Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 501 Two Ways to Control Power

In a flash of lightning, the two men who were confronting each other in the courtyard moved again.

The two stepped out at the same time, the ground shaking with their feet filled with dust and cracks.

A standard straight punch, almost executed at the same time.

With a bang, the two men on horseback collided with their iron fists. The shock wave visible to the naked eye was refracted from the point where the fists collided, making the surrounding trees rustle.

Punch to blow, the two men, who were fighting equally, aimed at each other and quickly launched attacks with fists and kicks.

You come and I go, and in the blink of an eye there are dozens of rounds.

In the end, Qin Ming, who still couldn't keep up with the rhythm, was punched in the chest and slid backwards.

After closing the distance again, seeing that he couldn't fight with his fists and kicks, Qin Ming's pupils shrank and he quickly changed to a skill exchange.

Put your hands together at your waist! The murderous wave punch! freed!

The skills accompanying the fluctuating killing intent are activated! The black energy visible to the naked eye is centered on Qin Ming! Spreading in all directions!

This terrifying murderous intent made all the Gang Fists on the opposite side stunned for a moment, and the next second they gathered their hands around their waists.

And he used it! It was also a wave of murderous fists!

Kill for kill!


Two energy balls shot out at high speed, and the two people exploded with all their strength and started to fight against each other more than ten meters apart.

As soon as the Wave Fist left his hand, an extremely conspicuous ravine was formed on the ground.

Plow out! Two balls of energy that crushed everything along the way! A violent collision in the middle!

The next second! Violent waves of air visible to the naked eye! Spreading violently in all directions!

Qin Ming, who quickly activated the Golden God and tried to hold on to the shock wave, was directly blasted away.

The masonry on the ground was lifted up! The surrounding walls were broken down! The entire building was razed to the ground with just one move!

And after the shock wave tore apart the building, it was still spreading in all directions, tearing apart trees and shattering rocks.

When the shock wave finally stopped, the buildings that originally stood in the ruins had disappeared, and even a large area of ​​the surrounding woods had been cleared.

View from above! A huge circular gap several hundred meters long can be clearly seen!

Qin Ming continues to grow along the way! Once again, I met an opponent worthy of fighting with all my strength! And he unleashed his full strength without hesitation!

Among the ruins, Qin Ming struggled to climb out of the earth as shakings were heard.

He reached out and patted his body, looking at the wounds on his body that were rapidly healing, he couldn't help but frown.

It seems that the defense is still not enough, and you can still get hurt. I will upgrade my golden body skills later!

On the opposite side, Gang Fist, who was crawling out of the soil at this moment, also dusted off his body.

He was not injured because at the critical moment, he used his breath to protect himself.

He turned around and glanced at the two disciples who were already scarred by the aftermath of the blast. He then glanced at Qin Ming opposite him and frowned.

"What are you here for?"

Qin Ming grinned when he heard this.

"You asked me to come to see you and said you could teach me how to control my power, so I came here."

"......Then come with me and go to another courtyard. No one can live here anymore."

Knowing that Qin Ming was not here to fight or seek revenge, Gangquan was obviously relieved.

Although Qin Ming was seriously injured in the fight just now, he was unscathed. It seemed that he had the upper hand.

But Gangquan could clearly sense that the opponent did not explode with all his strength, and the most majestic power of blood in his body was not mobilized at all.

That is to say! The opponent still has some tricks up his sleeve that are of no use!

After giving Qin Ming a deep look, he just turned around and walked away, leading the way.

He couldn't understand how the young man opposite him, whom he hadn't seen for a while, managed to grow up so horribly, and even learn the ultimate secret of his family.

He didn't want to know, he just needed to make sure that the other person didn't go crazy and fall into the devil's path like his junior brother.

As for how the other party learned the fluctuation of killing intent? Who cares, Gouken is not a pedantic person who doesn't want others to control his power.

As long as you don't use this power for evil, anyone can practice it. Being able to cultivate the wave of murderous intent is someone else's ability.

After all, the fluctuations of murderous intent are not so easy to control. You must cultivate the power of vacuum fluctuations of the Assassination Sect to the highest level before you can even realize it.

Seeing Qin Ming comprehend the wave of murderous intent, he was not struck back by this murderous intent. To be honest, Gangquan was actually quite shocked.

Arriving at another mountain courtyard, Gouken was sitting on his knees next to the tea set with an expressionless face. Next to him were two disciples kneeling on the left and right, pouring him tea.

Qin Ming, who was sitting across from him, was sitting cross-legged with one hand on his knee and a serious expression on his face.

"Master Gangquan, Qin Ming is here for an appointment. Please explain how to control the power in the body."

After Qin Ming finished speaking, Gang Fist's eyes flashed across from him, and he looked at Qin Ming with strange eyes.

"Why ask me, haven't you already mastered the method of controlling the power in your body?"


"There are two ways to control the power in your body. One is to master a more powerful force and forcibly suppress other forces. It is best if this force has a fusion effect. You already have this kind of blood power in your body."

He took a deep look at Qin Ming and frowned slightly.

"The second way is to understand the power in your body, adapt to it, control it, and make it a part of you. Your two arms are very strong, so will your left hand hit your right hand and not listen to your command?"

Gang Quan's words made Qin Ming stunned, and he nodded gently after reacting.

"Then Master, can you teach me the second power?"

"You already have the first one, why do you want to learn the second one?"

"Just in case, I don't believe in the control of other powers, I only believe in myself."

For Qin Ming, power can be replaced and upgraded.

So he has different ideas from other adventurers. After other adventurers obtain a powerful power, they simply treat it as a treasure and cherish it very much. When integrating other powers, they have to give it their all.

Qin Ming is different. His concept is that if a power is disobedient or not easy to use, then just replace it.

So whether it is the killing intention fluctuation, the control of flesh and blood, or even the blood of the blood Buddha, there is nothing special in Qin Ming's eyes.

So Qin Ming doesn't believe in them, he only believes in himself.

Only the power that one has full control over can be called power. As for the power controlled by relying on other powers, it is called skill.

Who knows if there will be any problems with the blood of the Blood Buddha in the future. In order to be on the safe side, Qin Ming must learn how to control power by himself!

Or rather, he must learn it!

After all, he can improve his skill level by fusion.

But Qin Ming cannot fuse this kind of knowledge.

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