Infinity Throne

Chapter 102 Welcome to the place with simple folk customs... (Please subscribe for the third update!

"Okay." Zhao Yulong would not ask for trouble. He stood up and smiled: "In short, that girl probably won't return to Qingcheng in a short time. If the team leader knows about this, he will definitely not You can let that girl go out casually. But you can't stay in this small place for too long, right?"

Yi Lin smiled slightly and didn't explain much.

"I have my plan."

"If anything happens, I will contact you directly through 'us'. Also, the Xiao family has already taken care of the matter and won't leave any trouble, so you don't have to worry."

Suddenly, in the middle of speaking, Zhao Yulong slapped his head and seemed to remember something: "Bah, I'm worried about what you did. You killed the Xiao family from top to bottom. You kid can do it!"

Yi Lin glanced at Zhao Yulong silently, not knowing what he meant by his words.

So there was no answer.

"By the way, if, if, I mean just in case, if you accidentally find any information about the name 'Evangelical Society', tell me as soon as possible."

After saying that, Zhao Yulong stepped on his flip-flops and hummed a little tune. Not sure if it was a demonstration, he walked up to the ceiling, then walked down again, making a big circle before walking out of the room.

After Zhao Yulong left, Yi Lin secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Even though Zhao Yulong looks wretched, in fact, he is extremely clever.

There are some secrets that Yi Lin doesn't want to expose yet.

He has his own intentions and plans.

In other words, is Molly going back to the capital?

Yi Lin thought for a moment, then took out her phone and edited a text.

A long paragraph.

Yi Lin carefully edited the information, and then read it 15 times from beginning to end. After confirming that there were no mistakes, he went straight to the door of Molly's room and knocked on the door.

"What are you doing here?"

Molly opened the door, her face covered with a dark, strange foreign substance.

Yi Lin took a look and saw that it was "specialty ghost oil".

"You..." Yi Lin hesitated for a few seconds, and finally decided not to tell the origin of "ghost oil". She could only shrug helplessly and change her explanation.

"There's no need to use this stuff often. Its effect lasts longer than you think. And if you run out of it, I probably won't have a chance to find a second bottle for you."

Molly was stunned when she heard this.

Then she lowered her head and muttered something.


"Well, it's nothing."

Molly rolled her eyes, wondering what she was thinking. Then she didn't dwell on the topic of facial masks and directly asked Yi Lin why she knocked on the door.

"I found some research topics for you."

"Research subject matter?" Molly looked at Yi Lin strangely and looked at her from head to toe: "You can still do this?"

"It has to do with... the future."

Molly was startled and immediately understood what Yi Lin meant, and she didn't shirk: "Send it to me."

Yi Lin sent the text message she had already edited in front of Molly.

Molly took out her phone and looked at it, and her jaw almost dropped.

"How the hell are you telling me how many are there? How many? How many? Are you taught math by a physical education teacher?"

"And these are all messy things..."

"Methods that can cure optic atrophy..."

"Mass-produced equipment that can withstand the severe cold of minus 20 degrees..."

"Mass-produced equipment that can withstand high temperatures..."

"Low-flying tactical armor..."

"What the hell? What is this? Equipment that can withstand strong acid?"

"And this... lightweight firearm that can penetrate alloy plates? It is 10 times more effective than armor-piercing bullets? Are you kidding me?"

"Wait, shit...a mobile steel fortress to resist tsunamis..."

Molly read it one by one, and every time she read it, she couldn't help but shout "fuck".

After finally reading it patiently, Molly showed an "Oh cake seller" expression and glared: "If I hadn't been familiar with you, I would have thought you were joking about this girl."

Yi Lin looked calm and shook her head: "I know this is difficult. See if it is possible, and I will try my best to help you."

"Help? How can you help? With your mouth?"

Molly looked contemptuous.

Yi Lin chuckled: "Don't forget the origin of the mask on your face."

Molly was startled.

But I also understood what Yi Lin meant.

"Okay..." Molly put away her phone helplessly and asked with a bit of curiosity: "I'm very curious. The list you made, except for the space ships, feels like it's about to invade. You don’t know how to engage in alien battlefields on other planets, right?”


Yi Lin didn't explain much, and left Molly's room after a few simple instructions.

Molly looked at the re-locked door and couldn't help but grit her teeth: "Dead soul!"

But when she couldn't help but look for the list again and pondered it carefully, she found Yi Lin's request a bit strange.

The scientific research content on this list cannot be completed by one person.

There are so many majors and disciplines involved.

The scope is too broad.

Even Molly couldn't make all the equipment requested by Yi Lin in a short period of time.

All I can say is do your best.

"Looks like we need to find someone for help." Molly saw that the time was almost up and was about to go to the bathroom to wash off the mask on her face.


Molly remembered something.

"Ahhh! I forgot to discuss the price with that Hundan!"

Yi Lin originally wanted to go home directly.

In that rented house.

Unexpectedly, just halfway through, the phone rang like a reminder.

Yi Lin took a look and saw that it was the old detective.

Xu Zhiyong.

"What does he want from me?"

Yi Lin was a little puzzled, but she still answered the phone.

"You finally answered the phone!"

For some reason, Yi Lin always felt that the old detective's tone gave him a sense of relief.

"What's wrong?"

"You..." Xu Zhiyong seemed to be thinking about his words on the other end of the phone. After hesitating for a long time, he finally asked what he wanted to ask: "Do you know someone named Pan Zhengyi? Oh, that's the one... Pan Zhengyi, patient number 9527."



police station.

Xu Zhiyong walked out of the door in person to greet Yi Rin.

"Ouch! Mr. Yi, I didn't expect to trouble you so much, and the plum blossoms will shine, the plum blossoms will shine!"

Xu Zhiyong vaguely guessed that Yi Lin's identity was unusual, so his expression was very polite, without the previous feeling of being hung up.

"Uh... you'd better just call me by my name."

"Then I won't be polite, Lao Xu, Xiao Lin, this is what happened..."

He really became rude in an instant.

It took about ten minutes for Xu Zhiyong to explain the cause and effect.

It turns out that Pan Zhengyi hid somewhere after that trial and was never found by Xu Zhiyong and others.

Of the three mentally ill people who escaped from the closed city, the other two have been captured.

The remaining Pan Zhengyi has been missing.

Originally, Xu Zhiyong and others were ready to give up searching for this guy. After all, as long as there was no trouble, he would be left alone. Unexpectedly, just a few days ago, Pan Zhengyi rushed into the mall and made another round of trouble, not knowing whether he was hungry or not. , and broke a lot of things.

In the end, after Gu Sinan recovered from his foot injury, he went out in person to catch Pan Zhengyi.

Originally, after catching Pan Zhengyi, he was to be escorted back to Fengcheng and handed over to professionals for handling.

But Xu Zhiyong did not expect that after Pan Zhengyi was temporarily detained, he would talk nonsense all day long and call out "Yilin"'s name from time to time.

Only then did Xu Zhiyong think that Yi Lin was another type of "professional" in a sense.

After careful consideration, Xu Zhiyong decided to contact Yi Lin and ask him to see if he knew this mentally abnormal person named Pan Zhengyi.

However, what made Xu Zhiyong anxious was that at this critical moment, Yi Lin's phone call could not be reached.

The constant prompts of "Not within the LAN" made Xu Zhiyong very passive.

After the Xiao family incident was inexplicably "closed", Gu Sinan didn't know what was wrong. As soon as Xu Zhiyong mentioned the name "Yilin", Gu Sinan's temper became extremely irritable. She even ran back to the police station to punch sandbags in the middle of the night. Xu Zhiyong was puzzled.

In the end, this put Xu Zhiyong in a dilemma. It was neither good for Pan Zhengyi to send him away nor for him to stay.

While listening to Xu Zhiyong's complaints, Yi Lin silently followed Xu Zhiyong towards the detention room.

During the trial in Guiwu Mountain, Yi Lin also made an agreement with another "Pan Zhengyi", that is, Pan Xiaozheng. Because of the no-man's land investigation operation, Yi Lin almost forgot about it.

After all, Pan Xiaozheng helped Yi Lin a lot during the Guiwu Mountain trial.

This favor must be returned.

ten minutes later.

After Gui Wushan said goodbye, Yi Lin finally met Pan Zhengyi.

Pan Zhengyi was still wearing his dirty white coat, squatting on the table in the detention room and giggling.

"Yo! Boy!"

Pan Zhengyi smiled and greeted Yi Lin.

Yi Lin thought of an attempt as early as the road.

Yi Lin looked at Pan Zhengyi who kept giggling. After thinking about it, he took out a small bottle from the storage space.

This is clearly a cerebral palsy film developed by Molly as a prank.


When I was at the top of Onikiwu Mountain, there seemed to be a strange energy permeating there.

It made Yi Lin feel like she was being subdued.

In technical terms...his spiritual attributes have been suppressed.

But in that weird environment, another Pan Zhengyi, Pan Xiaozheng, woke up.

So Yi Lin guessed that Pan Zhengyi and Pan Xiaozheng were two completely independent personalities.

After Pan Zhengyi is knocked unconscious or knocked unconscious, another personality, Pan Xiaozheng, will take control of the body.

"Eat candy?"

Yi Lin smiled and held an "NT-046", trying to stuff it into Pan Zhengyi's mouth.

Pan Zhengyi's expression instantly turned ruthless: "Hmph, the honest will not be punished!"

"No, I beg you to eat."

Pan Zhengyi hesitated for a moment, then opened his mouth and bit it, complaining while biting: "Since you sincerely begged me, I will mercifully eat your...candy..."

Before I could say the last few words clearly, I closed my eyes.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

Pan Zhengyi opened his eyes again.

After leaving the police station, Yi Lin took Pan Xiaozheng home.

"You still have half an hour."

Yi Lin looked at the time.

Pan Xiaozheng's expression changed slightly.

"Borrow some clothes!"

Pan Xiaozheng rushed into the bathroom and washed his stinking body before the effects of the medicine wore off.

It's finally a lot more refreshing.

"Ah, comfortable..." Pan Xiaozheng walked out wearing a clean shirt.

"By the way, how much of that medicine do you still have? Can you give me more?"

"Aren't you afraid of developing drug resistance?"

"Better than staying in-"

Pan Xiaozheng was about to say something, but in an instant, another silly smile appeared on his face.

"Yo! Boy!"

Yes, the medicine has worn off.

Go to sleep peacefully.

Yi Lin glanced at Pan Zhengyi silently and turned on the TV screen. Pan Zhengyi was not hungry now, so he didn't mess around. He squatted on the sofa and watched TV obediently.

In fact, it’s not that difficult!

Yi Lin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, having solved a problem for the time being.

The following days were uneventful.

Yi Lin continued to hide in the room, studying more ways to unlock telekinesis.

Although many new applications have been developed... of course, to put it bluntly, it is just an old bottle in a new bottle, just a slight improvement on the previous experience.

However, the scope and power of telekinesis seems to have made little progress.

"It should still be limited by spiritual attributes..."

Yi Lin quickly came to a conclusion.

Didn't force too much.

The improvement of mental attributes depends on the development of the brain.

Only by continuing to strengthen the spiritual attributes can we achieve more breakthrough progress.

However, even though Yi Lin knew that there was not much progress, she did not relax.

Exercise every day.

Occasionally I also practice a simplified version of ancient martial arts.

After all, physical fitness is also important.

It cannot be left to waste.

As for Pan Zhengyi, Yi Lin gives him a cerebral palsy tablet regularly every day.

Let Pan Xiaozheng's personality come out and breathe.

For this, Pan Xiaozheng was still very grateful to Yi Lin.


September 3, 2121.

There was a searing pain from the "death mark" on Yi Lin's chest.

Still the familiar pain.

It felt like a red-hot iron was burning on my chest.

Yi Lin was covered in cold sweat, and after a few seconds, the pain disappeared.

He silently sent a message to Ling Wuyan, who was far away in the Yiwu County Welfare Institute, from his communication list.

Asked about the situation there.

After receiving Ling Wuyan's reply that "everything is fine," Yi Lin finally felt relieved.

He sat there silently.

adjust your mindset.

A few minutes later.

Yi Lin opened her eyes.

Said softly.

"Enter the other world!"

Yi Lin didn't see it.

After he disappeared into the room.

Pan Zhengyi, who was squatting on the sofa, suddenly raised his head.

Laughed happily.

"Are you going to play again? Hehe!"

Pan Zhengyi also disappeared on the sofa.

Familiar scene, familiar taste.

Yi Lin's whole body was wrapped in a dazzling white light.

Feet in the void.

During the process of "Loading...", Yi Lin silently adjusted her mentality.

Every trial must be treated with caution.

No one can take any chances in the trial center and think that they will survive to the end.

While Yi Lin was waiting silently, words began to appear in front of her eyes.

"Huh? So fast this time?"

Yi Lin's heart was moved, but there was not much surprise.

After all, he has seen a lot of all kinds of weird and weird situations. He has encountered them all.

【Welcome to this city with simple folk customs. 】

【This is a city with simple folk customs. 】

【This is really a city with simple folk customs. 】


so what?

How honest is this?




Read the book and vote, you are all the most handsome Li Changge at night!

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