Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 473: Stolen Fan

With a flick of his hand, the Silver Horn King threw the treasure fan to the little demon.

"Go, take this and light a fire. Except for Sun Wukong, other people, not to mention pigs, can even refine stones."

The banana fan does not fan out ordinary fire, but a very terrifying fire in the elixir.

It can quickly burn away the impurities of objects and refine them into essence.

That is the so-called burning people to ashes!

The Silver Horn King actually threw out a treasure fan of this level without any care, obviously not treating it as a real treasure at all.

Think about it, he is the head of the Three Pure Ones and the disciple of Taishang Laojun. He has seen many treasures in Pingruli.

In front of Taishang Laojun, he is indeed called Yinbao Tongzi, and he will not blame you if you call him Yinbao Tongzi.

But in the outside world! He is called Yinbao Laozu!

He really doesn't care about treasures of this level of banana fan, because who told you that Taishang Laojun only has one banana fan? He just brought one to the world this time.

Seeing the banana fan flying over, the little demon on the opposite side caught it in a panic. After looking down, a smile quickly appeared on his face.

Seeing this scene, the Silver Horn King, who picked up the wine glass again, frowned and waved his hand impatiently.

"Why are you still standing here? Go and make a fire quickly, otherwise I will throw you in and cook you!"

Hearing this, the little demon grinned and suddenly looked up at him with a smile.

"King, is the fire of this banana fan really that powerful? It can even burn Zhu Bajie?"

"Nonsense! The treasure of the Supreme Patriarch! Do you think it is powerful or not!"

"But I don't believe it is so strong, how about we try it?"

"Huh? What the hell is wrong with your guy........."


Before the Silver Horn King could finish his words, the little demon on the opposite side suddenly waved the banana fan at him.

Along with the surge of hot wind, a huge fire actually flew out of the fan and hit this side overwhelmingly.

The Silver Horned King, with a look of astonishment on his face, only had time to open his mouth and let out a scream, and the next second he was blown away.

Not only him, as the fire swept through, the walls of the entire cave showed signs of dissolution, and everything was burned clean.

The little demon who raised his hand to launch a large-scale AOE fire attack, after seeing the scene in front of him, couldn't help but show an expression of amazement on his face.

Before he could scream, a figure suddenly jumped out of the sea of ​​fire on the opposite side, and flew angrily with a sword.

Seeing the little demon jump up to dodge, the Silver Horned King, who was holding the Seven Star Sword and his body was unharmed, was full of anger.

"Who are you?!"

Dare to attack him rashly, the guy on the opposite side can't be his little brother.

After all, where do a group of little demons get this courage!

The little demon who flew to the ground exuded black mist on his body when he heard the words, and when the black smoke dissipated, he had turned into a woman, it was Eri Kasamoto!

Raising her hand, she controlled the magic sword to fly from a distance. She grabbed the magic sword, holding the sword in her left hand and the fan in her right hand, with an excited smile on her face.

She looked down at the banana fan in her hand and couldn't help but marvel.

"I have to say, this is really a top-notch treasure!"

[Name: Banana Fan]

[Category: Special Item (Ordinary Legendary)]

[Requirements for use: None]

[Effect: When fanning, it consumes five points of mental power and causes large-scale fire damage. The fire has the effect of ignoring defense, and the fixed damage is 80 points]

[Introduction: Are you sweating? Come! I'll help you cool down! ]

[Hint: This is an exclusive item in this world and cannot be taken out of this world]

Kasamoto Eri, who was possessed by the corpse of the little demon, relied on surprise to successfully trick the banana fan here!

And on the way here, she had already guessed that anyone could use this fan!

After all, the owner of this fan was not the Silver Horn King at all, but Taishang Laojun.

Then if the Silver Horn King, who is not its owner, can use it, why can't others use it?

The mechanism of magic weapons in the Eastern world is very special. Some can only be used by the owner, while others can be used by anyone.

And this banana fan, or all the magic weapons in the hands of the Golden and Silver Horn King, obviously belong to the latter.

The power of the fan is extremely terrifying, and the grade is beyond Kasamoto Eri's expectations.

However, what is also beyond expectations is that the Silver Horn King took a direct blow and was unscathed.

Looking at the Silver Horn King who was not injured even after being attacked, Kasamoto Eri fanned again in disbelief.

As a result, with the howling wind, the raging fire surged out again, sweeping the entire tunnel.

When the flames dissipated, the Silver Horn King stood in the same place, still motionless! Unscathed!

Seeing this scene, Kasamoto Eri showed a look of astonishment on his face, and the Silver Horn King suddenly sneered.

"What? Are you surprised? Idiot! You don't even think about where I come from! How can gold and silver be afraid of fire? I've played with more fire than you've eaten rice!"

The Silver Horn King, who follows Taishang Laojun to make elixirs every day and whose daily job is to fan the flames, has an extraordinary ability to resist fire.

Let alone the banana fan! It's not certain whether the alchemy furnace can burn him to death!

His and his brother's Dharma names are Jinyin Yuanbao! These are not just names!

Their true bodies are Jinyuanbao and Yinyuanbao!

Holding up the Seven-Star Sword in his hand, the Silver Horn King opened his mouth and shouted.

As the sword flashed with light, he was immediately ready to activate the sword's ability.

But before the seven rays of starlight on the sword could be shot out, a strong wind suddenly hit.

Blood actually flowed from the wall behind him, and condensed into two figures, attacking him at the same time.

Qin Ming raised his hand to control the blood, and his arm turned into an electric drill and spun at high speed.

Mai Shiranui was wrapped in flames, and a super-killing ninja bee bombarded out.

Hearing the movement, the Silver Horned King hurriedly turned around, and just as he raised the sword in his hand, he was hit by the two's special moves.

With a bang, the Silver Horned King was hit and flew backwards, and Qin Ming and Mai Shiranui, who flew to the ground, quickly rushed forward.

During the charge, Qin Ming even grabbed Mai Shiranui's arm and threw her out!

Mai Shiranui, whose body was spinning at high speed in the air, fired the flower and butterfly fan in her hand. Seeing the Silver Horned King on the opposite side quickly raised his sword to block it, the whole person suddenly burned with raging fire and turned into a fireball and blasted out from the front.

Seeing this, the Silver Horn King roared and actually rushed forward with his body.

As the flames spread, Mai Shiranui's special move was forcibly taken by him.

Looking at the enemy who was intercepted by him, the Silver Horn King had a ferocious expression and roared.

"Dare to use fire against me? You are simply looking for death! I can catch the fire in the pill ah ah ah ah ah!"

Before the Silver Horn King finished his mocking words, Mai Shiranui, who was caught by him, suddenly exploded from the middle and turned into a blood mist.

Almost at the moment she exploded, a cold light had already lit up from behind.

Qin Ming, whose one hand turned into a flesh drill, relied on Mai Shiranui as a cover and punched the Silver Horn King in the chest! He caught him by surprise!

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