Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 454 Blood Mist VS Sand Mist


The dust in the sky exploded, and the Egyptian Pharaoh, whose body was directly hit by countless holes, flew backwards.

The blood mist that flew out with him turned around and flew out of the passenger plane.

A moment later, it flew back from the gap, and it also wrapped two figures.

Angel and Zhao Honghua, who were forcibly pulled up, rolled to the ground, and the blood mist in the sky gathered madly.

In a blink of an eye, the blood and water merged to outline the outline of a human figure.

The burly Qin Ming quickly appeared in the blood mist and quickly absorbed all the blood mist.

Risking to strengthen the vampire bloodline! A gamble made with this! In the end, he won the gamble!

S-level vampire blood! S-level flesh and blood absorption! S-level steel body! Trinity! Success!

Throwing off the sound nest combat suit on his body, Qin Ming looked down at the Egyptian Pharaoh opposite with a very cold look.

The face was originally very rough, even barbaric, with pale skin and slightly long fangs.

Qin Ming at this moment looked more creepy than ever before, and he really did the extent that one could confirm that he was not a good person with just one look.

On the opposite side, the Egyptian pharaoh, whose body was pierced with countless small holes, had slowly stood up at this moment.

As the sand and gravel wrapped around him, the holes on his body recovered quickly.

Looking up at Qin Ming, feeling the power fluctuations on Qin Ming's body, the Egyptian pharaoh looked a little stunned.

"Same kind?"

Qin Ming's mouth curled up when he heard the words, and suddenly raised his hand like a pistol, pointing his finger at it.

"No! It's an alien!"


The finger trembled! A drop of blood shot out at a very fast speed! The speed was amazing!

Hearing the sound of the wind, the Egyptian pharaoh's pupils shrank, and he instinctively controlled the yellow sand to try to block it.

But its reaction was half a beat slower after all, and before the yellow sand arrived, the blood drop had already hit his body first.

A loud noise was heard! The Egyptian Pharaoh, whose shoulder was pierced with a round hole, was shaken violently.

Turning his head to look at the wound, the Egyptian Pharaoh's face wrapped in bandages became distorted on the spot.

"Looking for death!!!"


The wind was howling, and the yellow sand in the sky rushed forward frantically. The Egyptian Pharaoh, who was controlling the yellow sand, stepped forward and ran for the first time.

[Name: Egyptian Pharaoh]

[Strength: 50]

[Constitution: 50]

[Agility: 50]

[Spirit: 80]

[Skills: Mummy Body (A-level) Yellow Sand Control (S-level) Ancient Egyptian Fighting (A-level)]

[Introduction: A corpse that has been dead for thousands of years! Resurrected by evil forces! Finally able to see the light of day again! ]

The Egyptian Pharaoh not only has the power to control the yellow sand! He is even good at close combat! He is a master who can fight both near and far!

During the charge, he raised his hand and condensed a spear with the yellow sand, and his roar was hoarse.

Qin Ming, who was watching the enemy approaching, had his pupils contracted. His eyes, which had turned red due to his bloodline, became extremely sharp.

Before the yellow sand could touch his face, his body suddenly exploded and turned into a blood mist.

No! It can't be called blood mist! It should be called blood frost!

Those dense and tiny blood beads! They were all solid!


The tiny blood beads in the sky whistled out! They forcibly penetrated the sand and dust rushing over! They hit the Egyptian Pharaoh hard!

Without waiting for the Egyptian Pharaoh to scream, he staggered back, and the blood mist that quickly passed through the Egyptian Pharaoh's body and came to his back had re-condensed into a human figure.

With a single hand, Qin Ming's arm quickly turned into a scarlet blade with the blood, and pierced the Egyptian Pharaoh's body directly from the back.

Before the Egyptian Pharaoh struggled to turn around and throw a punch, Qin Ming, who was hit by the punch, had already turned into a mist again, piercing through the Egyptian Pharaoh's body and came to his left side.

And this time, his palm has turned into an axe, raised high, and chopped the Egyptian Pharaoh's shoulder with an axe!

Atomization! Shuttle! Condensation! Atomization again!

The blood mist swayed in the sky, and Qin Ming's body kept moving in and out of it, launching an offensive around the Egyptian Pharaoh.

Every attack of the Egyptian Pharaoh only hit the blood mist, but could not hit Qin Ming's real body at all.

Even with another full-strength collision, the Egyptian Pharaoh was directly pierced by a blood shadow, stiffened for a second, and then exploded on the spot.

The bandages on his body broke, and the crown on his head fell to the ground.

What was revealed below was not a mummy, but gravel all over the ground.

This Egyptian Pharaoh! It turned out to be a sand monster wrapped in bandages!

As the bandages broke, the Egyptian Pharaoh, who could no longer maintain his figure, did not die.

Without the bandages, it completely broke the shackles and rushed towards Qin Ming with a sky full of yellow sand.

As the sandstorm hit, a huge ferocious ghost face even formed in the air!

Qin Ming, who was standing in front, was directly hit by the sandstorm. The strong impact made him slide back.

But the attack power of sand is limited after all. Facing Qin Ming's steel body, it can't break through the defense.

Qin Ming stood quietly in the sandstorm without moving at all. Looking at the sandstorm in front of him, his eyes suddenly condensed.

The next second! The left hand stabbed out like lightning! It turned into blood and extended! One strike penetrated nearly ten meters away!

After the blood directly penetrated the entire sandstorm, it suddenly retracted and turned into a palm again.

But at this time, there was an extra item in the palm.

Just as Qin Ming retracted his palm, the sandstorm that was raging around, constantly hitting and cutting everything in the cabin, causing the steel to be severely deformed and the monsters to be torn apart by blood and flesh, suddenly froze in place.

After a stalemate of two seconds, it suddenly scattered down, covering the ground with a thick layer of gravel.

Looking at the dust all over the ground, he looked at the item in his hand, a small yellow bead.

Qin Ming suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a hint of sarcasm on his face.

"You clearly saw that I have the same type of power, but you still dare to play this trick with me? You are such a complete idiot, you are not awake yet!"

While speaking, Qin Ming suddenly exerted force with his palm and crushed the yellow bead in his hand.

Along with the bead being broken into four or five pieces, a legendary key that was larger than the bead appeared out of thin air and was grabbed by Qin Ming before it landed.

Egyptian Pharaoh! Dead!

The ability of body atomization or body splitting seems to be very buggy, as if as long as there is a little residue, it can be perfectly resurrected, and it is truly immortal.

In fact, it is not. If there is really only a little residue to be resurrected, why doesn't the user separate the body when escaping? Or take the opportunity to hide some tissues?

The reason is very simple, because they can't do it. Once separated from the atomized part of the body, that part of the tissue will quickly become unobedient to their command.

The seemingly invincible atomization! In fact, there is a fatal flaw! That is, it must have a core that drives the surrounding fog!

The blood atomization of the vampire clan is like this, and the sand dust of the Egyptian pharaoh in front of him is also the same.

Once the core is found and captured, it will be isolated from other body tissues.

Then they will become fish on the chopping board, and can only be slaughtered by others without any ability to fight back.

For this core, each ethnic group has its own name.

Some call it Godhead, some call it God's Heart, and some call it Golden Pill or Demon Pill.

Vampires like to call their cores blood cores.

Blood core! The source of all blood! The heart of the blood clan!

The Egyptian Pharaoh was killed by Qin Ming in one blow because his core was caught and crushed by Qin Ming. After all, who dared to completely atomize and slap his body on Qin Ming's face?

This is clearly asking Qin Ming to hit his vitals! This is no different from when you fight with someone! What's the difference between standing upside down and actively leaning forward!

Qin Ming, who has become a vampire, naturally has a blood core.

It's just that it may be different from the blood core of a normal vampire. Because of the steel body, Qin Ming's blood core is very hard, very hard.

The most important thing is that his atomized blood mist is also very hard!

Grabbing a blood core from the blood mist of other vampires is like taking a stone from water.

And trying to take the core from Qin Ming's blood mist is like putting your hand into a high-speed rotating meat grinder.

Can you take the core out from inside! But it depends on whether your hands are strong enough!

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