Infinity Throne

Chapter 993 Big Demon

Yi Lin felt like he had become a big devil.


To be precise, it is the unparalleled demon.

When several powerful forces gathered around him: Bai Xiaoyi, Nie Hongxiu, Gaya Qinmei, Nightmare, Dog Brother, Butter, Miaomiao, Ju'er, plus some ghosts who were sidekicks, in the process of breaking through the level, the outcome was not the same. No suspense.

At this moment, Yi Lin was like a marshal leading an elite army, launching a crazy general attack on Yan Fuzhou.

Thousands of buildings collapsed,

Each subspace collapsed,

One by one the monks fell,

From beginning to end, Yi Lin had no ups and downs in her heart.

During this process, Green stood on Yi Lin's shoulders and looked very happy as he watched Yi Lin kill everyone.

What Yi Lin didn't know was that Green's "bet" on Yi Lin was far more important than Yi Lin himself understood.


"Young Madam."

"Ooooooooo, Chuchu is so hungry."

"It hurts so much Chuchu."

"Chu Chu is so tired."

"If the young master is still alive..."

Whenever Yi Lin touches the "reason" belonging to Bai Chuchu, Bai Chuchu's memory fragments surge in like a tide.

Yi Lin knew that he was angry because of Bai Chuchu's experience, and he also knew that this kind of emotional ups and downs should not happen, but at this moment, he just wanted to do whatever he wanted.

What human race, what demon race, what general trend, what mission, what world,

All of this has been forgotten by Yi Lin.

Yi Lin only remembered a promise he made in Qingniu Mountain.

You protect my parents, and I promise you peace.

Bai Chuchu, you have protected my parents for ten years and your junior sister for fifty years. This is the debt I, Lin Yi, owe you.


With a flash of light in front of his eyes, Yi Lin stepped on the mountain of corpses behind him and stepped into the thirty-sixth subspace.

In other words, thirty-five leaves fell from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tree.

When Yi Lin entered this subspace,

The pungent smell of sulfur assaulted my nostrils.

In front of you, fine steel and gunpowder smoke intertwined here, and steel buildings scattered on the ground.

Hundreds of monks, after learning that the "special species" was far more ferocious than the initial information showed, immediately set up a line of defense. The elite monks in Yanfu Continent were here to prepare.

In front of hundreds of Buddhist monks, there were twelve particularly old monks, their bodies shimmering with golden light, like golden tung trees, and their skin glowed with a frightening luster of wealth.

It's the Twelve Arhats under the seat of the Little Supreme Buddha!

The Twelve Arhats gathered together and recited deafening scriptures in their mouths. The sound of the chanting was like an invisible wall. The demons with the blood of the demon clan behind them showed pain on their faces after hearing the bursts of chanting. It fell to the ground from high in the air, bleeding from its seven holes.

The slightly more impressive ones, Yi Lin's personal guards, Dog Brother and others, after feeling a little uncomfortable, could barely maintain their posture during the first wave of Buddhist verses.

"Little Lord!"

Ordinary monks can still handle them. After all, they are all famous monsters from Luzhou, Beiju. But the twelve Arhats standing in front of them are not simple. Every "Arhat" level monk is comparable to an elder level being placed in the Tianjian Sect!

In other words, there are twelve elder-level figures standing in front of Yi Lin now!

Although Ju'er and Miaomiao were worried,

But since everyone has been killed here, there is no reason to retreat.

They have not forgotten that this time they left Beiju Luzhou to fight for the future of the demon clan.

Even if he risked his life, he would not hesitate.

Behind the Monster Hunting Division is Yan Fuzhou.

As long as Yan Fuzhou is destroyed, the demon clan will have a bright future!

This is the old Xuanmen Yan Fuzhou!

From now on, they will be able to live openly in the city, walk in the sun, buy clothes, sleep in cat houses, ride in cars, and cook hot pot.

In the future, the demon tribe no longer has to huddle in Beiju Luzhou in the ice and snow like a rat crossing the street!

Under the strong leadership of Young Master Taiyi, they fought all the way here and vaguely saw a bright future.

"The demon who feels uncomfortable retreats."

Yi Lin stretched out his palm to stop the demons behind him who were about to move. He took a step in the void and looked down at hundreds of monks.

"I just want to ask, Yan Fuzhou did not hesitate to hunt so many monsters and torture them. Why?"

Yi Lin asked.


The Twelve Arhats have different faces,

Some are laughing, some are angry, some are sad, and some are happy.

Each Arhat with a different look put his hands together neatly, said Amitabha, and at the same time raised his head to look at the arrogant and unruly figure in the sky, shouting: "This is righteousness!"

"Then there's nothing more to say."

Twelve rays of bright golden light poured out from the twelve Arhats and shot straight into the sky.

On their faces, a look of determination appeared on their faces, as if they were risking their lives to survive.

Twelve golden lights gathered in the sky and turned into a golden Buddha statue ten thousand feet tall!

The golden Buddha statue stood tall against the sky, and a huge palm fell towards the tiny Yi Lin.



The Buddha statue is huge and tall, and compared to it, Yi Lin's figure is like the difference between a giant and an ant.

The giant palm pressed down suddenly, and when the edge of the golden Buddha palm rubbed against the air, it ignited with bright fire, like a meteorite falling from the sky!

"I am the Buddha Chaozong!"

The Twelve Arhats take action!

Twelve of them, with one heart and one mind, turned their twelve moves into one move.

An unparalleled palm technique that fell from the sky in one move!

Just one palm is enough to destroy all the monsters!

Although killing this rare "special species" here is not in line with Yan Fuzhou's original intention.

But the matter has come to this, and there is no other way.

If this "special species" continues to struggle, this thousand-year-old foundation of Yanfuzhou will be destroyed in one day!

Even though anger, joy, and sorrow are not allowed in Buddhism,

But at this moment, when the Twelve Arhats took out their palms, they couldn't help but feel a trace of "blame" that they shouldn't have in their hearts.

Who is so blind as to bring this terrifying "special species" monster to Yan Fuzhou?

Of the eighty-one leaves of Qibao Glaze, thirty-five leaves were destroyed by this great demon!

This was an unprecedented loss thousands of years ago when Yan Fuzhou was established!

"Bloodthirsty disaster!"

The palm technique falling from the sky is so terrifying.

Yi Lin raised his eyes and saw that twelve Arhats had spent their entire lives cultivating themselves to sacrifice the golden body of Buddha. He did not dare to underestimate the enemy.

Ingest "Blood Intent" from the void, and shoot three of them into the chest.

Three blood-consciousness swallowed into the belly, my fate is up to me, not to God!

Bloody light shot up into the sky from Yi Lin's body.

Straight columns of smoke formed a blood-red cloud above Yi Lin's head.

The demons behind him looked at the blood-red figure, and no one dared to doubt Yi Lin's identity.

Even if "Tai Yi" has no demonic energy and doesn't look like a demon,

But when he used his true abilities, he looked more like an unparalleled monster than any other monster present!

At this moment, Yi Lin is so evil!

The Immortal Killing Spear... comes out!

The Immortal Killing Spear flickered and turned into blood-red light. Suddenly, it penetrated the Buddha statue without any hindrance and sank into the center of the Buddha's eyebrows.

Click, click, click.

The movement of Buddha's golden body paused for a moment.

An instant later, the Buddha shattered into pieces and turned into golden powder that filled the sky.




Twelve Arhats, with golden and bronze skin, the color of wealth faded instantly.

It was like a layer of gold plating had been scratched off.

They spurted out a mouthful of golden blood at the same time and flew out in unison.

The hundreds of monks behind him turned pale when they saw the Buddha's golden body being broken, as if their devout faith had collapsed together.

They stared blankly at the figure with long hair dancing wildly in the sky. After a moment, they closed their eyes in despair.

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