Infinity Throne

Chapter 1031

Wang Xiaohu wanted to die.

The others were not familiar with Wang Xiaohu and did not rashly dissuade him.

Yi Lin, on the other hand, had already expected this result and would not be too surprised.

Yi Lin waved her hand, and the prototype of Noah's Ark appeared, with a flash of light, wrapping everyone in it.

In the blink of an eye, everyone in the light shuttle crossed thousands of miles of ocean and arrived at Xiniu Hezhou, a certain steel city.

This is the headquarters of the Mo Luo Group. Over the years, Mo Luo and Wang Xiaohu have built a steel empire here.

"I'll take Yan Qianxiu out."

Wang Xiaohu stepped into it alone.

Everyone was silent.

Xia Ruxue rubbed her husband's palm: "Is this really good?"

Yi Lin nodded expressionlessly.

After a while, Yi Lin chuckled helplessly: "That's it."

"What did senior brother want to understand again?"

"Now I finally understand the cause of Zen Master Kuye's death. He should have been vaguely aware that today, seven hundred years later, Wang Xiaohu will come as a 'big devil'. This is also the 'devil' predicted by Zen Master Kuye. Star', turns out to be Mo Luo and Wang Xiaohu."

"But why did Zen Master Kuye die?"

"I don't quite understand that feeling, but Wang Xiaohu's words made me understand one thing." Yi Lin looked in the direction of the gate of the Moluo Group and said softly: "No matter what Zen Master Kuye was planning back then, his education, Today, Wang Xiaohu is relieved and has no regrets."

Wang Xiaohu, who stepped out from the Moluo Group, was carrying a steel coffin on his back. The front of the coffin was made of translucent glass, and a green liquid was vaguely floating inside. Yan Qianxiu's body was soaked in the liquid.

But after so many years, it is impossible for the body to be preserved intact. The body in the coffin has already shown obvious decay. But today, seven hundred years later, Yan Qianxiu's body has not rotted into bones. This must be a combination of science and metaphysics. final results.

The prototype of Noah's Ark is like a bus, it comes and leaves at a moment's notice.

Within an hour, you can come and go as you please, which is very convenient.

Yi Lin took Wang Xiaohu and others across thousands of mountains and seas again and returned to the former Qingniu Village.

This place has long since become a ruin, with wild beasts entrenched inside.

Because Jian Nanchun and others' actions were equivalent to krypton's fate, Yi Lin worked hard to use her magical powers to clean up the ruins of Qingniu Village without saying a word.

This place has long lost any of its former charm, with ruins and ruins everywhere.

Wang Xiaohu chose a place, dug a pit, and buried Yan Qianxiu.

He took the opportunity to dig a hole next to Yan Qianxiu.

This is the trap Wang Xiaohu left for himself.

Once the "heart" is removed, he won't live long.

Today is the day to leave.

The people he cared about in this world were all there, and Yi Lin didn't need to say goodbye.

Six treasures of light floated in the sky, and Wang Xiaohu's chest, attracted by the other treasures, also emitted a hazy glow through his body surface.

The seven treasures are finally gathered together!

Including the [Three Life Stones], the remaining six treasures were slowly approaching Wang Xiaohu.

Countless streams of light intertwined around him. With a thought in his mind, Yi Lin waved his hand and sent the others a hundred steps away.

But when he was about to push Xia Ruxue away, Xia Ruxue held on tightly and shook her head: "No matter what, we are husband and wife, we will face life and death together, and we will face it together."


Yi Lin was silent.

The seven treasures are merging.

The seven treasures Xiao Xi left behind were broken down into streams of dazzling white light under the guidance of certain rules.

The texture of these streams of light was very familiar to Yi Lin. It was clearly the light that filled the surroundings in the "waiting room" before he entered the trial.

This is,

The light of [Xi Paradise]!

The seven treasures merged into one, and the alloy plate on Wang Xiaohu's chest shattered, and a round sphere emerged from the corner, about to break out of Wang Xiaohu's body.

And behind Wang Xiaohu,

A looming white door appeared!

On the white door, there are interlaced chains that tightly close the door.

In the center of all the intertwined chains, a big "lock" is particularly conspicuous.

On that lock, the light and shadow are colorful, flickering and appearing, seeming to exist between reality and illusion.

Wang Xiaohu's face showed pain, and he was obviously suffering from the pain of "heartbreaking".

If he became a complete "mechanical life", he would naturally not be able to feel pain, but if only a part of his body was transformed into a mechanical component, the pain would still hurt.

Although Yi Lin couldn't bear to see her former friends suffer such pain, Yi Lin had already made up her mind to achieve his goal no matter what.

"I'm sorry, Xiaohu."

"Let's do it, Brother Lin." Xiaohu closed his eyes and said.

Others don't know what's going on.

They only saw six rays of light approaching Wang Xiaohu.

They couldn't see the door.

Yi Lin walked closer to the white door, vaguely aware that something was wrong. The state of the door gave him a strange feeling.

Logically speaking, the door shouldn't be so looming.

No, according to the norm, the way he "returned" this time is also unusual.

Yeah, unusual.

These days, Yi Lin has been guessing about the deep meaning of Xiao Xi leaving seven keys.

If it is a normal return, he does not need to have a key at all. He only needs to complete the main mission and meet the return conditions, and he can go back.

Why did you leave the key?

Yi Lin speculated that the reason why Xiao Xi left the seven keys was to allow Yi Lin to return to "Xi Paradise" in a "different" way!

It was this incident that gave Yi Lin the idea of ​​"bringing everyone back".

He wants to forcefully use the key to open the "Return Passage" and take everyone...back!

Yi Lin's eyes narrowed, and the seven keys were about to merge into one key.

On the white door leaf, numerous chains appeared with dense cracks as they were "keyed together".


Yi Lin's vision turned scarlet like blood.

Between him and the door, layers of illusory walls appeared.

The illusory walls are all composed of [No Pass].

Yi Lin is not allowed to pass here!

Dazzling warning text was written in front of Yi Lin.

【warn! 】

【warn! 】

【warn! 】

[An illegal intruder was detected and forced into "Xi Paradise" through illegal means. 】

[An illegal intruder was detected and forced into "Xi Paradise" through illegal means. 】

[An illegal intruder was detected and forced into "Xi Paradise" through illegal means. 】

[The "anti-intrusion program" will be launched soon. 】

[The "anti-intrusion program" will be launched soon. 】

[The "anti-intrusion program" will be launched soon. 】

"Illegal intruder?...Me?"

He was actually judged as... an illegal intruder!

At this point, Wang Xiaohu's body fell down.

A colorful "key"-shaped fluid body floats in front of the door lock.

But as the warning text appeared, the "key" was blocked from the door and was trying to break through.

A giant scale, covered with intricate textures, appears in the sky.

A cold and ruthless female voice came from the phantom of the scale:

"According to the 'convention',"

"Article 17864,"

"Rule 573,"

"'Intruder' detected."

"According to the 'details', the 'erasure' procedure will be carried out."

The expressions of everyone present changed.

Although Hua Niang, Xia Ruxue, Jian Nanchun, Chen Bei and others could not see the door, they could not see the fancy warning text.

But the voice in the sky seemed to be aimed at all of them. The cold, ruthless, machine-like voice made them feel as if they were immersed in ice water, and as if they were pressed under the mountains, so suppressed that they could not breathe. Angry.

Everyone looked at the sky. The huge phantom of the scale was higher than the sky, more dazzling than the scorching sun, and more transparent than the sky. A faint glow spreads over the world, but at this moment, no one has time to appreciate the magnificent beauty of the sky. They feel like they are being "watched" and "warned" by some kind of will.


A circle of faint ripples appeared behind Yi Lin.

No sign, no warning, no sound.

A young girl appeared in the ripples.

The girl's face is as sweet as a delicate doll and as peaceful as the moon.

She stood barefoot, with a few light snowflakes on her thin cotton-padded jacket shoulders.

Time seems to stand still.

At this moment, the girl walked towards Yi Lin's back step by step.

Yi Lin didn't seem to feel anything.


To be precise, everyone around seemed to have no reaction at all to the girl's appearance.

The girl walked quietly through the crowd and stepped out of the ripples. With every step she took, her body became more solid, becoming more and more like a complete person.

The girl stretched out her hand into the void beside her.

The space was distorted, and rays of light composed of numbers "1" and "0" quickly condensed into the shape of a dagger in the girl's hand.

If anyone pays attention, they will find that every step the girl takes is exactly the same and no less.

Her rhythm was as steady as a meticulous machine.

Her steps were as quiet as an elf who could not eat the fireworks of the world.

Everyone looked at the girl.

Their faces showed no reaction.

They actually saw it,


The strange and inconsistent feeling on the girl's body, which seemed to be isolated from the world, prevented them from making any reaction.

Everyone just watched helplessly as the girl raised her dagger and stabbed it gently into Yi Lin's back.


"Lin Yi!"

In this moment,

After a pause of less than one second,

Time that stood still spun again.


It was someone's sudden movement that broke the "illusion" that time stood still.

The people who started to move were Chen Bei and Hua Niang.

I saw,

Chenbei's seven orifices spurted out a large amount of blood, and his limbs were actually glowing like flames, burning and collapsing.

He is burning his body!

The moment Chen Bei and Hua Niang were "acting", the sound of "chains breaking" could be heard faintly in their ears.

Hua Niang stood between Dao and Yi Lin,

After Chen Bei burned his body, he gained a power that rivaled that of his peak, and punched the girl in the back.

This punch can destroy cities, open mountains, crack the ground, and kill people.



Yi Lin turned around in shock.

Between Yi Lin and the girl, Hua Niang was stabbed in the chest, her body turned into liquid, gradually collapsed and disappeared.

Chen Bei's right arm that punched was broken into ten pieces. The bones and flesh were mixed together and flew backwards a hundred meters away.

As the light of Hua Niang's body dissipated, Yi Lin's dilated pupils reflected the girl's familiar yet unfamiliar face.

It's Ling Yiyi.

It's his childhood sweetheart... Ling Yiyi! !

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