Infinity Throne

Chapter 986 Return to Ruins

Yi Lin had been thinking about a question a long time ago.

Is the world round?


God said no.

The world is a ship.

If someone discovered that the world is round, then there must be some kind of existence that allows tiny humans to "feel" this illusion.

So, what is it north of the extreme north, west of the extreme west, east of the extreme east, and south of the extreme south?

It is said that thirty years ago, a navigator from Hezhou, Xiniu, rented a ship and wanted to prove that "the world is a ball."

Then, he drove the boat from the west of Hezhou, Xiniu, all the way west.

According to his theory, as long as he keeps going west and the world is a "ball", then he will reach Dongsheng Shenzhou.

The results of it?

The boat and the people were gone.

just this.

No wreckage, no survivors, no bottles, no stories.

This became a famous historical mystery - "The Missing Navigator".

From then on, some people said that at the end of the sea, there is an abyss.

And now,

Yi Lin came here, to the extreme south, to the "end of the world", and finally saw with her own eyes what was at the end of the sea.

"I don't know how many billions of miles to the south of Zhanbu, there is a huge ravine. It is actually a bottomless valley with no bottom below. It is called Guixu." Yi Lin hung in mid-air, looking at the scenery in front of him, recalling many years ago. , I repeated a sentence from the book "The Wild Travels" I had read in Tianxuan Academy, and I burst out laughing: "At the end of the world, there is 'Return to the Ruins'!"

Yes, Guixu.

At the end of the horizon, there is a winding abyss, which is endless no matter which way you look. Beneath the abyss, there is nothing but a gray abyss. The water fell suddenly at the edge of the abyss, like the Milky Way in the sky, forming a huge silver waterfall crawling in the shape of a snake.

Several seagulls lined up in a neat queue and flew from the edge of the sea to the abyss. The birds, which were originally flying parallel to the sea surface, just crossed the edge and fell straight down.


far away,

The corners of a "map" collapsed and fell toward the abyss like a peeling puzzle piece. In the process of falling, the "map" turned into countless square blocks, disintegrating into nothingness. In the end, there was no residue left to fall into the abyss. inside.

Similar scenes are constantly playing out in front of Yi Lin. Bit by bit, piece by piece, the "map of the world" is collapsing, collapsing, and shrinking at a certain constant rate.

This situation made Yi Lin feel like this world is like an hourglass that is passing by. Sooner or later, the entire "territory" will completely disappear, and this world will also come to an end.

"The world is dying."

"Even if this process takes hundreds, thousands, even tens of thousands, or one hundred thousand years."

"But it is undeniable that this world is experiencing...death."

"One day, this world will be destroyed and disappear, including everyone in the world."

"Xi, what you want me to witness with my own eyes is the death of the 'world'?"

Even if each collapsed part is nothing more than an insignificant piece of gravel to the entire world.

One day, this world will die.

After the shock,

Yi Lin sat back on the deck.

Behind him were a group of fainted Demon Hunting Department staff.

The boat is drifting with the current.

After Yi Lin fell silent, she tapped her forehead: "Green, don't you have anything to say?"


A bat suddenly stood on Yi Lin's shoulder.

"The world is dying."

Yi Lin said.

Bat's head tilted: "Yeah, what next?"

"Is there any hope?"

"Yes," Green rolled up his thin body with his wings, narrowed his eyes and replied, "Unfortunately, you can't save him."

Yi Lin was silent again.

After a while,

Yi Lin felt that this topic was a bit heavy. He accidentally remembered the scene a month ago when Green, across the barrier of the spiritual sea, turned the bat demon into a cube of flesh and blood with a wave of his wings. After talking about that scene calmly, he asked: " Can I learn that move?"


Yi Lin was stunned: "Elaborate?"

Green was very generous and did not hesitate to teach: "Actually, it's very simple. The shape of the body is determined by the mental form. I just invaded the other person's dream and slightly changed his shape in the dream." Green explained the principle, and the two The wings move left and right, making a visual "rounding and flattening" motion: "Look, it's simple and easy."


Yi Lin decided not to ask.

What Green said was obviously over the top.

far away,

The scorching sun is still blooming with soft golden light.

On the edge of Guixu, there are four rivers.

Four rivers cross Guixu, flowing in the air, connected to the scorching sun.

The cargo ship drifting with the current entered one of the "hanging rivers".

As the cargo ship approached, Yi Lin squinted her eyes and faintly saw the outline of the scorching sun in the annoying light.

I saw that the so-called "scorching sun" was actually emitted by an object similar to a "tree".

Because the light is so strong that it covers the outline of the tree, so when viewed from a distance, it looks like a scorching sun.

Green did not go back to stock up this time. She and Yi Lin looked at the same scenery and marveled: "I didn't expect that such gadgets could be born here. It's quite interesting."


Yi Lin rarely heard the comment "somewhat interesting" from Green.

Most of the time, Green's evaluations are "junk."

The last time Green commented on "it's a bit interesting", he was still targeting the [Sword of Oblivion].

I don’t know how long the Hanging River is.

About an hour later,

Yi Lin's cargo ship finally sailed to the end.

The scene before his eyes changed. The rays of the scorching sun disappeared, replaced by blue sky and white clouds.

This is a port. Near the port, there are Buddhist temples, solemn and solemn, with numerous eaves.

"We seem to have entered a subspace."

As the scenery flickered, Yi Lin noticed the change in the space. After thinking for a moment, she understood where she was.

When the cargo ship docked, there were many monks in robes waiting in the port with smiles.

They have already received the news,

Among the goods this time, there is a very rare "special species".

So when the cargo ship arrived at the port, they had many people waiting here to meet it in advance.

The cargo ship arrived smoothly, making the monks in the port smile.

And on board.

Yi Lin snapped her fingers and opened all the cargo boxes.

Before opening it, Yi Lin quickly took off her demon hunter clothes, changed back into her own clothes, and even restored her original appearance.

Ju'er: "Young Master! Woohoo! Who is that woman?"

Miaomiao: "Young master, meow, meow, meow! You are a bad example and you actually hide a woman!"

Xuanci: "Are you okay?"

Brother Gou's dog eyes widened. He didn't know how this man survived in that wave of "Buddha's light shining everywhere".

They were taken into the "Evil Thought Space" by Yi Lin.

Inside there was a girl they had never seen before, who called herself "Gaya Qinmei". She was well-dressed and acted like a navigator, introducing them to the function of the "Evil Thought Space".

The space of evil thoughts is its own small world. No matter how bright the Buddha's light is outside, as long as Yi Lin is fine, it cannot affect the structure of the space of evil thoughts.

Unless, like Miriam, a sword comes from the west and pokes a big hole in the space of evil thoughts.

"I don't have time to explain that much now."

Yi Lin looked at the monsters with ferocious faces, exposed fangs, and scarred monsters walking out of the containers. They looked at each other with vigilance. Before he could speak, the tallest and largest box, butter, squeaked and squeaked. He rushed towards Yi Lin: "Brother! Woohoo! You finally let me out!"

At first, the demons were a little bit ready to make moves in a strange environment.

But when the tall "big demon" who obviously came out of the "level one" box clutched the trousers of a young man not far away like a baby and cried loudly, they all shuddered in unison, and also Thinking about the identity of that young man.

It is not easy for a male demon to impress a first-level demon!

Even though there was not even a trace of demonic energy emanating from his body, the demonic aura of Miao Miao, Ju'er, and Xuanci around him was intertwined and so strong that the demons naturally classified Yilin as one of them. He took on the identity of the "mysterious demon".

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Taiyi. I come from Beiju Luzhou. Maybe you don't know me, but you should have heard the name of my elders... Hanba."

The pupils of all the demons shrank, shrinking into the shape of a sandwich pancake.

Yi Lin was wearing a long robe, with long, silky hair spread casually around his head. He raised an index finger and said with a smile:

"Then let me introduce you formally, solemnly and briefly. I am Taiyi, the son of Hanbao, Taiyi."

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