Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 54 Breaking into the Castle at Night

As night fell, Qin Ming and the Punisher, the temporary partners, quickly launched an operation, aiming directly at the castle in the suburbs.

As for how to sneak into the heavily guarded castle? This is simple.

The Punisher, who is proficient in various tactics and fully equipped, directly got two sets of diving suits and took Qin Ming into the opponent's swimming pool through the water.

Quickly passing through the outer defense line and slowly poking his head out of the water, Qin Ming and the Punisher looked at each other and suddenly jumped out of the water.

Raising his hand to tear off the equipment on his body and tearing open the diving suit, the two took out pistols and walked forward aggressively.

Their sudden intrusion immediately attracted the attention of the gang members in the castle. The shrill alarm sounded, and a large number of people began to gather here.

The firepower of the people in the castle is obviously more than one level higher than that of the casino. The most important thing is that the environment here is closed and there is no effective shelter to hide.

After accepting the hidden task and entering the second level, the difficulty of the whole world is increased by one level on the spot. It seems that there is a reason.

However, Qin Ming, who had just obtained the new equipment, didn't care about this at all. With one hand protecting his head, he kept shooting and moving forward.

Bullets kept hitting him, most of them were directly bounced off, and the few that barely broke through the skin did not cause any real injuries to him, at most forming skin injuries.

Seeing this, the punisher next to him had his eyes lit up, and hid directly behind Qin Ming, using him as a cover, and began to cooperate in moving forward.

The two guys, one in front and one behind, broke through the defense line and quickly killed in front of the villa.

However, before the two rushed in, white smoke suddenly emerged at the door.

The next second, before the smoke dissipated, three figures rushed out from it, and a flying slash hit Qin Ming's body.

As the clothes were torn, three bloody wounds appeared on Qin Ming's body at the same time. Qin Ming frowned in pain and quickly fired.

However, the three attackers who were hit by the attack retreated at the same time, and disappeared again with the explosion of smoke!


Although these three guys came and ran fast, they did not give Qin Ming much time to react.

But through the instantaneous glance just now, using the detection ability of the dinosaur glasses, Qin Ming still saw the identities and attributes of these people clearly.

Name: Koga Female Ninja (Punisher Act 2)

Strength 15

Constitution 5

Agility 15

Spirit 5

Skills: Smoke Hiding Technique (C-level) Whirlwind Beheading Technique (C-level)

Introduction: A member of the Koga Ninja Village who has a cooperative relationship with the big boss Jin Bing, acting as an assassin and also taking care of the work of a defender.

Qin Ming couldn't help but look gloomy after being hit by three knives as soon as he met, and each knife broke his defense.

Before he and the Punisher could find the enemy's trace back to back, the door on one side suddenly exploded. The next second, several minions rushed out of it, holding various weapons in their hands, and rushed towards this side frantically.

And one of the guys jumped the fastest. While Qin Ming was shooting at a minion, he actually jumped up, jumped over the crowd, and kicked Qin Ming in the chest!

After the hit, while Qin Ming was stumbling backwards, he suddenly shouted, supported himself on one leg and used the other leg to kick him three times in a row!

Wearing a white training suit and a belt around his waist, he hit Qin Ming's vitals with all three kicks, kicking him in the crotch! Waist! Neck!

Then he even turned his body! He jumped up and used a roundhouse kick! Hit Qin Ming's temple!

"Oh! Ah!"

The elite monster who came up and gave Qin Ming a combo, after landing, raised his hands, pulled out a Taekwondo posture, and shook his body in place, that was called arrogant.

………… Then he was grabbed by the neck by Qin Ming with a dark face! The muzzle of the gun was pressed against his body and he was shot six times in a row! He was sent away on the spot!

"Damn it! What era are you still fighting in!"

Throwing away the corpse in his hand, Qin Ming, with a dark face, punched back and directly swung a gangster who was rushing over with an axe, making him hit the wall with a thud and stop moving.

Seeing this scene, another guy who rushed out from the door and was also wearing a training suit also stopped trying to show off his kung fu.

After looking around, he quickly raised the box beside him and then followed the crowd to charge.

Name: Taekwondo Master (Punisher Act 2)

Strength: 10

Physique 10

Agility 15

Spirit 5

Skills: Triple Kick (E-level) Taekwondo Spin Kick (E-level) Flying Kick (E-level) Upper Skull Crushing Kick (E-level)

Introduction: The Kung Fu Master of the gang! Specialized in training members' close combat abilities! Don't worry about whether you can fight or not! Anyway, being handsome is enough!

Just as the minions raised their weapons and attacked frantically, the three Koga female ninjas hiding in the dark also took the opportunity to launch a second sneak attack.

Smoke exploded, and three figures rushed out of thin air, spinning and slashing.

The Punisher reacted very quickly, swaying his body to easily avoid the sneak attack, turned around and kicked the Koga female ninja who attacked him away, and then raised his gun and fired several more shots, sending the opponent away on the spot. The combo was so smooth and pleasing to the eye.

As for Qin Ming? He encountered a joint sneak attack by two female ninjas, and because of his slow speed, he was unable to react, and two cuts appeared on his body again.

But this time he didn't let the two of them continue to escape. He had been alert for a long time. He immediately raised his hand to hold a steel pipe that was coming from the side, allowing the steel pipe to hit his arm and severely twist and deform. He turned around and shot!

With a bang! A female ninja who couldn't retreat in time was directly blown away by this shot! Before she could scream with a big hole in her abdomen! A big hand had already pinched her face fiercely! Pulled it up with force!

Qin Ming, who was holding the other's head tightly, had a hideous look at this moment, opened his bloody mouth and bit directly on the other's neck.

B-level skill! Essence absorption! Start!

With a slurp! As the skill was activated! Koga female ninja suddenly widened her eyes! The body that was struggling desperately suddenly froze!

As her body twitched violently, her body actually began to shrink severely. The whole person was pulled into a mummy in an instant and was thrown away by Qin Ming.

The skill was used to kill the elite monster with only 5 points of physique. Qin Ming's body immediately expanded. He roared to the sky and punched back, hitting a minion's body and spinning it around before it fell to the ground with a bang.

When the body hit the ground, the minion's head was severely twisted and deformed, and it couldn't die anymore!

The skill was successfully activated! All attributes +5!

Complete form! Open!

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