Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 518: Rash Action

The wind was howling, and the scarf was swung out, sometimes turning into a whip and sometimes into a gun. Every time it hit the wall and the ground, it would inevitably cause a lot of cracks.

Even when it was spinning and stabbing out, it was dodged by Qin Ming, and it directly pierced into the wall more than three feet! It blew the whole wall like a spider web! One shot penetrated!

Seeing that she failed to hit the target after more than ten consecutive attacks, Rose frowned and suddenly swung her hand out.

The tarot cards in her hand were whistling and shooting, and under the blessing of spiritual power, they were like bullets, nailed to the wall with a click.

Relying on the super reaction brought by the S-level fighting technique, Qin Ming dodged the attack again. At this moment, his eyebrows were frowned, and he had completely figured out the fighting style of the opposite Rose.

She just blessed her powerful spiritual power on the object to make the object gain terrifying kinetic energy.

To put it bluntly, this is a human-shaped pistol! It can turn anything into a bullet! And the objects strengthened by mental power will become indestructible, which is similar to Qin Ming's power.

But after all, it is just similar, and the ability to change is still not as strong as Qin Ming's.

Qin Ming, who has figured out the routine and no longer dodges the attack, suddenly stomped on the ground with one foot, and his hands turned into a circle. Two streams of blood swirled up along his palms, and instantly formed a huge blood circle in front of him.

Blood control power! Turn on!


With a loud bang, the silk scarf shot out by Rose again collided directly with the blood flow discharged by Qin Ming's palm.

The silk scarf rotated at high speed and twisted into a twist. It looked like a long spear. Against the blood that rotated at the same high speed and completely solidified into a spear, the two were almost instantly determined.

With a tearing sound, under the shocked gaze of Rose, her mental power-enhanced silk scarf was forcibly shattered at this moment!

Amid the flying debris, a blood-red spear shot towards her. Fortunately, although Rose did not major in martial arts, she had practiced it a few times. The most important thing was that her mental strength was better than that of ordinary people, resulting in a strong reaction.

Therefore, at the critical moment, Rose turned her head and flashed, successfully brushing past the blood-red spear.

Her face was blown by the wind and had several bloody wounds. At this moment, her eyes were wide open and her face was full of horror. It seemed that she did not expect the opponent's strength to be so strong, and she did not expect that her special move would be broken from the front.

Seeing that Qin Ming's arm was entangled with blood, he actually shot as many as seven blood-red spears at her in one breath, and used the ultimate move as a normal attack.

Rose reacted and controlled her mental power to fly up, rushing upward at a high speed, trying to escape.

She thought she just accidentally found a younger brother of Vega, and just wanted to catch him and ask about Vega's location.

Now that she was about to step on the steel plate, the guy on the other side was so powerful that she dared not continue to fight!

Rose wanted to escape when she found that something was wrong, but the problem was that she was facing Qin Ming head-on, so it was not so easy to escape.

Qin Ming, who was looking at Rose soaring into the sky, had a flash of red in his eyes, and his hands suddenly gathered at his waist.

As the violent airflow swirled from all directions and rushed to his palms, it quickly turned into a compressed energy ball.

Qin Ming, whose hands turned into tiger claws to gather energy, shouted loudly and threw his hands to shoot the energy ball out.


With a bang, the wind exploded, and the violent airflow blew up the dust in the whole alley.

Qin Ming fired a killing wave punch, and as soon as it left his hand, the energy ball automatically turned and shot towards the fleeing enemy above.

Before it could fly near Rose, in the shocked eyes of Rose who turned around in panic, the energy ball actually disintegrated automatically in mid-air, instantly splitting into five! Drawing arcs in mid-air! Rushing towards her with a double-team!

Special move! Multiple tracking wave punches!

The speed of the wave punch was as fast as lightning, and Rose herself was not good at speed. To be precise, this woman was a fortune teller who practiced mental power. She had never fought many times, otherwise it would be impossible for her to run away as soon as she saw that Qin Ming's strength was not right.

Therefore, when she came back to her senses from the shock, several wave punches had already hit her face completely, and it was too late for her to dodge.

With a loud bang, huge sparks exploded in the air, and the shock wave spread in all directions, directly blowing countless pedestrians below to the ground.

Even those vehicles, the lighter ones were blown down on the spot, and countless glass was shattered.

Before the smoke in the air dissipated, a smoking figure fell straight down. It was Rose who was hit.

She had taken a multiple wave punch and now was like a kite with a broken string, no longer able to fly.

After falling heavily to the ground, she lay there motionless, completely in a coma.

Footsteps sounded on the side, and Qin Ming strode over from the side with a stern face.

After approaching, he kicked Rose, and after confirming that the woman had really fainted, he raised his hand to pull her up and put her on his shoulder, turned around and left...

An hour later, in the secret room, Rose woke up dizzy.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw several figures sitting opposite her, looking at her motionlessly.

This frightened Rose so much that she trembled all over, struggling to stand up, but suddenly felt a huge pain in her body.

Looking down at her scarred body and the tattered clothes, Rose's face changed, and she quickly raised her hand to cover the exposed spring light.

At this moment, the people on the opposite side who had noticed that she had woken up gathered around.

Ten Hound soldiers holding guns stood in a row, while Qin Ming and others sat on chairs, looking at Rose with scrutiny.

Gu Lie on the side even sternly shouted.

"Tell me! Who are you! What is your identity in the Shadow Luo Organization!"

This question made Rose stunned, and she looked at the people in front of her with strange eyes.

At this time, she had already realized that she might have made a mistake.

Because these guys in front of her, looking at their dress and style, they don’t look like Vega’s people.

Especially the ones in front, all of them exude a strong aura, and they are definitely masters of fighting. She has never heard of such a few people under Vega.

The most important thing is that the man in front of her who had fought with her, she couldn’t feel the power fluctuations on him, otherwise she wouldn’t have misjudged and acted rashly before.

There are generally only two reasons why you can’t feel the power fluctuations on others. One is that the other party is just an ordinary person and has no power at all.

The second is that the other party is a martial arts master! He can already send and receive power freely! Do whatever you want!

Based on the power of the move the opponent just used to hit me, it is self-evident what kind of situation the opponent is in...

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