Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 467: Candidates from Advanced Areas

Withdrawing the golden cudgel and looking at the disappearing enemy, Sun Wukong gritted his teeth in anger.

He turned around and looked around, but couldn't find any trace of the enemy. He stamped his feet and once again used somersault cloud to fly in the direction of his master.

In the distant town, watching Sun Wukong go and come back, and watching the surroundings carefully, Qin Ming frowned, understanding that he must be frustrated.

The adventurer who made a sneak attack was able to escape from the angry Sun Wukong. It seemed that he was not a good person.

In fact, it’s right to think about it! An adventurer who can enter the world of the Selected Quest! How could there be any good deeds!

Every one counts! They are all monster-level existences!

Shaking his head, Qin Ming turned around and prepared to retreat, lest Bima Wen outside saw him and beat his companion who was a sneak attacker to death on the spot.

Just as he turned around, Qin Ming was suddenly stunned.

Because in front of him, less than half a meter away, a figure appeared at some point. He was leaning against the wall with his arms folded, looking at him with eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"Yo, hi there, man."

Seeing this uninvited guest who suddenly appeared, Qin Ming couldn't help but shrink his pupils and stopped suddenly.

"It is very impolite to appear suddenly and silently next to others."

"Oh? Did I make no noise? I came here very obviously, you just didn't notice it. You can't blame me for that."

Looking at Qin Ming with a smile, the female adventurer suddenly stretched out a hand towards him.

"Senior adventurer, Ghost Shadow, please take care of me."

Looking at the handed arm, Qin Ming had no expression on his face and did not reach out to respond.

Seeing this scene, the ghost shrugged slightly, and the whole person suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

Before Qin Ming could react after seeing this scene, he looked around for her traces, and the ghostly voice sounded behind him.

"It's fine if you don't want to get to know him, but we still have to talk about it. Man, I've taken a liking to Tang Monk. His ownership belongs to me. You shouldn't mind, right?"

The voice behind him made Qin Ming's pupils shrink. He turned around and was about to speak, but found that there was no one behind him.

Looking at the empty alley, Qin Ming couldn't help but take a deep breath, and the next second he suddenly chuckled and spoke.

"Are you trying to bully me again?"

"Whatever you think, Tang Monk, I have decided internally. I must have a taste of Tang Monk's meat. That's it."

The sudden sound sounded again, but this time it was Qin Ming who appeared in front of him.

In the alley that was empty just now, there was now an additional figure, and an apple was obtained from nowhere in his hand.

After opening her mouth and taking a bite, the tall, beautiful woman threw the apple to Qin Ming and disappeared again the next second.

"Then let's have a happy cooperation. I wish you a successful hunt. Oh, by the way, although you don't look like much, your equipment is very cool, especially the sword on your back. It must be a magic weapon, but you must keep it safe. good."

Qin Ming, who raised his hand to catch the apple, still had a smile on his face after hearing this, but his eyes had narrowed.

He touched his waist and found that the revolver he had been wearing had disappeared. He first looked at the pistol on the ground opposite, then looked at the bitten apple in his hand, and couldn't help but fall into silence.

After more than ten seconds, he put the apple to his mouth and took a bite.

After chewing for a few times, he suddenly turned around and spit out the apple in his mouth.

"Bah, it's sour. I hate eating other people's leftovers."

Throwing the apple on the ground, he bent over and picked up his stolen pistol.

Qin Ming glanced around and became expressionless again.

"Damn fleas."

While muttering to himself, Qin Ming turned around and left.

The most talented among high-level adventurers? What a weird teleportation ability! What a strong maneuverability!

But a person who was selected only after reaching a high level! What qualifications do you have to show your teeth and claws in front of yourself!

How dare you threaten yourself? She'd better not get caught herself! Otherwise she will suffer the consequences!

The target is Tang Monk, right? I didn't want to provoke Tang Seng at first, I just wanted to complete the task quietly.

But now this guy actually dares to come over and find trouble! Then Tang Seng will follow her today! Someone has to die!

Striding out of the street, when passing a pedestrian, Qin Ming, with a straight face, suddenly pulled out the magic sword from behind and threw it out.

With a click, the magic sword penetrated the passerby's chest directly. As the black energy entangled him, the body that fell to the ground started to tremble strangely!

In less than a moment, the corpse had already pulled out the sword stuck in his chest and slowly stood up holding the weapon.

As the black fog dissipates! A familiar face appeared inside! A face that belongs to Mile Kasamoto!

"Hey! Boss! I summoned you very late this time! And this body is too bad! It's not as good as the one I had before!"

Feeling the state of his new body, Miles Kasamoto, who had become a demon sword spirit, couldn't help but complain.

Qin Ming's mouth twitched when he heard this, with a speechless look on his face.

"In such a hurry, where can I find a good body for you? Let's deal with it first!"

"Tsk, it doesn't matter if I'm not strong enough, I'm not good-looking either, so I have to change into my original look."

After lowering his head and holding up his chest, Kasamoto Miles suddenly raised his head and giggled.

"Hehehe, but he has a good figure! I didn't change this!"


"Put away your dirty brain, there is something important to do! Just now, a woman relied on her special ability to threaten your boss! What do you think we should do!"

"Of course! Fuck her! Together!"

"Very good! I was right... Put away your dirty brain!"

Raising his hand and giving Kasamoto Eri another slap, Qin Ming, with a dark face, took out the King of Fighters manual and chose to open it.

With the flash of light, the lucky person this time made a brilliant appearance, and the person being summoned this time! It was Qin Ming's beloved senior sister! Mai Shiranui!

Mai Shiranui, who appeared in the light, was wearing a gorgeous kimono. Seeing Qin Ming looking over, she opened the fan in her hand with a snap, gently covering half of her face, revealing only a pair of smiling eyes looking over here.

And seeing that it was Mai Shiranui who was summoned this time, Qin Ming couldn't help but sigh.

"It's over, it's useless."

After saying this, Mai Shiranui, who was about to perform a gorgeous transformation, froze with a bright smile on her face.

"Qin Ming! What do you mean by that!"

"It's nothing, Senior Sister, don't get me wrong, well, here's some money, you finally came here, you want to go out and look around and see if there's anything you want to buy?"

"Qin Ming!!!"

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