fellow, I never thought that I could meet my own people in this remote and wild place. I am really very lucky. I wonder what your title is?"

Count Dracula's question made Qin Ming stunned and confused.

"What? Title?"

"Yes, it doesn't matter if the title is low. You don't need to feel embarrassed about it. Although I can't compare with a vampire like me who is born with high blood, even the lowest vampire can still be superior to all creatures."

"Vampire? I'm not a vampire!"

Looking at Count Dracula opposite, it was obvious that he had misunderstood something, so Qin Ming hurriedly explained.

As soon as he finished speaking, two exclamations sounded almost at the same time.

"You are not a vampire?!"

"Yes, I am not a vampire."

"Then how can you suck blood!"

"Mosquitoes can also suck blood! Then mosquitoes are also vampires?"

"You can suck blood even if you are not a vampire! Then what kind of monster are you?!"

"I am... I warn you not to judge people by appearance! I used to be a hero! A great hero who saved the world!"

As soon as Qin Ming finished speaking, the street suddenly became silent.

Qin Ming, Count Dracula and Zhao Honghua, all looked confused.

Zhao Honghua saw Qin Ming sucking blood crazily from a distance and thought he was a vampire, so he attacked.

Count Dracula, who came here after hearing the news and noticed the situation, took the initiative to stand out because he saw Qin Ming could control blood to fight, because he was of the same kind.

One of the two sides thought Qin Ming was an enemy, and the other thought Qin Ming was one of them, but now Qin Ming said he was not a vampire, this…………

As he calmed down and observed carefully, Zhao Honghua, who looked at Qin Ming, suddenly found that there seemed to be no evil power in Qin Ming's body.

Although he was a little older, looked a little fierce, spoke a little rudely, and had a little weird ability.

At a glance, he was a little scary.

But if you look closely, he actually looks like a human.

Zhao Honghua, who no longer held a hostile attitude, finally began to be affected by Qin Ming's title ability at this time, and his favorability rose sharply.

However, as a Taoist disciple, Zhao Honghua had extraordinary spiritual cultivation skills. He did not get distracted by this. Instead, he quickly changed direction and pointed his weapon at Count Dracula.

Seeing this scene, Count Dracula realized that he had made a mistake in judgment and mistook a human for his own kind. His expression was very ugly and he felt extremely ashamed.

He took a step back and said nothing. Suddenly, he turned into black smoke and got into the ghost carriage behind him.

As the door of the carriage closed, the translucent ghost carriage actually floated and flew up!

With a whoosh, the carriage rushed straight into the distance.

Zhao Honghua, who had hurriedly dodged the collision, gritted his teeth and hurriedly chased after it.

Only Qin Ming and the other two were left there. They looked at each other and nodded suddenly after a few seconds of silence.

A moment later, Zhao Honghua, who was running desperately with her legs and chasing the carriage with her flesh legs, suddenly heard a hurried voice behind her.

She turned her head in surprise and saw a huge triceratops that had been extinct for countless years, rushing from behind like a tank. There were three figures sitting on the dragon's back. They were Qin Ming and others!

The extremely fast-running Triceratops caught up with Zhao Honghua.

Looking at the woman who was running desperately and turned to look at him, Qin Ming shook his head helplessly and took the initiative to extend his hand to her.

Seeing this, Zhao Honghua's face lit up, and she quickly extended her hand and held Qin Ming's hand.

…………Then she was thrown to the back by Qin Ming.

Looking at Zhao Honghua who disappeared in the tumble, Qin Ming wiped his hands with his clothes and pursed his lips fiercely.

"Attack me for no reason! You still want to take a ride! What are you thinking!"

Seeing this scene, Angel and Kasamoto Eri, who were sitting behind Qin Ming, raised their hands and clapped their hands hard, cheering loudly.

Another one is tricked!

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