Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 486 Taking over the troops

The Hound Force, the full name of the Federal Army's Hound Special Operations Corps, currently has more than 37,000 members and has independent rights of action and management.

Recently, I have been putting out fires, running around with the modern generals who are running around, constantly suppressing the rebellions instigated by the other party.

At this time, this powerful corps was located in the desert area, fighting against the rebels here.

In the sky above a city, the huge Sky City Fortress is floating quietly.

Soldiers were constantly coming in and out along the descending passage, which was very busy.

This Sky City Fortress is the headquarters and military camp of the Hound Troops, and is known as the Mobile Fortress.

Of course, in the mouth of the rebels, it was called the Devil's Lair.

At this time, the two adjutants, Shuke and Beta, were in the city below the fortress, having a meeting with other officers expressionlessly.

Looking at the commanders of other troops around them, the two of them frowned and looked disgusted.

Their expressions were unconcealed, and it’s not to blame that they don’t understand human nature.

If it were you, and you saw that the city your troops had worked so hard to capture was then handed over to others, only to be captured again the next day, believe me, your expression would only be worse than theirs.

Looking at the wine bags and rice bags around them, the two of them felt extremely depressed.

They had long been fed up with leading their troops to put out fires in vain, but the problem was that they had to put out the fires. After all, although they had the right to act independently, they were still soldiers of the Federation after all.

Looking at each other, the two sighed, cheered up again, and began to argue with the other commanders.

"I've said it several times, we are only responsible for quelling chaos! Suppression and management of the city are not our responsibility!"

"But the rebels in the city have not been cleaned up! They are still very large in number!"

"This is not a problem we should consider! It is not a matter we should take care of! It is your responsibility to clean them up! The Federation did not send you here just to watch a show! Forget it if you can't fight on the front battlefield! You can't even fight scattered troops! "

"We can fight! But the losses will be heavy! You have nothing to do anyway if you have nothing to do! Just come over and help! At worst, I will give you a little bit of the military merit! How about 30% of the military merit to you!"

"Fuck you! The lives of our soldiers don't matter! Put them into the battlefield without a mission! If they unfortunately die in battle! How can we explain to their families and other brothers!"

"Uh...then I'll give you 40%?"

Looking at the commander who was discussing cooperation with him loudly and trying to exchange benefits for his own admission, Shuke rolled up his sleeves angrily and was about to go over and punch him, but was stopped by his companion next to him.

It's no wonder that these commanders never win the battle. A group of guys who use the lives of their soldiers as bargaining chips don't take the lives of the soldiers seriously at all, so how can they possibly win against the rebels.

To be honest, if it weren't for the hound troops stationed here, the nearby cities would have been lost long ago just by relying on these troops to resist.

Seeing the angry look on Adjutant Shuke's face, the commander still couldn't react at this time. He still thought that the other party disliked him and didn't offer enough benefits, so he opened his mouth and prepared to continue to increase the price.

But at this moment, there was a sudden muffled sound from the door nearby.

The next second, a burly figure strode in from outside. He saw two soldiers coming to stop him, and slapped him down with his hands. He spoke while slapping him.

"What official position do you have! How dare you stop me!"

Looking at Qin Ming striding in, both Shuke and Beta were stunned. After they realized what was happening, their faces showed expressions of ecstasy, and they hurriedly walked over and raised their hands to salute.

"Adjutant Shuke (Beta) has met the commander!"

Looking at the two people standing neatly in front of him, Qin Ming nodded slightly with a straight face, and then glanced at the people next to him.

Qin Ming frowned when he saw the other commanders standing up.

"who are they?"

"Report to the boss, the commanders of the three nearby armies."

"What are you doing here?"

"They can't defeat the rebels and want to invite us to help suppress the city."

"Oh, I see none of our soldiers are at home. Where have they gone?"

"Report! The troops have dispersed to suppress the rebels in nearby towns!"

"Let them all come back, notify them of a meeting, and take some big action."


After Qin Ming gave the order, Adjutant Shu Ke quickly turned around and left.

After hearing his words, they had already guessed his identity and understood that this was the legendary Major General Hyena. The expressions of the other commanders who came over suddenly changed.

After looking at each other, one of them suddenly spoke.

"Wait a minute! The troops cannot be withdrawn! Major General Hyena! If your troops are withdrawn! Then the enemy will probably organize troops to launch a major counterattack from all directions! Then we will be in danger!"

Upon hearing this, Qin Ming silently raised his head and glanced at him.

"Correction, it's not us who are in danger, it's you who are in danger. We are not afraid of them."


"Also! What's your military rank? Who are you? Don't make random comments while I'm commanding my troops!"

Qin Ming waved his hand casually and was too lazy to continue talking to these losers. Qin Ming turned to look at Adjutant Beta beside him and suddenly spoke loudly.

"When the troops return, prepare to attack immediately. Our target this time is the rebel leader here! The Bar Abbas Legion! Prepare to attack Huanglong!"


Qin Ming didn't have the leisure to listen to other people's orders, and he was even more unwilling to dawdle.

Therefore, he immediately took over the command of the army, and the first thing he did was to call the emergency troops to prepare to attack the target.

As for the order issued by the Federation? What does the order issued by the Federation have to do with him! Want to command others! Go find those who are willing to obey orders!

Qin Ming's sudden appearance, and his behavior of doing his own thing and not taking military orders seriously at all obviously frightened others.

Seeing that Qin Ming was really going to withdraw his troops and abandon this area.

The commanders of the other troops were livid for a while.

They knew very well how much they were worth, and knew that if the Hound Troops really retreated, they would definitely not be able to beat the local rebel commanders. Now they couldn't sit still at all.

One person slapped the table directly, stood up suddenly and roared.

"Major General Hyena! You want to disobey the military order of the federal government! The government requires the Hounds to assist us in the battle! But you asked the soldiers to give up the territory they have already taken! This is equivalent to giving up the territory to the rebels! You will be in court-martial!"

Staring at Qin Ming with wide eyes, the commander was emotional.

"If you insist on doing this! Then I will sue you at the federal government!"

As soon as these words came out, the commanders around were all stunned, and after reacting, they nodded indignantly.

"That's right! How can you be so irresponsible! You must assist us in the battle! Take this area! Otherwise, we will join forces to sue you at the top!"

"Yes! Dismiss you!"

"Do you still want your military rank? Even if you don't consider your own future! You should always consider your soldiers!"

Everyone kept besieging Qin Ming.

Facing the siege of everyone, Qin Ming was expressionless from beginning to end, and he didn't even bother to say a word.

He just turned his head to look at Adjutant Beta beside him, and suddenly stretched out his hand to gently gesture on his neck.

Seeing this familiar gesture, Adjutant Beta, who had long been fed up with these guys who had little ability but were very bossy, immediately showed a bright smile on his face.

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