Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 462 Return to the World

The dark world, a unique world that connects countless planes and specifically receives dark creatures after death.

It is extremely chaotic here! Fighting and fighting are everywhere!

There is no food, no resources, and no entertainment.

There is only a scorched earth and endless evil creatures living in it, and they will be resurrected after death.

And it is in this chaotic place that a newcomer has now arrived, that is, Qin Ming who jumped in with the evil spirit.

Holding a peach wood sword, letting his body burn, Qin Ming chased the evil spirit for several days.

The good news is that the evil spirit has been completely useless after returning to the dark world.

He cannot possess dark creatures at all, so he has no place to use here, and is just a pure soul body.

Facing Qin Ming's pursuit, it doesn't even have the power to resist, and can only flee blindly.

But correspondingly, there is also bad news, that is, the evil spirit is simply unkillable!

It's not like those monsters that can be resurrected! He is really unkillable!

This thing is essentially equivalent to a dark breath with intelligence in the dark world, and its main body is connected to the dark world.

You can't destroy the dark world! Then you can't destroy it! It's just a derivative of the dark world!

Qin Ming doesn't have the power to destroy the world, so there is naturally no way to deal with it. This is the real horror of the SSS-level skill on the evil spirit.

His power! It is the real immortal body! It can only be sealed! But it can't be destroyed by any means. The real immortal power!

In essence! This thing is actually a special world will! The big snake in the dark world!

It's just not that strong!

He chased this thing for three days and chopped it apart thousands of times, but the opponent could recover quickly in the next second.

Qin Ming, who saw this scene, finally gave up the idea of ​​fighting him to the end.

This is not to say that he doesn't remember the grudge, but mainly because he has chased and chased it at this time. He has already chased a group of monsters.

And this group of monsters, for him as an uninvited guest, obviously doesn't welcome him very much.

Looking at the huge number of monsters surrounding him, and their various shapes, Qin Ming threw away the peach wood sword with a stern face.

"What? You want to fight me too?"

The monsters looked at each other and suddenly made way.

The next second, accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps, a minotaur more than six meters tall walked out of the team dragging weapons.

It came in front of Qin Ming and looked down at Qin Ming. The minotaur's nose was breathing hot air, and its eyes were very ferocious and cruel.

Seeing Qin Ming looking up at him expressionlessly, it suddenly opened its mouth and roared at Qin Ming.



Just as the roar was halfway through, a loud noise suddenly came into his ears.

The minotaur, whose body suddenly froze, straightened its burly body on the spot, and then fell straight to the ground.

Qin Ming suddenly punched the opponent's head and knocked him down. Looking at the silent monsters around him, he raised his hands with a dark face.

"Why are you so loud! I can see your stomach! Who else wants to die? Come here!"

Hearing this, the monsters around slowly turned their heads and looked at each other. After three seconds of silence, they suddenly raised their weapons and roared at Qin Ming in the middle at the same time...

In the blink of an eye, more than two months passed. With a flash of light in the nightmare space, Qin Ming finally completed the main task, survived for three months, and was forcibly teleported back here.

Qin Ming, who returned to the nightmare space, actually exuded a strong black aura at this time. His facial features, which were not very gentle to begin with, looked even more fierce.

Especially the pair of eyes flashing red, the eyes were even more ferocious.

In the two months since entering the dark world, Qin Ming did nothing else, but actually fought with others!

Beat whoever doesn't obey! Beat whoever you meet! Beat up anyone you don't like!

The dark world that specializes in collecting dark creatures is essentially a super-large prison, and no one in it is a good thing.

The way they confirm their status is also very simple and crude, that is, fighting, whoever can beat whoever is the boss.

Facing this group of guys who don't use their brains at all and speak completely with their fists, Qin Ming quickly integrated into it.

And he relied on his immortal body to defeat a lot of monsters.

When he returned, this guy was even making an appointment with another big guy next door! Both sides decided to bring their younger brothers to fight! Whoever wins will be the new big brother!

If he can stay in the dark for a few more months! Qin Ming might be able to swallow up all the small forces nearby! Become a small warlord in the dark world! Continue to grow bigger and stronger with strength! Until the guy who is expected to be defeated!

Two months of continuous fighting made Qin Ming's already violent temperament even more terrifying, and his whole body was filled with strong murderous aura.

As for the evil spirit that Qin Ming was chasing? Don't mention it! This thing has long disappeared!

And since he became a small boss in the dark world, Qin Ming also figured out what this evil spirit is. It is not a dark master at all!

To be precise! In the dark world! It has no status at all!

This thing is completely useless in the dark world. It is just a pure sandbag. And there is not just one, but a lot of them! It is a huge tribe!

Perhaps in the real world, its ability will be very useful.

But in the dark world, this thing is pure trash, and anyone dares to bully it.

Even Qin Ming, who has been around for two months, has recruited one of these things, and when he first met it, he beat it up as if it were an enemy.

[Congratulations to number 441985 for returning... Rewards are being counted... Statistics completed...]

[Main task: Stay alive, completed, reward 10,000 points, 10 free attribute points]

[Optional task: Kill a plot BOSS, completed, reward 10,000 points, 10 free attribute points]

[Complete title task: Eliminate demons and defend the way]

[Complete title task: Eliminate evil]

[Complete title task: Seal the Dark Gate]

[This task has a total of 20,000 points, 20 free attribute points, 2 silver titles, 1 gold title]

[Congratulations to the host for completely sealing the two dark gates and preventing the evil spirits from destroying the world, successfully completing the game, and rewarding a clearance treasure chest]

As the data statistics in his ears ended, Qin Ming's mouth trembled violently as he looked at the picture of himself in the dark world, with a large number of monsters, fighting with people everywhere.

His gains this time were indeed not small, especially the title tasks. He actually completed all three tasks and even directly obtained a gold title.

However, during this period, he was exhausted physically and mentally from fighting with others.

At this time, he finally understood why the villains were all crazy.

If the villains crawled out of the dark world and were fighting with others all the time, it would be strange if they were mentally normal!

He was so murderous in just two months. If he stayed in there for two years, Qin Ming would become a murderer.

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