Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 509: First fight with Ying Luo

"You all get out of here!"

It was just a shower, but so many onlookers suddenly appeared in the house. If the last few guys hadn't been noticed by me when they came in, I might have washed myself all over in public.

When she thought of this, Chunli became furious. With a flick of her arm, the energy fluctuations exploded, and a large number of falling water droplets were shot out like sharp swords at an alarming speed.

In an instant, there was only a continuous sound of jingles, and many figures hidden in the darkness could no longer hide and jumped out one after another.

The one on the left is the trio of Mile Kasamoto, Mai Shiranui and Qin Ming, and the one on the right is three men.

One of the three people is tall and the other is thin. The thin person is the one who was noticed by Qin Ming and others when they left the hotel.

As for the man in the middle, he was wearing a very sexy tights, steel claws on his hands, and a mask with patterns on his face.

After being forced out, the two sides quickly started a confrontation with Chunli, who was holding the shower curtain in front of her.

Looking at the Qin Ming trio opposite, the two people beside the masked man also had shocked expressions.

The three parties spoke almost at the same time.

"Mai Shiranui? Mile Kasamoto?!"


"Who are you!"

"When did you get in?"

"Before you!"

"Why didn't you come into my room?"

"You actually hid and watched Chunli take a bath! What a bunch of dirty guys!"

"Don't slander anyone! We're not here to take a peek! We're just sitting back and waiting! Do what's right and be brave!"

"Shut up, everyone!!!"

Listening to the chaotic noises all around, seeing that people from both sides actually talked about peeking at her bathing face to face, Chunli's face turned red and she roared.

As her voice sounded, the scene finally fell into silence.

Chunli, who was holding the shower curtain to cover her breasts, looked at the people in front of her, gritting her teeth at this moment.

Especially when he looked at Qin Ming, his eyes were about to burst into flames.

Because the three guys next to him were discovered by themselves as soon as they came in, and they didn't see anything.

But these three guys over here! I didn't notice my whereabouts at all! I don’t know how long I’ve been standing there watching!

Those two women are okay! Everyone is female, so it’s okay to look at them.

This big guy can't do it! I won’t beat him today! I don’t have to mess around anymore as an Interpol police officer!

"Who are you? Tell me!"

As Chunli's second roar fell, several people in front looked at each other.

The next second, the masked man opposite who had remained silent suddenly spoke in a very feminine voice.

"The man who was ordered to kill you!"

Having said that, before Chunli could react, he had already accelerated and rushed out, showing his steel claws and grabbing Chunli's face directly, and he struck fiercely.

Hearing the sound of the wind coming, Chunli hurriedly dodged to avoid it. After dodging several swings in a row, a loud bang suddenly came from her ears.

At the same time, the masonry on the ground beneath her feet surged and squirmed, as if it came to life, and suddenly locked her legs.

Innate skills! Master of the Earth!

Without checking, Chunli lost her balance and fell backwards, with a look of astonishment on her face.

It was obviously the first time she had encountered such a strange ability.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the masked man flew over, the steel claws in his hands glowed with cold light, and he swung out his claws mercilessly! Take it straight to Chunli's chest!


Before the steel claw could hit, a harsh gust of wind suddenly sounded. The masked man's pupils shrank when he heard the sound, and his body changed direction instantly like a flying swallow, spinning back.

He landed firmly on the ground and raised his paws, frowning.

In front of him, a wave of fists shot through the air and hit the wall, directly blowing the entire wall into pieces.

Looking at such terrifying lethality, the masked man couldn't help but take a breath.

Qin Ming, who was on the opposite side, was charging up a blow with both hands, but silently lowered his arms and looked here expressionlessly.

The two looked at each other, and the masked man frowned.

"Who are you? The Shadow Luo Organization is doing something! Please don't meddle indiscriminately!"

The masked man's threatening words made Qin Ming curl up the corner of his mouth and grab with one hand, his palm covered with blood.

"Shadow Luo Organization? I'm fighting the Shadow Luo Organization!"

After hearing this, the masked man slowly stood up and raised his hand to take off the mask, revealing an extremely handsome face underneath, even a little too handsome, which made him look feminine.

With his eyes fixed on Qin Ming, the masked man's eyes gradually began to turn cold.

"It seems that he is coming after us. He is really an ugly guy. I don't like fighting with a stinky guy like you. Earth, Sky, you two will deal with him. I'll go meet some other beauties for a while. "

As he spoke, he raised his arms, the claws above him popped out again, and the masked man charged again.

This masked man who is very handsome and clearly judges people by their appearance is one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Shadow Luo Organization! Claw Man Baroque!

As a professional killer, this Baroque has a very special hobby, that is, he likes to judge other people's personalities by their appearance, and he is very proud of his own appearance.

The more he fights with beautiful people, the more excited he becomes, and a guy like Qin Ming who barely has the word rough written on his face is obviously not his cup of tea.

So after giving the order, Baroque rushed to the other side without hesitation, Kasamoto Eri and Shiranui Mai.

These two people are very beautiful, and the most important thing is that their figures are completely different from the fighters in this world. They actually have a kind of slender beauty.

Slender? What is that? Practicing martial arts will only make you more plump and strong!

Baroque admitted that he was excited looking at the two different people in front of him.

Looking at Baroque who jumped over him and rushed over at a very fast speed, Qin Ming just glanced at him lightly and ignored him.

He quickly retracted his gaze and looked at the other two people on the opposite side, raising his eyebrows.

"Roar, adventurer?"

Hearing Qin Ming's whisper, the two adventurers on the opposite side, codenamed Sky and Earth, immediately turned sideways and opened their postures, and spoke fiercely at the same time.

"It's okay to bring Kasamoto Eri! You dare to bring Shiranui Mai out to show off! You're looking for death!"

It's obvious that some guys have begun to feel jealous when they see Qin Ming can actually summon Shiranui Mai.

Therefore, the two who were completely unwilling to communicate with him chose to attack almost at the same time.

The earth roared, and slammed his hands on the ground. The next second, the bricks and stones surged, and the ground rushed towards Qin Ming like waves.

The sky gathered his hands, and a large number of translucent air cannons gathered behind him, and shot out densely with a whoosh.

The sky and the earth attacked together! The two cooperated tacitly! It was obvious that they were teammates!

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