Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 506 The Killing Fist! The God-Destroying Ghost!

Touching his bald head, Qin Ming was shocked.

He had only heard that staying up late would cause hair loss, but this was the first time he heard that practicing would also cause hair loss.

He had never heard that practicing killing intent fluctuations would be bad for hair! Or was this the effect of the Blood Buddha?

Sure enough, those bald asses were still trying to save him! They were thinking about pitting him everywhere! They even had this trick hidden!

Touching his bald head, Qin Ming stood up with a dark face.

Although his hair was suddenly gone, Qin Ming felt very good about his condition at this moment, as if he had removed the shackles.

The mood that had been affected by the power in his body and was extremely irritable before also returned to normal at this moment.

With the complete fusion with the killing intent fluctuations and storing them in his body, it was transformed into his own power.

At this time, Qin Ming was no longer affected by the various chaotic forces in his body.

If it is said that Qin Ming relied on skills to control power at the beginning, it was forcibly stuffed into his body a powerful energy that did not belong to him at all.

At this moment, he, who has a deep understanding of the killing intention fluctuations, has established a deep relationship with it, as if he has become a close friend from two unrelated strangers. He has been completely recognized by the other party and can completely control the other party.

The most important thing is that the countless killing intentions that have been suffered before have also sublimated Qin Ming's character that has never been tempered.

As the saying goes, one day of enlightenment, all doors are open. After learning to master the first kind of power, it is only a matter of time for Qin Ming to try to master other powers.

Even if he cannot master it, relying on the character that is forcibly tempered by killing intentions, Qin Ming will no longer be affected by these powers.


Closing his eyes and feeling the changes in his body slightly, Qin Ming's mouth curled up a little.

Raising his hands, he quickly posed the starting posture of the military boxing. A majestic force quickly spread in all directions with him as the center.

This is not a killing intention fluctuation, but a simple momentum, a momentum belonging to a fighter, a momentum that has been tempered through thousands of hammers.

Feeling this momentum, the faces of the Gouki on the opposite side all changed, and they also hurriedly took up their positions, because he felt a sense of crisis from Qin Ming.

The boy on the opposite side may not be inferior to him in martial arts, that is! A martial arts master!


With a loud noise! ​​The two of them kicked the ground with their feet! Rushed out at the same time! The arms that were swept out collided fiercely in the air! And they blocked each other and pressed together!

The two equally powerful momentums were entangled in one place! Not giving up an inch!

Fusion of the last remaining killing intent and fighting beliefs of the masters of the assassination sect! And all of them were integrated into Qin Ming's body! Basic fighting skills broke through to S level!

And it is no longer a popular military boxing! But a set of boxing that belongs to him alone! Killing fist!

No tricks, no routines! Go straight to kill! The supreme boxing method of risking life!

The pure killing technique honed in endless killing intent!

A flash of red light flashed in his eyes, and he stepped on the ground and changed his moves instantly.

Qin Ming came up and launched a fierce attack, without any intention of defending, just attacking again and again!

Faced with this kind of attack without defense, and extremely violent offensive, Gouki had to retreat again and again for a while.

Although he was called the murderous ghost, he was actually just a martial arts fanatic, not a madman.

Facing Qin Ming's crazy attack, he would also make defensive moves, or it could be said that his fighting style was originally both offensive and defensive, and he was just a martial arts fanatic obsessed with strength.

Compared with him, Qin Ming, who was going straight to the vital points at this moment, focusing on the places where people must be saved, and fighting for their lives together if they were not saved, was more like a murderer.

With the sound of bang bang bang, the two fought dozens of moves in a row. Qin Ming fought desperately with every move, and Gouki defended and waited for the attack. Both sides could not do anything to each other.

Seeing that he could not break through the defense line, Qin Ming, who knew that he could not defeat Gouki, the old fighting master, with his newly broken fighting skills, finally activated his ability.

With a bang, his body suddenly turned into blood mist and exploded. Before the opposite Gouki could react, he had already shuttled through and condensed from behind him at a high speed.

A palm slapped his back, making Gouki groan. Seeing Gouki turn around and punch, he once again exploded into blood mist.

With the high mobility of blood mist, Qin Ming moved around Gouki and launched violent attacks from all directions.

After punching the opponent more than ten times in a row, he was forcibly blown apart by the power fluctuations of Gouki.

Looking at Qin Ming who had recondensed into a human form in the distance, he found that Qin Ming's ability was so strange that Gouki was not like a human being, and finally stopped holding back.

The whole body was filled with murderous aura! The ultimate move was performed!

The secret secret! Instant Prison Kill!

The familiar black murderous aura once again enveloped the entire space around, turning it into a unique field, and the speed of all objects entering it began to slow down.

Qin Ming, who was directly enveloped by it, saw his pupils weaken. Seeing the opposite Gouki flying over and turning into countless afterimages in the air, a terrifying force suddenly spread out from Qin Ming's body.

That was murderous aura! Blood-red murderous aura! A murderous aura more terrifying than Gouki's!

All the masters of the Assassination Sect from ancient times to the present! All the murderous auras left behind!

Secret secret! Instant Prison Kill!

The highest skill of the Assassination Sect! It is said that only a few people can comprehend the strongest skills from ancient times to the present! Qin Ming! He also learned it!

It is not right to say that he learned it! He swallowed the murderous auras of many masters! He forced it to accumulate!

One Thousand Blows in a Moment VS One Thousand Blows in a Moment!

Bloody shadows flying on one side! Black shadows flickering on the other side!

In this special space shrouded in murderous aura! Two assassination masters launched a peak duel!

After fighting for hundreds of times in a row, accompanied by a loud bang, the entangled bloody murderous intent and black murderous intent suddenly exploded.

As the terrifying shock wave swept around, the cave where the two were actually exploded on the spot, and the entire mountain was directly shattered.

Amid the flying rubble, Qin Ming rolled and slid to a stop.

Kneeling on one knee, his palm inserted into the soil, and he scratched five narrow and long marks on the stone.

Qin Ming, who slid more than ten meters away, suddenly raised his head and looked at Gouki opposite.

Looking at Gouki who only took two steps back and was not blown away, Qin Ming slowly stood up.

"As expected of Gouki, I lost this duel. I haven't completely understood the control of power. Gouki, I will challenge you again next time we meet."

As he said this, Qin Ming pointed his finger at Gouki, and then his body suddenly exploded into a blood mist, flying away at high speed.

Gouki, who watched him leave, suddenly shook his body, and the next second, a line of blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

In the battle of moves, Qin Ming lost half a move.

But in the battle of strength, Gouki lost a bit.

His so-called half-human, half-ghost body was ultimately unable to defeat Qin Ming's terrifying bloodline.

With his body trembling slightly, Gouki fell straight to the ground, with blood gushing out of his mouth and nose.

Although his body was clearly severely injured by a blow and looked like he was on the verge of death, Gouki's murderous intent did not decrease, but continued to increase...

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