Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 448 Dracula's trump card

The ability of the Magic Sword Knight who can rely on corpses to revive continuously is really terrifying.

It's a pity that although his ability is terrifying, he is unlucky enough to run into Qin Ming, who has the power to restrain him.

Possessing a corpse? Qin Ming directly drained the blood of all the corpses! Let's see how he can revive!

Even if he can really possess successfully, how much combat power can these mummies have left?

Qin Ming's trick of drawing the firewood from the bottom of the pot is very effective. At this time, the Magic Sword Knight who possessed the corpse of the strongest is even weaker than the elite monsters in this world.

He obviously discovered this and hurriedly turned around and rushed to the armors prepared in advance.

Although the attributes of these armors are not good and they are not strong after possession, they are better than the current disabled body!

Seeing that the Magic Sword Knight was about to change his body, Qin Ming's pupils shrank, and the next second he suddenly accelerated and rushed out, dragging his body with blood.

Skill! Heaven Slide!

With a buzzing sound, Qin Ming rushed to the side of the Magic Sword Knight and grabbed the Magic Sword Knight's neck.

Just when he picked up the Magic Sword Knight, the Magic Sword Knight had already thrown his weapon with all his strength, ready to repeat the same trick.

If it was the first time he used this trick, Qin Ming would definitely not be able to react. After all, who would have thought that throwing a weapon and inserting it into the target could also complete parasitism.

It's a pity that this trick of the magic sword was not used for the first time. It had been used once in front of Qin Ming just now.

A trick that has been exposed, can it still be considered a trick!


In the whistling wind, Qin Ming, who had been prepared, had already reacted almost as soon as the magic sword flew out.

With a swing of his arm, a large amount of blood shot out from his arm and was actually wrapped around the flying magic sword on the spot!

With a pull and a tug, the magic sword that was about to be inserted into the armor was forcibly pulled back by Qin Ming and grabbed.

Looking at the devil sword with a hideous face and expressions, Qin Ming showed a grim smile.

He threw away the body in his hand that had lost its movement in an instant. Just as he was about to speak, his expression suddenly changed.

Because at this moment, the devil sword that he was holding actually emitted a lot of black lines and spread towards the arm of Qin Ming who was holding him.

It! Prepare to parasitize Qin Ming!

"You have fallen into this situation! You dare to provoke me! You are looking for death!"

Qin Ming, who did not expect that this devil sword could parasitize even living people, suddenly shouted and raised his other arm to cut it hard.

In the flash of cold light, he actually forcibly cut off the arm that was covered with black lines and was no longer under his control!

Looking at the broken arm that fell to the ground with a click, and the evil soldier that was tightly grasped by the broken arm, Qin Ming's eyes flashed with fierceness, and blood condensed when he raised his hand, and suddenly blasted towards the devil sword.

The devil sword that only controlled one arm was still ready to struggle when he saw this.

It inherited Qin Ming's blood control skills, and it actually plundered the blood around it crazily, even the blood in Qin Ming's hand, trying to grow a body by force!

With its strange ability and the powerful self-healing power inherited from Qin Ming, if it is given enough time and blood, maybe this guy can really condense another Qin Ming.

It's a pity that Qin Ming didn't give it this time and opportunity.

As the attacks continued to fall, the magic sword that had just condensed a little blood was completely defeated.

After bombing for a few minutes, this magic sword with extremely strange abilities finally fell apart and broke into pieces.

The arm covered with black lines also returned to normal on the spot.

He raised his leg and kicked the broken magic sword, and bent down to pick up the treasure chest it exploded.

Qin Ming, who found that this guy actually gave a dim legendary key, couldn't help grinning.

He had to admit that although the BOSS strength in this world was a little terrifying, the spoils were really rich.

It's rare to see a BOSS that can explode a legendary treasure chest.

This is why Qin Ming, who has special abilities, ran into the magic sword. If someone who can't restrain the magic sword came, he would have been worn to death by the corpses around him!

Put away the treasure chest, ride on the dinosaur again, and Qin Ming and others quickly rushed to the top of the villa.

After killing a large number of small monsters blocking the road along the way, this time they finally didn't encounter other BOSSes and successfully climbed to the top.

As soon as he arrived at the top, Qin Ming was stunned.

Because the rooftop of this villa is simply the paradise he has always dreamed of!

Blood! Blood everywhere!

Countless blood merged together! It formed a blood pool!

In the middle of the blood pool, a man in a dress was floating there quietly, and there were many corpses lying around.

Among them was his enemy, the vampire hunter Smith, who was brought from the sky by adventurers and tried to take revenge but failed, and had been solved!

Obviously, the adventurers seriously overestimated their combat power with Smith.

They hurriedly dropped from the sky, trying to snatch the treasure chest of the vampire count, but completely ignored that this was the lair of the vampire count.

How could the vampire count fighting on the home ground be unprepared?

With the blessing of the venue brought by the blood pool, Smith and a dozen elite adventurers were all stuck here, unable to escape.

Raising his hand to control the blood, he continuously extracted blood from Smith and others.

The vampire count Dracula, who was floating in the air, slowly turned his head and looked over after hearing the movement behind him.

The moment he saw clearly who was coming, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Oh, isn't this the damn human who stole our clan's power, and the beautiful Miss Zhao Honghua? There are also two other lovely little girls. Are you also coming to my castle as guests? It really makes me feel extremely honored! "

The body floated in the air and slowly fell to the ground.

The vampire Count Dracula stood firmly on the blood pool and bowed gracefully.

"Since we are guests, what would you like to drink? How about drinking some blood as the Romans do? I just got a batch of good quality goods!"

Opposite him, Zhao Honghua looked at the body floating in the bloody water, his expression very gloomy at this time.

She knew how difficult the vampire on the other side was, but she still didn't understand what this kind of venue meant.

If he had been alone, Zhao Honghua, who realized something was wrong, would have already turned around and ran away.

After all, the green hills are still there, so you don’t have to worry about running out of firewood.

But this time was different. Looking at the scene in front of him, although Zhao Honghua was not very confident in himself, he was afraid that he would not be able to defeat the vampire count who was blessed with a large amount of blood.

But she has help at this time!

Without replying, she silently walked to Qin Ming and suddenly spoke in a low voice.

"Under such circumstances, are you sure you can beat him?"

Qin Ming, who had been closing his eyes to feel his surroundings, suddenly opened his eyes upon hearing this, with a hint of a sinister smile on his face.

"Of course! This is my home court!"

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