Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 76 The Strong One Beyond the Plot

Outside the Shiranui Gym, Qin Ming and Mary were walking out with frowns on their faces.

Qin Ming frowned because of the unexpected situation he had encountered, which made his mind a little confused and he needed to sort out his thoughts.

Not only because of the hidden mission, but also because of the strength of Shiranui Hanzo, the old owner of Shiranui Gym, whom he had never heard of, which shocked him.

This old man, who was not a main character in the plot, was far more powerful than Qin Ming expected.

Name: Shiranui Hanzo (Fatal Fury World)

Strength 20

Constitution 20

Agility 30

Spirit 40

Skills: Shiranui Style Ninjutsu (D~C Level) Super Killing Ninja Bee (B Level) Super. Phoenix Dance (B Level) Shiranui Final Secret. Nine-Tailed Fox (A Level)

Introduction: The owner of Shiranui Gym and the current patriarch of the Shiranui Family. Although he is old and weak and not as strong as in his prime, his skills that have reached the peak still exist.

Two B-level skills! There is even an A-level skill!

This is the first time Qin Ming has seen such an exaggerated skill bar.

Especially the A-level skill! This is the first time Qin Ming has seen this level of skill on a plot character!

It is precisely because he found that the old man is extraordinarily strong, even far above the normal plot characters, that Qin Ming chose to accept this hidden task.

After all, it is rare to have a task that may learn A-level skills.

Qin Ming frowned because he was surprised by the strength of Shiranui Hanzo.

Mary next to him frowned because of the choice Qin Ming made.

After walking a distance, she finally stopped with a Dalmatian in her arms and spoke softly.

"Hey, I say, you are not really going to kill people just to learn martial arts?"


Hearing Mary's words, Qin Ming quickly stopped and looked at her.

"What? You hate killing people?"

"Nonsense, I'm not a pervert, how could I like to kill people for no reason, although I would choose to kill people if I had to, but this matter is obviously a feud between this gym and another sect, if you get involved, be careful to be beaten to death!"

Holding the spotted dog, Mary looked around and suddenly came to Qin Ming and whispered.

"I tell you, that old man has fierce eyes, he is definitely not a good person, be careful he is just trying to use you."

Qin Ming grinned when he heard this, waved his hand and continued to stride forward.

"Never mind him, let's finish the mission first."

"Ah? Are you really going to go? I'm telling you! I won't help you!"

"I don't need it either."

"Be careful after you kill someone! They won't teach you anything! They might even call the police to arrest you!"

"Then you'll kill him too!"

"What if you can't beat them?"

"If you can't beat them, just run away. What else can you do?"

One hand in his pocket, one hand raised and waved behind him, Qin Ming strode away.

Mary, who saw this scene, stood there, holding her Dalmatian in her arms, and couldn't help stamping her feet hard, with an unhappy expression.

"One or two of you are so self-righteous! Sooner or later, you will die on the road of fighting with others!"

Mary's father and ex-boyfriend were agents, and they were also fighters. They were very aggressive and loved fighting very much. They claimed that they did this to hone their martial arts.

Then, they were killed by others in the mission. Mary later fought with others for revenge and narrowly escaped death several times.

Now that I have finally avenged myself and have a peaceful life, the new lifesaver is like this again!

This made Mary pull her hair in distress, and she pulled her shoulder-length hair into a mess.

Just when she was having a headache, Qin Ming, who had just walked out of the Shiranui Gym area, also had an unexpected situation.

Standing on the road, looking at the two cars parked in front of him and the figures walking out of the cars, he couldn't help but frown and silently reached out to push his dinosaur glasses.

Before he could speak, the uninvited guests in front of him had already spoken enthusiastically.

"Hello, my name is Long, this is Hu, we are also disciples of Shiranui Gym, what is your name?"

Looking at these enthusiastic guys in front of him, Qin Ming found that the dinosaur glasses could not detect their data, and almost immediately confirmed their identities.

Adventurers! Adventurers who took the initiative to come to the door!

Looking at the palm in front of him, he hesitated for a second, but still reached out and shook it.

"You can call me Mr. Qin."

"Mr. Qin?"

Hearing this title, the six adventurers looked at each other, their eyes flickering slightly.

This guy's surname is Qin, and he is good at fighting. Could he be from the Qin brothers, the final boss in the world of Fatal Fury 3?

That makes sense. In order to find the three strange books of their ancestors, almost all members of the Qin family have been dispatched.

The Qin brothers are extremely powerful. In a one-on-one fight, they can even beat the brothers Terry and Andy without any chance to fight back.

So as a member of the other clan, it is normal that this guy is also very good at fighting and is good at using long-range energy waves.

After all, the Qin family's Emperor Fist is best at this. The energy ball is thrown fiercely and quickly.

But why does this guy only have one move, the Emperor's Sky Eye Fist? When fighting, he doesn't use the Qin family's Emperor Fist at all, but uses ordinary military boxing instead? Is there any secret in it?

With a turn of his eyes, the leader Long immediately showed a bright smile on his face, raised his hands and clasped his fists.

"Oh! So you are the master of the Qin family! I wonder where Brother Qin is going?"

"Where I go should have nothing to do with you, right?"

"Of course, I just want to see if there is anything I can help with."

With a bright smile on his face, Long looked very easy to talk to.

"To be honest, Brother Qin, before we joined the gym, we were mercenaries and were very proficient in fighting. Since we are all family, just tell us if there is anything you need. We will definitely help if we can! I just hope that after Brother Qin successfully becomes a disciple, he can say a few good words in front of the gym owner and let the old man teach us some real kung fu."

Hearing Long's words, Qin Ming couldn't help but be stunned, and his eyes gradually became weird.

Because he found that the way these guys in front of him spoke was a little bit wrong. It didn't sound like the communication between adventurers, but more like...

Qin Ming, who had reacted quickly, raised his dinosaur sunglasses and suddenly grinned.

"That's easy. You want to help, right? Can you help me with anything?"

"Of course!"

"Oh, then what about killing people?"

Oh my! Why were there so many monthly tickets yesterday? It turns out there are so many book friends. I didn't see them yesterday.

Thank you for your support. I won't say anything else. I would like to thank you all for your love! Four chapters today!

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