A few days later, the summoned pillars rushed to the headquarters of the Demon Slayer from all directions.

Currently, there are only seven Ghost Slayer columns, instead of the same nine as at the beginning of the plot.

Flower Pillar, Sound Pillar, Flame Pillar, Rock Pillar, Love Pillar, Snake Pillar, Wind Pillar.

That's all the pillars of the Demon Slayer team right now.

Currently, there are only seven Ghost Slayer columns, instead of the same nine as at the beginning of the plot. For example, the youngest of the pillars, who became the genius of the pillar after holding the knife for two months - Kasumi Pillar has not yet appeared, and the water pillar Tomioka Yoshiyoshi has not appeared either.

All the pillars gathered together, while the pillars were still curious about the reason why Yaoya Yashiki had gathered them together.

Yaoya appeared in front of the pillars.

didn't say any nonsense, he first told the ins and outs of the matter, and directly told everyone the truth.

What twelve ghost months are gone, Wu Miao is almost dying, and the long-cherished wish of the ghost killing team for a thousand years is about to be fulfilled.

Except for the butterfly Chanae, who had already known in advance, the other pillars were suddenly stunned.

Who I am, where I am, and what happened.

It can be said that the purpose of most of the pillars present to join the Oni Slayer Team is to kill Onimai Tsuji Muru and completely eliminate the creature of Oni.

As a result, they haven't done anything yet, and Yaoya suddenly tells them that no misery is dead, and their purpose is accomplished, so it's no wonder if they are not confused.

If the others had told them that Onimai Tsuji was going to die soon, the pillars would never believe it.

But Yoya Sanyashiki is different.

As the leader of the Demon Slayer Team, Yaoyashiki's prestige is too high, and he is loved by everyone, and no one will suspect that Yaoya Sanyashiki is lying to entertain them.

Before the pillars digested the news, Yaoya Sanyashiki directly stated his plans.

Operation Ghost Extermination.

Wipe out all man-eating demons from this world once and for all.

It is said to kill ghosts, but it is more accurate to catch ghosts.

This is the agreement between him and Luo Zhen.

Naturally, the pillars would not disobey the decision of Yaoya Yaoyashiki, so the 'ghost killing operation' of the ghost killing team began in a majestic manner.

Unlike in the past, this time the Ghost Slayer Team almost poured out.

The intelligence unit came into play to collect information that might be a ghost in various places, and then once it was determined that it was really a ghost, someone would immediately lead the team.

If it had been before, the Ghost Slayer would not have dared to make such a big move.

Once the ghost slayer team does this, it will be easy to be counterattacked by the ghost side.

After all, strictly speaking, the overall strength of the ghost killing team is not as good as that of ghosts, and Ghost Dance Tsuji is even more miserable and doesn't want to destroy the ghost killing team all the time.

But this is no longer the case.

Now that the top combat power of the demon side is almost completely wiped out, the ghost killing team naturally has no scruples.

Due to Luo Zhen's incurrence, the world is heading for a completely different path from the original book.


"It's been four months. "

In the backyard of the butterfly house, Luo Zhen opened the door, breathed in the fresh morning air, looked up at the white sky in the distance, and muttered.

It's been four months since the Demon Slayer Team's 'Demon Extermination Operation' began.

In the past four months, under the leadership of Tsuru, the Demon Slayer Team has begun to clean up the ghosts from all over Japan.

As expected, without Onimai Tsuji and the Twelve Oni Moon, ordinary demons have no way to organize an effective resistance in the face of the cleanup of the Oni Slayer.

Under the leadership of Zhu, one ghost after another was caught, but some of the ghosts were too difficult to catch and could only be killed, but fortunately, there were not many of them, and Luo Zhen didn't care.

And the ghost that was caught was sent to the vine attack mountain, and Luo Zhen only needed to go to the vine attack mountain every once in a while to harvest a wave, and a lot of reward points went directly into his pocket, which was very easy.

Luo Zhen couldn't help but sigh at his wit.

There are so many ghosts, and they are scattered all over the place, it will definitely be time-consuming and laborious if he looks for them one by one, but it is different with the ghost killing team to work for him.

He only needs to reap a wave at a regular time, and a lot of reward points will come into his account.

Thinking of this, Luo Zhen couldn't help but check his current reward points.

[Current Reward Points: 139000].

Compared with four months ago, his wallet has skyrocketed again, breaking through 100,000, nearly 140,000 reward points, which is estimated to be drooling with envy if it is seen by other reincarnations.

However, the opposite of the nearly 140,000 reward points is the death of a large number of ghosts.

Now there are almost no traces of ghosts in Japan.,These four also sweeped,Except for a little more intelligent ghost who saw that the situation was not good, he escaped by hiding in the deep mountains and old forests far away from the people.,The rest of the ghosts who didn't recognize the form were either caught in Fuji Raid Mountain and harvested by Luo Zhen.,Or were killed directly.。

And even if they were lucky enough to escape, these ghosts didn't dare to come out outside, and even avoided people, for fear of exposing their tracks, which was different from the previous situation of eating people at will.

Once the traces of the current ghosts were exposed, it didn't take long for a group of hungry and thirsty ghost hunters to hear the news, which was worse than the rats crossing the street.

"It's almost time. "

Luo Zhen planned silently.

Now there are only a few ghosts left, and there are not many reward points that can be obtained, which is dispensable for Luo Zhen, who is already with a huge amount of money.

So Luo Zhen also felt that it was almost time to kill Onimai Tsuji and complete the main quest.

Speaking of Ghost Dance Tsuji, the corners of Luo Zhen's mouth couldn't help but rise.

If you want to say miserable, the worst thing in the past few months may be this ancestor of the ghost, because Luo Zhen didn't kill him because he wanted to brush up reward points, but Luo Zhen would go to him every day or two to beat Ghost Dance Tsuji no miserable, but he just didn't kill him completely.

But this torture is coming to an end.

Thinking so, Luo Zhen turned around and returned to the room behind him.

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