Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 64 The Legend of the Evil Wolf 3

This mission world: Fatal Fury 3 (large mission world)

Mission difficulty: B-level

Mission number: 100

World background: The two brothers Terry and Andy are still feuding with their enemy, Gus Howard. Gus Howard, the former overlord of South Town, has returned to his empire again and declared war on everyone.

At the same time, the secret police Honghu (Hongfu) from China also tracked down the gang leader Yamazaki Ryuji, and the private detective Blue Mary also accepted the mission to investigate the secret of the legendary Qin's secret scroll.

Masters gathered and strong men appeared. This is a legend of Fatal Fury, or it is a legend of you...

Main mission: Increase the favorability with any main plot character to more than 200 (friendly).

Mission completion: reward 2000 points, 2 free attribute points.

Mission failure: deduct 2000 points.

Optional mission: participate in killing a main plot character.

Mission completed: reward 3000 points, 3 free attribute points.

Mission failed: no penalty.

(Note: This world is a fighting mode. If you kill the enemy in a duel, the loot level is +1. If you kill the enemy in a duel, the loot level is -1. Adventurers fight each other, and loot will be dropped in a duel. There is no loot in a non-duel)

Qin Ming opened his eyes in the room and looked at the newspaper in his hand expressionlessly, with a pair of eyebrows furrowed.

Fatal Fury 3? The story line related to the King of Fighters world?

Hiss! Because this broken game is a bit difficult to play, Qin Ming didn't play it carefully before, so he didn't remember too much of the plot.

He only remembered the goddess in the 3D area, Mai Shiranui's shaking... cough!

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Qin Ming knocked his head hard, constantly thinking about the information and characters in the Fatal Fury world.

Fortunately, this kid has a good memory since he was a child. After thinking hard for a long time, he finally managed to remember most of the main characters in this world.

First, there is the very famous arcade goddess Mai Shiranui, who must have heard of her even if you don't play fighting games.

Secondly, there is Blue Marie, who is known as the queen of comebacks and has a good figure.

Then? Then there are a bunch of boring old men.

There are a total of fourteen main plot characters this time, of which four are big bosses.

Geese, the mortal enemy of the two protagonists in the world of Fatal Fury, is also the murderer of their father. He is nicknamed the invincible old strongman. He is obviously a villain but has an outrageous protagonist halo. He has not died after falling from the building several times, and he can come back every time. His vitality is outrageous.

Yamazaki Ryuji, nicknamed Snake Brother, of course, there is also a big Mai Tai, a gangster boss, who is extremely cruel. It seems that he is fighting with you, but in fact he has a knife in his hand.

Oh, by the way, the female adventurer I met in the real world used her signature move at the end. She slashed you with four swords in an instant, so fast that it was unreasonable.

The other two bosses are the Qin brothers, who have the same surname as Qin Ming. Maybe their ancestors had some relationship three hundred years ago. They are the final bosses in Fatal Fury 3, and their fighting power should not be underestimated.

These four guys are the four boss-level characters in Fatal Fury 3.

Based on Qin Ming's attributes, he doesn't think he is qualified to fight against them.

The most important thing is that he doesn't want to fight.

After all, he only knows two moves in total, but the fighters in this world have a series of skills. It's impossible to win no matter how you look at it!

No wonder the difficulty level of this world is B! All the characters in the plot are either small bosses or big bosses! There are not even any miscellaneous soldiers! How can it not be difficult!

What the hell is this fighting mode? Forcing people to fight alone?

Before killing someone, you have to jump out and shout: I'm going to kill you?

Then sign and seal, sign a life and death agreement, and go to the ring to fight?

Looking at the information of this mission world, Qin Ming had a headache for a while, rubbing his head for a long time before he let out a sigh.

The situation in this mission world was a bit chaotic, and he didn't know how to start for a while.

All the characters were BOSS-level characters, and they forced people to fight alone. Not only did the special rules that challenged the spoils seriously shrink, but also made him a little afraid to fight with others rashly.

So he decided not to think about these messes first, and go to find the Shiranui Gym first to see the legendary first-generation fighting goddess Shiranui Mai.

After all, he has entered the fighting world, so how can he not go to see Shiranui Mai? If so, wouldn't he come here in vain?

You know, this is the boss who dominates the 3D area! He is also one of the first-generation fighting goddesses! As famous as Chunli, the big sister who keeps the place in Street Fighter!

As the saying goes, Chunli looks at the legs! Look at Mai Shiranui's breasts! The reputation of these two! That's spread all over the world!

Anyway, there is no idea now, Qin Ming decided to use her as a breakthrough point.

I don't know if her childhood sweetheart, Andy, who is known as the most miserable existence in the fighting world and the cuckold king, is in the gym now.

With a fighting goddess as a girlfriend, how bad will this handsome guy's reputation be, and how miserable he will live in the fan story, you can imagine.

Look at the street fighter next door, he is very smart, he didn't arrange a boyfriend for Chunli, just to avoid this kind of thing.

Of course, it is also because of this that Chunli, the Interpol, has grown from a young girl to a young woman, and she is still single, which can be regarded as a price.

Thinking about all kinds of things in his mind, Qin Ming quickly walked out of the room and stopped a taxi.

After getting in, he said quickly with a straight face.

"Do you know the Shiranui Gym? Please take me there."

Hearing Qin Ming's words, the driver who was about to start the car suddenly froze, and after a few seconds, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Qin Ming, with an unbelievable look on his face.

"Where are you going?"

"Shiranui Gym? Haven't you heard of it?"

"I have heard of it, it is not small here."

"Oh, then drive there, is there any problem?"

"Of course!"

The taxi driver stared at Qin Ming with wide eyes, quickly raised his hand and pointed at the sign outside, and roared.

"The Shiranui Gym is in Japan! And this is South Town, USA! There are so many miles between us! How can I get there!"

"South Town?!"


Turning his head to look at the sign outside, Qin Ming couldn't help but grin, and his brain began to work at high speed.

South Town, USA? Isn't this where the plot takes place?

He actually appeared from here? How can he look at the big breasts of Mai Shiranui... He means! The legendary first generation fighting goddess! How can he appreciate it!

Should he venture into South Town where there are more masters and try to get a bargain, or go all the way to Japan just to see a beauty? Qin Ming quickly fell into a dilemma between the two.

However, he didn't hesitate for long, but only a few seconds, Qin Ming suddenly gritted his teeth and spoke to the taxi driver again.

"Go to Shiranui Gym!"

Damn it! Anyway, the boss of this world may not be defeated! Not to mention that he has to fight alone! It's easy to lose his life!

No matter! Go to see the beauty first!

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