Infinity Throne

Chapter 1010


Yi Lin calmly slapped Jie Lei into pieces and asked again: "Seven hundred and twenty-three years?"

Green: "Yes, seven hundred and twenty-three years."

If it were placed in the era when Qi practitioners were at their peak, Yi Lin's demeanor of chatting while going through tribulations would definitely shock the people in the industry.

But Yi Lin felt that this kind of behavior was ordinary, because it was just a thunder robbery and there was really no excitement.

He was just getting the job done.

Moreover, Yi Lin felt that the power of this thunderbolt had really become an ordinary thunder and lightning, without any "rules" power contained in it.

After smashing it down, it feels normal.

Really average.

Yi Lin casually smashed several tribulation thunders into pieces and was very dissatisfied with Green's "long story", but he was too embarrassed to point it out and asked cautiously: "It's really gone?"

"No, just take your time and play, I'll squint for a understand."

Green disappeared.

Of course Yi Lin understands.

The current little bat Green is just a clone of the real Green.

She looks like she is sleeping, but she is actually invading the dreams of various creatures, creating nightmares, and feeding on them.

For a promise, Yilin once contributed "eight years" of nightmares to Greene. In the dream, Yilin was tortured to death. Unless there were special circumstances, it would be okay not to do this equivalent transaction with Greene.

Yi Lin calmly waited for the disaster to end while checking the farm.

Looking around from a high altitude, surrounded by the sea, this farm seems to be located on a lonely island.

The farm is divided into many areas, and each area has many greenhouses. There are even fully automatic irrigation systems in the greenhouses.

There is even a port on one side of the island, and there is an open space in the port. There is a circle in the open space with an "H" written in it. As expected, it should be a small heliport.

"Could this be the world more than seven hundred years later?"

Have we all entered the era of full automation?

Technology is developing very fast!

As Yi Lin thought about it, more than fifty thunderbolts had fallen.

His free method has a "code" related to "thunder and lightning". By the way, he decomposes the energy of thunder and lightning and transports it to the hub, creating a new soul clone on the Infinite Throne.

To create a soul clone requires a lot of "energy". The purest energy is "spiritual energy value", and the rest of the energy carriers can be "converted" into soul clones, but there is a certain amount of loss involved. , not as convenient as "charging".

He can no longer act as a human being to a large extent now. Even if he stays in place and allows the "Five Thunders from the Zenith" to strike, he won't feel much.

Oh, I just have a little headache.

Yi Lin's hair stood on end as she easily blocked the calamity thunder while wondering what was going on.

His attribute panel has changed too much.

Strength and agility, these two attributes directly broke through the realm of first-level locks and surpassed the limits of the human body.

Both luck and charm have almost fallen below the lower limit.

Perhaps being struck by lightning as soon as he appeared on the stage may have something to do with this reason.

After a while.

The tribulation is completed.

Yi Lin felt refreshed.

It feels like a wonderful electrotherapy treatment.

He started exploring the farm.

Along the coast, many forts were set up.

There are many sensing devices on the sea surface.

These sensing devices are connected to coastal forts.

Once an "intruder" is sensed, these will activate themselves and attack with full force.

What is grown on the farm is not some melon canopy vegetables, but "coarse grains" used to provide nutrients such as "starch".

"Huh? This is...?"

Yi Lin noticed that in the center of each shed, the irrigation device had a structure that Yi Lin couldn't quite understand.

It looks like a combustion furnace, with a lid on the front that can be opened and "fuel" filled inside.

But how could a perfectly good planting shed be related to a boiler?

Next to the "boiler", there is another panel with a percentage number on it.

It seems to be recording the remaining amount of "fuel" in the "boiler".

Driven by curiosity, Yi Lin opened the lid and took out the "fuel" inside.

The so-called fuel is a dark green irregular solid, which looks like earth and stone, and looks strangely familiar. Moreover, the density of those solids was very low. Yi Lin held it carefully in her hands. With a little force, those dark green solids turned into powder in Yi Lin's hands and fell down between her fingers.

When the solid turned into powder, Yilin smelled a familiar smell.

"It's spiritual scum!"

Yi Lin was stunned for a moment, and then finally understood what this thing was.

Many, many years ago, when Yi Lin opened the furnace in Zhujian Mountain, he threw materials and spiritual stones into the furnace, and finally the useless slag left was... spiritual slag.

In the past, spiritual scum was used and thrown away.

I never thought it could be used for recycling.

After a little research, Yi Lin understood the principle of this irrigation system.

Using the trace amounts of spiritual energy contained in the spiritual residue as fertilizer can greatly shorten the cultivation cycle of crops and increase yields.

The entire island uses this special irrigation system based on "spiritual slag".

Moreover, Yi Lin also felt it.

The composition of the "aura" in the air is very close to the air in the real world, and the aura component can be ignored.

"What happened in the past seven hundred years?"

"Tu tu tu tu..."

From outside the island, the sound of rapid propeller rotation was heard.

Yi Lin's eyes narrowed, and threads of flowing light appeared in his field of vision.

This is...reason.

Big, thick, and concentrated.


Yi Lin perked up.

In this life, I haven't bothered with anything.

He looked down and found that he was naked, so Yi Lin returned to the underground facility where he "broken out of his cocoon".

The underground facilities are heavily defended, but they cannot prevent teleportation.

Yi Lin found many neatly folded clothes in one of the rooms - pure white and clean, almost like hospital gowns.

There are many disposable daily necessities on the cabinet in the room.

Although Yi Lin is an "ancient person", he has also been exposed to similar things.

He took a shower, brushed his teeth, dried his hair, used conditioner, and changed into clean clothes.

After looking in the mirror, to avoid misunderstanding, Yi Lin rubbed her facial muscles and fine-tuned her appearance for a moment to look exactly the same as in her previous life.

After completing a series of preparations, Yi Lin appeared on the tarmac the next second.


There was a dark green-painted helicopter suspended in the air, with several gun barrels underneath the helicopter.

A conspicuous logo is painted on the side of the fuselage. The logo is an "ancient sword", and next to the logo, the four words "Lin Xue Group" are clearly printed.

"Lin Xue..."

Yi Lin looked straight at the word "Lin Xue" and repeated it twice, saying everything... without saying anything.


The cabin door suddenly opened, and a figure jumped out of a helicopter hundreds of meters high without stopping.

The white-haired and childlike Xia Ruxue now has sassy short hair. She smiled with tears in her eyes, opened her arms in mid-air, and fell freely with a gesture of "I want to hug you."

"Senior brother..."

Reunion in this life.

Seven hundred and twenty-three years have passed.

There are no colorful auspicious clouds,

Without all the attention,

Not vigorously,

There is no broad agreement between life and death,

There is no bloody passion.

Bland, ordinary.

A woman whose youth had passed away threw herself into the arms of a man who had just been "born" for less than half a day.

Everything was so natural, it just happened.

While Yi Lin was taking a shower, she pondered for twenty minutes, thinking about what opening line to use to start the story of this life.

After much thought, Yi Lin couldn't come up with a perfect answer.

But when Xia Ruxue was nestled in his arms and Yi Lin lowered his head and looked at the trembling shoulders, he felt an inexplicable pain in his heart and subconsciously hugged the weak body tightly.

"Long time no see, junior sister."

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