Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 469 Embarrassed Monkey Head

Vampires are very afraid of fire, after all, their ability is to control blood, and liquids are most afraid of high temperatures.

But that refers to ordinary vampires, Qin Ming is a little special.

He has a body of steel! In fact, he is not afraid of fire! At least not ordinary fire!

Blood and fire collided head-on! With a sharp puff! Before Sun Wukong, who was spewing flames, could react! Blood beads had already broken through the fire! Bombed him like a shotgun!

Sun Wukong, who was directly hit by countless blood beads, was hit and flew backwards on the spot, and rolled twice before he could barely stand firm.

Looking at Qin Ming, who turned into a human form in the rotation on the opposite side and was almost unscathed, he couldn't help but grit his teeth and picked up the iron rod in his hand again.

And looking at Sun Wukong, who was still fine after taking several of his moves, Qin Ming also had a headache.

Possessing SSS-level passive defense skills! This monkey is tough!

Now the two weights have collided! How should they fight? They will fight until the end of time!

Qin Ming gritted his teeth and tried to think hard for a long time, but he couldn't figure out how to break Sun Wukong's defense. He couldn't help cursing.

"You damned Bi Ma Wen! Don't go to work! Do your labor reform! Why do you come to mess with me!"

Sun Wukong, who was scolded again, heard the three words Bi Ma Wen and his face suddenly turned black.

"Hey! You bat spirit! How dare you capture my master! Hurry up and give my master back! Otherwise, I will tear down your bat nest and destroy your bat cave today!"

"I capture your master? Why would I capture a monk for no reason? I'm not a female monster!"

"This area of ​​500 miles is your territory! Other monsters don't dare to approach! My master was abducted by the evil wind! Who else could have captured him if not you!"

"Huh? So according to what you said! You are the horse keeper who raises horses! My grass is suddenly gone! Can I go find you too!"


Looking at Qin Ming with an angry face, Sun Wukong was stunned. Holding the iron rod, his eyebrows gradually wrinkled and his eyes rolled around.

He also fell into a common sense misunderstanding. Along the way, basically whenever his master got into trouble, it was the local snake that did it.

This led to his first reaction when his master was lost, which was to run here to ask for punishment. After all, there was only this group of monsters here.

Seeing Qin Ming's reaction, he didn't seem to be lying. The most important thing was that he was actually very strong.

This guy with a bad temper and strong strength didn't seem to be the kind of guy who would secretly capture people, run away after catching them, and refuse to admit his guilt after being caught.

"Didn't you capture my master?"

"Why did I capture him?"

"Eating my master's meat can make you immortal!"

"With my ability and identity, do you think I need to eat his meat to be immortal?"

Sun Wukong was stunned by Qin Ming's words, and he quickly reacted.

A guy who can suck blood and turn into blood, as long as there is blood, he can continue to recover. This seems to be immortal. This...

The stick in his hand gradually dropped, and Sun Wukong's angry expression gradually disappeared, and he began to become very embarrassed.

Qin Ming on the opposite side narrowed his eyes slowly when he saw this.



"What do you think should be done about the destruction of my temple?"

"…………I, Sun Wukong, have already said that we cannot wrongly accuse others! It was that fool Bajie who acted on his own initiative! I, Sun Wukong, will go and teach him a lesson for you!"

After the words fell, Sun Wukong turned and ran.

After flying into the temple, he grabbed Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng and tried to escape.

This made the two people who were fighting startled.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"Oops! I hit the wrong person! Get out of here!"

While talking, Sun Wukong rushed to the exit.

However, before he could rush out of the room, the door was closed with a loud bang.

Qin Ming appeared at the door with his hands on his chest, standing by the door, looking at this side expressionlessly.

Sun Wukong and others hurriedly stopped when they saw this.

Looking at Qin Ming, who looked unfriendly on the opposite side, he looked at the other two people who surrounded him from behind.

Sun Wukong, who knew he was in the wrong, smiled very stiffly.

Although this guy is amazingly powerful and ruthless, he is actually quite reasonable.

Generally, when he is in the wrong, the first reaction is always to run away, rather than being angry and relying on his strength to beat others.

"Well, um, this Blood God donor, there may be some misunderstandings between us, but as the saying goes, there is no acquaintance without fighting, and we are destined to be together. Since your loss is not big, how about we say goodbye?"

As he spoke, Sun Wukong smiled and spread his hands.

Then, as soon as he finished speaking, a loud noise came to his ears. It turned out that the half-destroyed statue next to him shook and fell down completely...

Looking at the hall with holes everywhere, and then looking at the statue that was completely smashed to pieces, the awkward smile on Sun Wukong's face gradually disappeared.

"…………We will pay."

After a while, the damaged temple had been repaired. As for who repaired it? Of course, it was Sun Wukong.

This guy has a skill called the Seventy-two Transformations of the Earthly Evil, which is not just as simple as being able to change.

The so-called 72 transformations actually refer to 72 skills and 72 magical powers, and the art of transformation is just one of them.

Sun Wukong knows a lot more! He can even carve and build walls!

He plucked out a bunch of monkey hair and blew it hard.

He blew up a bunch of little monkeys on the spot, commanding the little monkeys to quickly restore the destroyed buildings.

And seeing his own buildings being repaired and the statues being re-carved, Qin Ming's stern face finally relaxed a little.

Don't think that smashing someone's temple is a small matter. You have to know that in the East, this is a big deal!

Otherwise, Sun Wukong would not be so wrong.

After all, smashing someone's temple is equivalent to cutting off someone's incense! It is no less than the hatred of killing one's parents!

It was good that Qin Ming did not fight with Sun Wukong on the spot. If it were a local, he would have to fight with Sun Wukong to the death.

Qin Ming weighed the item in his hand, a special-shaped gem, and his face was expressionless.

The gem in his hand was also the compensation given by Sun Wukong and others. It was a special consumable: the immobilization bead!

[Name: Immobilization Bead]

[Classification: Consumable (Dim Silver Level)]

[Requirements for Use: None]

[Effect: After activation, immobilize up to ten enemies for ten seconds, and the immobilization effect is removed after the target is attacked]

[Introduction: One of the magic weapons from the Journey to the West world, but unfortunately it is just a fake that can only be used once. ]

The house was repaired and a magic weapon was given as compensation.

After being busy for half a day, Sun Wukong and others turned around and prepared to leave quickly after doing all this.

After all, they still have to find the master. If they delay for a long time, what will happen if the master is really eaten by someone?

Just at the moment when Sun Wukong and others turned around, Qin Ming suddenly flicked the gem in his hand and spoke in a low voice.

"What? You guys just left like that? I am the local snake here after all, and you don't ask me about the situation nearby?"

Hearing this, Sun Wukong and others paused and turned around excitedly.

"Brother, are you still willing to help us?"

"I'm not the kind of person who bears grudges, and I'm not so petty. Besides, this is my territory after all. If someone is causing trouble on my territory, I can't just ignore it, right?"

Holding the immobilization bead in his hand, Qin Ming's eyes flickered slightly.

"You came to my territory to arrest people! You're looking for death!"

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