Infinity Throne

Chapter 1028 Yi Lin VS Mo Luo!

In mid-air.

Yi Lin summons Night Dire.

The Cybertronian gentleman's speed was unstoppable. In the blink of an eye, Yi Lin and the motorcycle became one, like a black stream of light, blending into the night.

"Wandering Arms!"

Red and white light condensed from Yi Lin's neck downwards, and instantly transformed into a gunman's trench coat that floated like the wind.

"Mara...come here!"

Yilin swooped over to the enemy camp, rode on a motorcycle, and as if to show off, took out the five Empress' relics from the spiritual sea at the same time.

[Guili Sword],

[Human Emperor’s Seal],

[Weaving Book],

[Xianxian Spear],

[Noah's Ark No.9999 Prototype].

The moment the five Empress' treasures appeared at the same time, there seemed to be some kind of resonance between them, each emitting a different color of light.

This made Yi Lin, who was riding on Night Dire, seem to be holding five shining stars.

It was obvious that he was "taunting" the BOSS.

When Yi Lin appeared,

In the depths of the boundless darkness, an obvious commotion suddenly appeared.

A dark shadow moved silently in the darkness, attacking Yi Lin.

A rich darkness, the color changes inside are difficult to detect.

But Yi Lin is the "master of stealth". Among engineers and scholars, no one knows stealth better than him.

Even though the dark shadow was deliberately mixed with the dark protective color, Yilin still noticed that the opponent was moving at high speed from the subtle changes in the surrounding space.

It... is coming!

Lord of Shadows!

At this moment, Yi Lin was facing such a high-dimensional existence for the first time. Even if the other party was just a small clone of the "Lord of Shadows", Yi Lin did not dare to be careless.

The moment he noticed the movement in the dark night, he turned the car around without hesitation and flew high into the sky.

No matter how awesome the Lord of Shadows is, this clone acts as a "Mara" in this world.

Seven hundred years ago, Mo Luo was a monk of the Demon Sect. In other words... even after merging with Wang Xiaohu and becoming a semi-mechanical life form, Moluo Wang Xiaohu is likely to rely on spiritual energy to act to some extent.

In the Nine Heavens, one can weaken the opponent to some extent.

Yi Lin thought so and sprinted high into the sky without hesitation.

Even if his guess is wrong, it's not a loss. After all, the harsh environment of Jiuchongtian has little impact on Yilin.

Even if he cannot strengthen himself, as long as it is possible to "weaken" the opponent's environment, Yilin can treat it as his home court.

The engine is roaring and the exhaust pipe is roaring. The Cybertronian Gentleman Nightmare, who has not appeared for a long time, is fully powered this time and wants to perform well.

A black stream of light pierced the sky. From the ground, Yi Lin turned into a dark light and shot straight into the sky. Behind him, a vast and boundless shadow twisted and spread, chasing after him like a formless peerless beast. The taillights of the Night Dire darken the world crazily and recklessly.


The opponent's speed is too fast!

Yi Lin felt the pressure behind her and sweat broke out in her palms. This pressure did not come from her own psychology. His intuition told him that it would be very dangerous once the "darkness" caught up with him.

In a blink of an eye,

The surrounding air became thinner and thinner. Yi Lin and the Night Dire vehicle merged into one, breaking through layers of sky barriers and reaching a hundred thousand miles of blue sky.

The blue sky is like a clean pot lid, covering this broken land.

But this intoxicating scene did not last long. Shadows were chasing at high speed below. Even if Yi Lin did not have a "ground perspective", she could still imagine that what Xia Ruxue and the others saw at this moment must be an eternal night of despair. .

There was no light, no stars, no sun or moon, just a darkness that was so oppressive that it was hard to breathe.


Even without Mara's guidance, the shadow soldiers charged towards the high wall according to the established trajectory.

They crashed into the high wall without fear of death. The villa on the high wall was covered with dust and was about to collapse.

They knew very well that Yi Lin was fighting Mara on another battlefield. Chen Bei and others looked at each other, laughed, and took action almost indiscriminately.

This is the tail left by the old guys. Why only young people are allowed to contribute.

With a smile on his face, Chen Bei raised his palm and pressed it down. A deep, bottomless pit in the shape of a palm instantly appeared under the high wall.

With one man and one sword, Nie Shanhe carved out a thousand-foot ravine.

Jian Nanchun had one person and one umbrella. As the light from the umbrella fell, mysterious formations fell down one by one.

Hua Niang changed her attitude, two pointed fangs protruded from the corners of her mouth, and her eyes glowed with a bloodthirsty red light. Without saying a word, she rushed into the enemy's formation, punching and kicking her. Between her fists and kicks, the shadow soldiers were smashed into pieces and sent flying, causing the ground to shake.

Big monsters such as Niuyou, Gouge, Miaomiao, Juer, Bai Chuchu, Guzhu, etc., show their true bodies.

The huge white tiger, the roaring green bull, the fire-breathing dog, the spreading poison ivy, the agile cat demon, the bird-man flying in the sky, all the demon clans are blocking the shadow soldiers of Mara in their own way. Outside the high wall created by Yi Lin.

In this life, there is no barrier between humans and monsters, and they have truly become a close family.

They know very well that the barrier between humans and monsters can be eliminated because of one person.

A man lived three lives and committed suicide in two lives. As a "human race" and a "demon race" respectively, he went deep into the relationship between the two races. After deeply understanding these two races, the two races, the human race and the demon race, truly reached the level of Men who have "mutual understanding".

The ground was in full swing.

The old guys are fighting hard too.

Everyone is fighting, fighting for life, fighting for heaven, and fighting for the world.

Nine heavens.

Shadows came, covering the sky.

The Cybertronian gentleman roared and turned into a Cybertronian biker, ready for a big fight.

"Okay, you can go down now, go down and help."

Yi Lin kicked Nightmare down to the ninth level.

The stunned Nightmare fell to the ground like a meteorite amid the fierce air friction.

In the heavy sky, the screams of night terrors rang out.

"Oh No~ I don't want this kind of thing!!!"

Night Dire brought him to the ninth heaven and completed the "Che Che" mission.

At this moment, Yi Lin almost faced Mara with full spiritual energy and blood.

During her honeymoon trip with Xia Ruxue, Yi Lin selected a few wild beasts that looked particularly strong and extracted blood intent equivalent to approximately two units of "Xiao Yang's Power", which was nearly 20 points. Twenty points of temporary attribute values ​​can forcibly stack Yi Lin's status to the three basic attributes of strength, agility, and spirit, reaching the peak of "legendary level".

"Physical enhancement."

"Critical attack."




“Dynamic Vision.”


The capillaries on Yilin's body surface burst, and crystal-like blood formed complex circuits on the surface of Yilin's body.

At this moment, he regards himself as a "weapon" to refine and add buffs.

Yi Lin frantically slapped the "Free Method" on herself.

Rays of light flashed across Yi Lin's body.

He had done something similar when he faced the ultimate nightmare "Evil God" in the game world of Ouranos.

It's just that his body was still human at the time and could not withstand such a huge enhancement. After swinging a knife, his arms were blown into pieces by the force of the shock.

At this moment, after Yilin has experienced three reincarnations, her body's strength has far exceeded the category of "human". It cannot be compared to the same situation. Many operations that seemed almost "self-inflicted" in the past can now be easily performed.

Every mage has a dream of close combat!

After getting ready, Yi Lin dodged in the air.

Boundless darkness filled the space in front of her, and Yi Lin was swallowed up in the blink of an eye.

"Hand over the 'key'!"

In the darkness, a cold and ruthless voice came.

As its name suggests, the Master of Shadows hides in the shadows and does output without even intending to show his face.

The surrounding black shadows seemed to be accompanied by hundreds of tons of pressure. When Yi Lin was surrounded by the shadows, even though his body had been strengthened, he made an unbearable "click" sound in an instant. Yi Lin's body staggered. In mid-air, his body was compressed by the invisible darkness, and he was forcibly suppressed.

Under the pressure comparable to "ten times gravity", Yi Lin's body was severely injured, and hot blood spurted out from his skin, eyes, ears, mouth and nose, making him look as hideous and terrifying as a demon, extremely miserable.

Yi Lin endured the "thirty-level severe pain", gritted his teeth, clapped his palms in front of him, and in the blink of an eye, he forcibly pulled the boundless darkness into the space of evil thoughts.

At this time in the space of evil thoughts, countless "broken" textures appeared in the void, like pieces of broken mirrors, forcibly forming an incomplete piece.

And behind each fragment, there is a different layer of scenery, some are seas, some are mountains, some are cities, some are plains, and some are sky.

"I'll fight you!"

Yi Lin did not intend to use small fights to test the depth of Mo Luo. He first added BUFF, and then used lightning speed to solve the battle at the speed of light.

On the surface, this seems to be Yi Lin's plan.

"You want to trap me in just subspace?"

A disdainful roar came from the darkness, and around the black shadow, the layers of subspace were instantly dyed with an unknown black color, and the black spots were broken one after another. The shattered deep subspace and the surface subspace were collapsing one after another. The bizarre scenery in front of them was already difficult to describe in words.

In the subspace, it was as if someone had smashed a vat of colored ink of different colors, and these colored inks were quickly stirred and mixed, and finally dyed into a lusterless black.

The place was torn to pieces, and twisted black shadows turned into big hands, wreaking havoc in the subspace. The black twists passed through the broken space, squeezing towards Yilin from all directions.

"Analytical Horizon!"

"Thinking body!"

After Yilin's reincarnation, her dual attributes of strength and agility also entered the realm of "extraordinary", so that even without the attribute bonus of "Bloodthirsty Disaster", Yilin could easily use "Analytical Vision" and "Extraordinary" [Thinking Body] Two kinds of extraordinary "strengthening".

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