Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 5: The Tattered King Qin Ming

In a remote corner, a figure was mumbling with his head down.

He moved things back and forth, and finally raised the items in his hand high with a cheer.

And the thing in his hand was a revolver.

The guy who was fiddling with the gun was Qin Ming, who had successfully robbed the gun store. At this time, he had already left the gun store and had completed the trial fusion of equipment.

After successfully integrating the white-quality dagger into the white-quality revolver, his revolver finally had a gorgeous upgrade.

[Name: Modified Version - Revolver]

[Quality: Green]

[Category: Weapon]

[Equipment Requirements: None]

[Attribute 1: With special bullets, it can cause 20 points of fixed damage]

[Attribute 2: Restore one bullet every minute]

[Introduction: A revolver with a larger caliber, one shot for a small friend. ]

Looking at the brand-new equipment in his hand, Qin Ming couldn't suppress the smile on his face for a while.

And next to him, there were three other pistols scattered.

These were the spoils that Qin Ming had snatched, but because they were not legitimate and were not recognized by the system, they could not be integrated into the nightmare space equipment.

This also led to Qin Ming's robbing them in vain this time. After all, there was only a box of bullets in his hand, and Qin Ming himself did not have enough, so how could he give them to them.

Oh no, it's not that they were robbed in vain! Because after a brief thought! Qin Ming had already thought of a new use for these three guns!

Ten minutes later, on the dark street, as a man walked by the roadside, a black shadow suddenly came over and took the initiative to lower his voice and speak.

"Hey, brother, do you want to buy a gun?"


The confused man turned his head quickly and looked at Qin Ming with a puzzled expression.

And Qin Ming, this guy, looked around furtively, and after confirming that there was no one around, he suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled open his coat, revealing the three guns hanging inside.

"Brand new pistols, three models available, cheap, half price, want one?"

Looking at Qin Ming with an attentive face, he looked at the three guns hanging on his clothes, and finally looked at the gun shop next to him.

The man who came here to buy a gun shrugged his shoulders, picked up a pistol and checked the parts. After finding that there was no problem, he immediately nodded to Qin Ming.

A moment later, the transaction was completed. Qin Ming successfully sold a pistol and received 250 US dollars. This thing is also a space-recognized item. After returning to the nightmare space, it can be exchanged for 250 points.

Qin Ming, who had a good start, smiled quickly on his face, and hurriedly dodged into the corner and began to look for new customers.

He is not looking for customers randomly. This kid is smart.

This guy's talent for the rag king is not just a talent, or it can be said that the talent of every adventurer is the embodiment of his own personality and soul characteristics, and they are all unique.

Since Qin Ming was able to obtain the talent of the King of Garbage, it means that he is a person who is very suitable for this ability and name.

Qin Ming was originally an absolute opportunity seizer in the real world! A money-making businessman! A master of speculation!

To put it bluntly, he is an elite peddler! He sells everything! He sells whatever makes money! And he rarely loses money!

Therefore, Qin Ming is very skilled in finding suitable customers and selling specific items.

The place he chose to sell guns was not anywhere else, but the door of another gun store.

Whenever he saw a customer about to enter the gun store, he would go over and recommend himself and actively promote his products.

With low prices and brand-new guns, this guy quickly intercepted two orders and successfully earned 500 US dollars.

But soon he also encountered trouble, that is...

He raised his hands obediently and let the man in front of him pull away the pistol hanging on his chest. Qin Ming had a good expression and said nothing.

The two fierce guys on the opposite side pointed at Qin Ming fiercely with daggers, their expressions were so ferocious.

"You f*cking came to our territory to steal our store's business! Are you looking for death? Go sell guns somewhere else! Otherwise, I will stab you to death!"

After a fierce threat, the man hung the stolen gun on his waist, and even slapped Qin Ming's face with the dagger very arrogantly.

Seeing that Qin Ming dared not say a word, he couldn't help but turn his head and grinned at his companions, and the two quickly turned around and prepared to leave.

When walking out of the alley, this guy didn't forget to swing the dagger and show off to his companions.

"See, coward, this kind of thing is born to be bullied, unlike us, licking blood on the edge of the knife, this guy will probably faint when he sees blood."

As soon as the voice fell, the two guys laughed directly, not noticing that Qin Ming, who had put down his hands behind them, was silently reaching out and grabbing a revolver out of thin air...


A gunshot rang out, and the guy with the bullet in the head still had a smile on his face, and he fell straight to the ground.

The sudden situation here scared the other guy next to him so much that he trembled all over and turned his head to look behind him.

As a result, he saw that the boy who had a very honest face just now was now holding a revolver with both hands and squinting his eyes to aim at him.

"Fuck! Wait a minute..."


The second gunshot was heard, and the guy who was shot on the spot staggered. Before he could fall to the ground, the third gunshot was heard.

The guy who was hit twice in a row finally fell to the ground with a thump.

Qin Ren, who did not choose to approach rashly, stood there with his gun aimed for a long time, and then shot the two guys in the vitals again.

He didn't move until he saw that the two guys were completely motionless and confirmed that the two guys were really dead, then he approached carefully with his gun.

Qin Ming kicked the two bodies with his legs, confirmed that the two were dead, and hurriedly searched their pockets.

Then he took back his stolen pistol, and at the same time, he didn't forget to take the money and dagger from the other party, and turned around and ran away in a panic.

Someone died in this place, and he couldn't stay any longer, retreat!

Ten minutes later, near the entrance of another gun store in the distance, a customer was stopped again.

Under the doubtful gaze of the customer, a boy with a lewd smile on his face suddenly opened his coat, revealing a pistol, two daggers, and a watch hanging inside.

"Brother! Want to buy something? Big opening sale! Great discount!"

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