Infinity Throne

Chapter 1013 The world is in pieces

Xia Ruxue's experience was even worse than Yi Lin's.

She has been a princess, a young monk, an empress, the head of a family, and a female CEO of a company.

The experiences of these years did not leave traces of time on Xia Ruxue's cheeks, but in her eyes, the emotions of these years were crushed into pieces, filled in her eyes, and turned into various emotions. Deep love.

She is no longer the ignorant little girl she used to be.

Now she is brave, strong and fearless.

She knows that time waits for no one and time shows no mercy.

She also knows that once some people don't cherish them in time, they will look back again or say goodbye forever.

She didn't want to leave any regrets at the end of her life.

Even if her words have been hidden for seven hundred years, as long as they can bear fruit today, all the suffering will be worth it.

All the hardships she has experienced, if the ending is happy, then all this is the best arrangement given by God.

The moment Xia Ruxue said those words,

Yi Lin felt as if there was a hammer in his mind, slamming him awake.

Summer is like snow.

Summer is like snow.

Summer is like snow.

At this moment, the only thing left in Yi Lin's mind was this name.

I do not know how long it has been.

Yi Lin hugged Xia Ruxue tightly.

"No, junior sister, take back what you said."

Xia Ruxue was stunned.

Tears filled her eyes.

She thought her affectionate confession was going to be fed to the dog.

But before Xia Ruxue burst into tears,

Yi Lin seemed to have spent her whole life trying to say something to Xia Ruxue.

"Marry me... Xia Ruxue."

Xia Ruxue was stunned,

Tears streaming down my face.

Yi Lin flicked her finger.

The light curtain fell.

The light rains down and turns into endless vitality.

In the decaying forest house, the soil is moist, dead trees are blooming in spring, and small white flowers are blooming all over the mountains and fields.

The two embraced each other in the sea of ​​flowers, and the silence at this moment was better than the sound.

Xia Ruxue felt that even if she died now, she would have no regrets.

"How did you find me seven hundred years ago?"

Xia Ruxue rubbed the tears from the corners of her eyes and smiled through her tears: "It's not important. Anyway, I found it."


"Brother, let's go back."

"Back to where?"


"Speaking of which, I don't see the tombs of Lao Chen and Brother Jian here. Could it be that they are still alive?"

"Well," Xia Ruxue smiled happily: "Senior Brother Jian and Senior Chen are still alive. And... Senior Brother, let's go back quickly. I believe 'they' will be happy to see you back!"


Before leaving.

Yi Lin picked bunches of flowers and placed them in front of each grave.

That kind of feeling is extremely complicated.

"Dad, Mom. The child is unfilial, so I'm here to visit."

Arriving at the graves of Father Lin and Mother Lin, Yi Lin knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times.

"Lin Yi is dead. If there really is a 'world after death', Yi Lin hopes that the two elders and 'Lin Yi' will be carefree in the world there, facing the sea, with spring flowers blooming."

Xia Ruxue noticed the sadness in her "husband's" heart. She stood beside Yi Lin, took the initiative to hold Yi Lin's hand, and said with a smile: "Husband... ahem, senior brother, don't worry, the two elders are good people. They Live your life peacefully."

"I know, that's good."

Xia Ruxue lowered her head, her face as red as the clouds.

She actually wanted to take advantage of Yi Lin's inattention and change her name to "husband" so that the matter could be confirmed.

But when things came to pass, Xia Ruxue felt embarrassed again.

She always used to call her "senior brother".

This title belongs to Lin Yi.

She has been calling for more than seven hundred years.

If it were Senior Brother Jian, she would always add the word "Jian" in front of the word "Senior Brother".

And senior brother is senior brother, irreplaceable senior brother.

After sweeping the grave.

The two left Lin Zhai side by side and returned to the port where they met again.

"Ergou, you can come back."

Xia Ruxue took out a walkie-talkie and called into the walkie-talkie.

Two dogs?

Weird name.

Yi Lin didn't ask any more questions, but he remembered another thing.

"The previous generation of head...Did Murong Shuangxue pass on the Empress's legacy to you?"

"Yes, senior brother, how do you know? Oh, do you want it?"

The implication seems to be: If you want it, I will give it to you.

Xia Ruxue glanced at Yi Lin curiously.

Yi Lin shook his head and did not beg for it, but asked: "If I remember correctly, that treasure has the function of traveling through space. It is not much faster than a helicopter."

"Helicopter? Oh, senior brother, are you talking about the take-off machine?" There are subtle differences in the names of the same vehicle in different worldviews. Xia Ruxue knew that Yi Lin was a "visitor from another world", so she didn't care about it. Surprised, she looked a little helpless and explained:

"Senior brother, I don't know. Since the spiritual energy has dried up, the surviving monks no longer use spells easily until they are at the critical moment of life and death."


"The spiritual energy is exhausted, and the monks can no longer draw the spiritual energy needed for practice from between heaven and earth. Once a spell is cast, the true energy of one's life needs to be used. If Xue'er guessed correctly, senior brother should have discovered the 'spiritual scum' on the farm."

"Could it be..." Yi Lin frowned.

"Spiritual slag is the only 'resource' left in the world that can extract spiritual energy." Xia Ruxue smiled: "However, in the market, this resource is called 'spiritual gold' by 'scavengers' ', the price is expensive, in order to allow Senior Chenbei and others to survive, Lin Xue Group spends huge sums of money to acquire spiritual gold every year."

It seems that this spiritual slag is already comparable to precious metals.

Yi Lin was silent.

From Xia Ruxue's few words, Yi Lin could understand how difficult it is for a monk to survive after his spiritual energy is exhausted.

According to the normal human lifespan, it can almost be said to be a "medical miracle" that Chen Bei and others can survive to this day.

They can survive until now because of these "resources".

During the conversation between the two.

The helicopter circled hard around the island for a long time, and finally flew back after receiving the president's order.

Xia Ruxue deliberately set aside time for her "senior brothers and sisters" to be alone.

This operation is perfect.

Xia Ruxue was extremely excited.

"President, should we go back directly?"

The driver was a rough man nearly two meters tall. The cockpit was originally very spacious, but he seemed very aggrieved when he was squeezed into it alone, giving people the illusion of squatting on the toilet.

The driver named "Er Gou" had a ring of fine hair on his face, and when he grinned, his two pointed canine teeth shone coldly.

When Yi Lin saw it, his expression was startled, but before he could ask any questions, Ergou turned halfway with difficulty and stretched out his hand towards Yi Lin.

"You, you, you...are you Taichi, the great demon hero who saved the world seven hundred years ago! I have admired you for a long time!"

"Is it true that the sky was mended? How was it mended? Can I mend it too?"

"My father always said that the Taiyi he knew was a great hero who was upright, tall, mighty, handsome, and respected by everyone!"

Ergou kept talking, his face flushed and he was very excited.

As the "culprit", Yi Lin was so praised that he was confused. Why did he feel that what these two dogs said didn't sound like he was sending money?

Xia Ruxue turned her head and tried her best to hold back her laughter, almost losing her breath.

After a while, she explained with a straight face: "His full name is Xuan Ergou, and he is the son of Xuan Ci, who was with you... in conquering the world."

It turns out to be Brother Gou’s baby!

Yi Lin suddenly realized.

I never expected that, Brother Dog, you would be such a dog brother!

He praised people to heaven without saying a word.

Yi Lin shook hands with the opponent with a blushing face and said modestly: "Reward, reward."

Ergou was very happy and skillfully started the helicopter.

Helicopter across ocean.

Although the monks would not easily use spells due to the depletion of spiritual energy, it might be faster for Yi Lin to do it on her own.

But Xia Ruxue seemed to enjoy the time when the two of them were alone. She put her head on Yi Lin's shoulder without any scruples, closed her eyes, trembled her eyelashes, and hummed a song.

Then leave it to Junior Sister.

Yi Lin looked at Xuan'er above her junior sister's head.

There was some emotion in my heart.

There are many things that need to be lamented.

It has been nearly eight hundred years since he came to this world, including the time spent in reincarnation.

Over the past eight hundred years, the world has undergone tremendous changes, everything has changed, things have changed, and people have changed, which is sad.

He was fortunate enough to witness with his own eyes the changes and trends of the world over the past eight hundred years.

Flying over the sea.

The waves of the sea are sparkling.

Yi Lin looked down at the sea, and he discovered that the beautiful "glitter" was actually composed of many fish carcasses and turned-out white bellies. Such a beautiful scenery under the sun meant the disappearance and withering of life. This completely different feeling of contrast made Yi Lin silent.

After one hour.

The helicopter returned to Dongsheng Shenzhou.

What was once a coastal city has become an uninhabited ruin, and what was once a plain is covered with ravines.

There are many ferocious and strange beasts looking for food on the devastated land.

Rotten bones are piled up in the wilderness.

These bones include those of humans and animals.

In the wilderness, a straight road was built.

But on both sides of the road, there are either ruins, ravines, or jungles, completely deserted.

Yi Lin could identify some potholes that seemed to be the traces left by the bombardment of large thermal weapons.

This world is broken.

Lin Xue Group's helicopter passed through several "cities".

Steel walls were built around the city to isolate the city from the outside world.

The yellow sand blown up from time to time obscures the distant scenery, filling the whole world with an aura of desolation and corruption.

"Senior brother, do you still remember this place?"

Xia Ruxue pointed to the city: "That was the Lumen Pass back then. Because of the dangerous terrain, it is now a branch of our Lin Xue Group."

Steel bars and iron cables cover the city.

From a height, the city looks like a fortress.

Yi Lin remained silent and just nodded.

After crossing Lumen Pass.

Another half hour passed.

In the distance from them, a city with cold steel shining in the sun appeared in the helicopter's field of vision.

"Here we are!"

Xia Ruxue held Yi Lin's arm tightly.

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