Infinity Throne

Chapter 1022 A dream within reach

The next day.

Three poles in the sun.

Warm sunshine shines into the wedding room.

Yi Lin waved her hand and opened the window for ventilation.

He woke up early and was thinking about life.

The sleeping junior sister occasionally murmured in her sleep, and her whole body was wrapped around his waist like an octopus, pressing her so tightly that Yi Lin could not move.

"You have indeed grown up."

Yi Lin's eyes wandered and she sighed secretly.

In her sleep, the junior sister's crescent-shaped eyebrows were slightly frowned. Just when Yi Lin was curious about what the junior sister was dreaming about, she squeezed out a dream sentence from Xia Ruxue's slightly dry lips:

"Senior brother... don't go die..."

Yi Lin: "..."

He carefully moved his junior sister's hands and legs away without waking her up, got dressed, washed her clothes, and brushed her teeth.

The two of them were sweating last night and were soaked. Even if his current "entropy beast" bloodline was unusual, he should be washed well.

Washing is healthier.

As the saying goes, a man will be "reborn" three times in his life.

The first time was when the baby fell to the ground,

The second time is when the weak crown reaches adulthood,

And the third time was after the wedding night.

Yi Lin looked at himself in the mirror. Although his face had not changed at all, he always felt that there was something extra in his eyes.

That is a heavy sense of responsibility.

He is no longer alone.

In this world, he has a care that is difficult to let go of.


When Yi Lin walked out of the bathroom, he found that his junior sister was wrapped in a quilt, covering her head and face tightly, revealing two bright eyes, looking directly at her.

"What's wrong? Are you hungry?"

"No." Xia Ruxue shook her head: "Junior sister is still doubting whether she is still in a dream at this moment."

Yi Lin walked to the bed, moved her face closer, and held the other person's hand: "I'm right here."

"I know that senior brother will leave this world one day, so even if it is a dream, junior sister is not willing to wake up. Ah, I'm sorry, senior brother, I shouldn't have said this..."

"Don't forget, I said, I want to take 'you' out of this world."

"Is the place where senior brother is located the legendary fairyland?"

"No, they are all human beings. In my world, there are many, many people who have the same emotions, intrigues, and ugliness, but they also have beauty. They are not much different from this world."

"Yes." Xia Ruxue nodded gently under the quilt, her eyes gradually filled with longing for the future.

Her vision is,

She can grow old together with her senior brother - at least his hair must be as white as hers;

She and her senior brother gave birth to a daughter, named Xueer;

The senior brother said that they would live in a place where the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant. They would farm and barbecue, walk the dog and look at the flowers, without any worries.

These are dreams.

But now, the dream seems within reach.

Yi Lin whispered a few words to Xia Ruxue, then let Xia Ruxue sleep for a while while he went out by himself.

Because now there is almost a crowd of people outside the new house.

If he hadn't set up a barrier last night, the flower girl might have come knocking on the door early in the morning.

Xia Ruxue probably also expected that it was not peaceful outside, and she refused to go out. Coupled with the pain of breaking the melon, she decided not to go out to meet people today and sleep in the bed that smelled like her senior brother.

Yi Lin opened the door.


A group of old men gathered around.

Jian Nanchun was filled with emotion: "Junior brother, you have worked hard!"

Butterfly wondered: "But there was no movement last night!"

Brother Dog: "You don't understand. Taiyi's blood magic is so weird and ever-changing, and the sound isolation and shock absorption magic is definitely not a problem!"

Brother Dog hit it by mistake and guessed it right.

Jian Nanchun had dark circles under his eyes.

He tortured the two demons in the fighting game all night last night. Although he was exhausted now, his voice was powerful: "How do you know that he is reincarnated with the blood of the demon clan in this life? The one my junior brother uses is the secret of my Heavenly Sword Sect. He teaches mystical skills and doesn’t know how to talk nonsense!”

Several people and monsters fought around Yi Lin for a while, and Jian Nanchun squeezed in again, laughing: "How are you? Are you pregnant?"

Yi Lin... was stunned.

"Get out of the way!"

The flower girl carried a bucket of steaming food and kicked away the group of old immortals with three punches and two kicks.

"Son, thank you for your hard work. Call Xue'er quickly so you two can recuperate!"

Yi Lin stared at Hua Niang's bucket suspiciously. He smelled the complex aroma inside: "What's in it...?"

"There are good things in here, great tonics, including hops, eggs, mountain antler, animal bones, spiritual ginseng, and many great tonic elixirs. Although these elixirs are not as good as those that have been around for hundreds of years. before, but it also has certain effects.”

Yi Lin was reluctant at first.

But at the flower girl's request, he still ate a bowl with tears in his eyes.

By the way, Yi Lin secretly sent half a bucket to Xia Ruxue, who was shy and refused to come out of the room.

After eating and drinking enough.

The flower girl calls Yi Rin aside.

"Sit down here. Mom will give you something."

After a while, Hua Niang handed a board to Yi Lin.

"Organization book!"

"So the real name of 'Book of Heaven' is 'Book of Zhili'?" Hua Niang suddenly realized.

Yi Lin excused herself without any pretense and put the book of papers away.

This is what Yi Lin is bound to win.

Even if the flower girl doesn't give it, Yi Lin will take the initiative to ask for it.

If you want to leave this world, one of the "seven keys" is indispensable.

This time when she came into contact with [Original Book], no "future fragment" popped up in front of Yi Lin's eyes.

He was not in a hurry. After putting it away, Yi Lin looked at Hua Niang with emotion: "You gave it to me, what about you?"

"The Zhili book belongs to you." Hua Niang shook her head: "Mom actually planned to give it to you in my last life, but you walked too fast when you were mending the sky, and mom didn't have time."

It seems that Hua Niang is like this, and Xia Ruxue is like this, thinking deeply about the "heroic sacrifices" of her last two lives.

This is unlucky.

"Besides..." Hua Niang smiled at the corner of her eyes: "Mom's wish has been fulfilled."

Yi Lin nodded.

The mother and son in the previous life were silent for a while, and Hua Niang asked again: "When do you plan to leave?"

Yi Lin looked at Hua Niang in surprise, but after a while, Yi Lin guessed: "Did you 'see' something?"

Hua Niang shook her head and said she had guessed.

"You don't belong here."

Yi Lin did not hide anything and told Hua Niang her plan.

"You want to take us... all away?"

Hua Niang was shocked by Yi Lin's unreasonable thoughts.

"I believe there must be a way. Even if the future is uncertain, there must be a way to the future that exists. I believe so. I have witnessed this with my own eyes." If there is an 'effect', then there must be a 'cause' waiting for me somewhere in this world. I believe I won't be away for too long, and it won't take long for me to find out the answer. Just... go out with her. Honeymoon.”

Yi Lin's logic is very clear.

Since in his world, "Xia Ruxue" exists.

There is a "daughter".

This shows that there must be a way for Xia Ruxue to reach his world.

So if he were to be greedy and bring others back to his world except Xia Ruxue, wouldn't it be too much?

Not too much at all.

Even though time and space are messed up and the past and future are unclear, Yi Lin has always believed in this.

However, Yi Lin still doesn't know the method and mystery.

Xiaoxi said that she left [Ten Messages] and [Seven Keys] in this world.

It goes without saying that there are ten messages, but these seven keys are:

[Human Emperor's Seal], [Xianxian Spear], [Guili Sword], [Organization Book], [Three Life Stones], and finally the "Tissuo" on Xia Ruxue, which is now the heart of the "community" between Wang Xiaohu and Mo Luo And the "something" that exists.

In the evening, Xia Ruxue came out shyly.

When she thought of Hua Niang's expression when she brought the clothes in, she wanted to take out her Frost Snow Sword, cut a ditch on the ground, and hide in it.

Who asked the senior brother to "disintegrate" her clothes into pieces by raising his hand?

So shameful.

In the following time, Yi Lin stayed with Lao Chen and others in a nursing home for a month.

He suffers from back pain every day and works hard, making him a model husband.

Xia Ruxue is worried every morning.

For nothing else.

What bothered her was why her hair hadn't grown longer so she could wear it in a womanly bun.

Although the senior brother didn't care about this, Xia Ruxue always felt that it would be more ritualistic to comb her hair like a young woman.

One month later.

What was supposed to come came.

Xia Ruxue came to her senior brother depressedly and said with a sad face: "Senior brother... I'm not pregnant."

"It's okay, keep trying harder." Yi Lin comforted.

Xia Ruxue hopes to give birth to a daughter who is lively, cute, gentle, well-behaved and pleasant.

She hopes that her daughter's eyebrows will follow hers, and her outline will be like that of her senior brother.

She hopes that her daughter will have a good heart and like small animals.

Unfortunately, I didn’t get pregnant this time.

Xia Ruxue returned to bed depressedly.

After Chen Bei woke up this time, his health gradually improved.

It seems like a flashback.

Yi Lin knew a little bit about medical skills. He checked Chen Bei's health from time to time and found that Chen Bei's body was full of decay and he would not live long.

And the reason why he looks rosy and has a loud voice now is probably because of his second spring.

After Chen Bei got drunk with Yi Lin that night, he quit drinking. He painted smoke with his teacher every day, watching the morning glow and facing the west at dusk, enjoying the rest of his life.

Xia Ruxue's body has almost recovered.

Yi Lin counted the remaining days of Chen Bei and told the others about her plans.

"I decided to go out for a walk with my junior sister for our honeymoon."

The other old immortals naturally applauded him in farewell.

But Xia Ruxue knew that the senior brother was looking for a way to take all of them out of this world together.

"The shortest is ten days, the longest is three months, I will be back."

Yi Lin assured.

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